Following the announcements made at D23 2017, including a new Toy Story world and a new, lengthy trailer for Kingdom Hearts III, series director Tetsuya Nomura talked with the staff of IGN. In speaking with IGN, Tetsuya Nomura claims that their main focus is releasing the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Kingdom Hearts III, but that they will consider releasing Kingdom Hearts III for the Nintendo Switch. You can read Nomura's full quote below:
“The Nintendo Switch is definitely a very interesting piece of hardware, but if we lightly say, ‘Oh yeah, we’ll be on the Nintendo Switch,’ I’m sure people will come back and say, ‘But what about the PS4 and Xbox One? We want them out first. Don’t focus on other platforms ... So for now, we want to focus on what platforms we’ve already announced we’re going to be releasing Kingdom Hearts 3 on. And so after, perhaps, maybe we can start thinking about other possibilities.”
Nomura also talked about possibly releasing Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX on the Xbox One, saying that it is in consideration but that there might not be enough interest besides with the Western audience.
“Just like with the previous answer, if we were to announce yet another non-Kingdom Hearts 3 [project]...people are going to be like, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ So we will want to focus on releasing on the platforms that we have already announced. Do the Western audiences want Kingdom Hearts titles on the Microsoft or Xbox platforms? Japan might say ‘well, we don’t want any more on Xbox.'”
Would you like to see Kingdom Hearts III on the switch, or Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX on Xbox One? Let us know in the comments!
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