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Square Enix CEO Yosuke Matsuda weighs in on simultaneous worldwide releases, new games, and ports for Nintendo Switch, and more


In a recent interview with Nikkei magazine, Square Enix CEO Yosuke Matsuda commented on the company's future sales strategies, including the intention to focus on simultaneous worldwide releases and the Nintendo Switch.


Simultaneous worldwide releases


Matsuda is of the opinion that Final Fantasy XV sold 6 million total physical and virtual copies worldwide (as of January 10, 2017) in a relatively short period compared to previous Final Fantasy games due to its simultaneous worldwide launch. He commented that as the European and US markets tend to continue their sales long term, Square Enix is planning to maximize the life time values of their games through updates and DLCs.


Matsuda observed that simultaneous worldwide releases are an important aspect of marketing, as gamers will want to play a new game as soon as possible and may even lose interest if the game's international release is delayed. He said that it is therefore important for the company to decrease those delays, especially for RPGs and the action/adventure genre, as, due to their emphasis on narratives, they are difficult to sell abroad unless released simultaneously.


Matsuda is also showing interest in gamers sharing gaming experiences over social media such as YouTube. This has become more relevant to Square Enix's sales strategy as they expect their consumers to share gameplay videos and create a "buzz" to lead game titles to become more noticeable.


When asked about the necessity of cultural changes in games, Matsuda replied that Square Enix games are appreciated for retaining their own cultural originality.


Lastly, Matsuda reflected on taking advantage of the emerging market in countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, and especially India, where the once negative perspective on video games has been changing steadily.


The Nintendo Switch and other platforms


Following up on new platforms such as the Nintendo Switch and Microsoft's Project Scorpio this year, Matsuda believes that having more platforms is good for content creators. Square Enix is in fact increasing its interest in the Nintendo Switch in particular. The company has already released a few titles on the console and announced more future releases. Matsuda remarked that in addition to developing new titles for the Switch, the company would also like to port existing games to the console. He mentioned that while Nintendo may propose amazing ways to "switch" certain game characteristics, Square Enix aims to make games that will leverage the functions of the Switch following their own creative paths.


Matsuda also commented on the smartphone game business, mentioning that Square Enix's smartphone titles released in the beginning of 2016 struggled in general due to the market having matured beyond the existing templates used to create those games. He also listed other issues such as limited storage capacity. He stressed that the company will need to research its competitors and figure out how to make their games different and engaging.


Lastly, regarding Virtual Reality, Matsuda thinks that the focus is not to make a game specially for VR, but rather to use VR as a factor to make games interesting.


What do you think of this rundown of Square Enix's future strategies, and how do you think it will affect future Kingdom Hearts titles? Would you like to see a worldwide simultaneous release of Kingdom Hearts III, or Kingdom Hearts games ported to the Switch? Let us know below!

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  On 4/12/2017 at 3:22 AM, Hero of Light XIV said:

KHIII released everywhere at the same time and KH ReMIXes available everywhere I go on the Switch? Hell yes, sign me up!


I mean I know the point of the remixes was to unify everything onto one console, but I think that concept can still be spread to other consoles as well, as long as everything is included for each system. I mean it's just distributing the ReMIXes to 3 systems, 4 if you want to throw PC in there for the hell of it, and it's the same exact experience on each one available to more people than ever before. I love KH being on the Playstation, but even I think it's kind of silly to try and hoard everything when the series has already had a diverse enough history as it is. Plus, those poor Microsoft users still deserve to have these titles available on the system that's going to host it's first KH game ever, a sequel to 2 other ones they've never played before.


Keeping everything on one console isn't "unity", it's isolation. Unity is bringing everyone together, including the new customers you're planning to win over with KH3. Can't do that if they don't prefer to have a PS4 AND an XBone at the same time.


I wish more people shared your perspective!

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They seriously need to release Kingdom Hearts 3 worldwide it will be a slap to every fans face if japan gets it first I don't even care if it's a few weeks difference people have been waiting for this game for god-knows-how-long that would be absolute torture most of us would have too destroy our PCS too not get spoiled. On that note I'm glad there going with this strategy with simultaneously releasing games everybody wins.


Now please for the love of God Square release 1.5 and 2.5 on Nintendo switch I would pay 50 more dollars to play My Kingdom Hearts games anywhere I'd like...

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  On 4/12/2017 at 3:22 AM, Hero of Light XIV said:

KHIII released everywhere at the same time and KH ReMIXes available everywhere I go on the Switch? Hell yes, sign me up!


I mean I know the point of the remixes was to unify everything onto one console, but I think that concept can still be spread to other consoles as well, as long as everything is included for each system. I mean it's just distributing the ReMIXes to 3 systems, 4 if you want to throw PC in there for the hell of it, and it's the same exact experience on each one available to more people than ever before. I love KH being on the Playstation, but even I think it's kind of silly to try and hoard everything when the series has already had a diverse enough history as it is. Plus, those poor Microsoft users still deserve to have these titles available on the system that's going to host it's first KH game ever, a sequel to 2 other ones they've never played before.


Keeping everything on one console isn't "unity", it's isolation. Unity is bringing everyone together, including the new customers you're planning to win over with KH3. Can't do that if they don't prefer to have a PS4 AND an XBone at the same time.

i'm actually waiting to see if 1.5 + 2.5 gets ported to the switch instead of getting them on the PS4. i have always dreamed to play the KH games on the go with the exception of the DS titles (even tho i played all of the games multiple times) but i just feel like playing KH1 or KH2 on the go would be pretty awesome.

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  On 4/12/2017 at 2:29 AM, Aquaberry said:

Lastly, Matsuda reflected on taking advantage of the emerging market in countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, and especially India, where the once negative perspective on video games has been changing steadily.

Good to hear that Square finally starts to care for Mexico. Good to hear about India too.

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  On 4/12/2017 at 3:27 AM, Aquaberry said:

I wish more people shared your perspective!

I just find the excuse people use about everything being unified to one system as an argument for why the same users who'll have KH3 available to them shouldn't have the HD ReMIXes available to them on their system of choice to be ridiculous. Yeah, it makes sense for us PS4 users, since by having a PS4 we're pretty much guaranteed to go and get KH3 the moment it comes out, but they're literally forgetting that they announced a sequel for a system that they've never been on before. That's a whole audience who probably never heard about KH before and would probably not care enough to even buy it. You're essentially throwing money down the drain by distributing it onto another system without even bothering to ensure that that system's market will even show up to help you make back that money you spent. Kingdom Hearts is NOT Final Fantasy. You can't just release a sequel on two systems at once without having to bother making the previous games available all on the same systems, not when it's as continuity-heavy as this series. To just announce it for 2 systems and yet only make the hd collections available to only one of them instead of the system that arguably needs it a bit more right now just never made any sense to me, no matter what excuse you come up with.


But hey, if they have nothing else to offer this E3, maybe that'll be the big surprise reveal Nomura will give this year. "We promised you XBox One fans KH3 in the future. So in order to ensure your #EXCITEMENT for that title, we're finally bringing you the HD ReMIXes to the XBox One. They will be out within this year/the next year. #PleaseBeExcited." Or you know, something like that, lol.

  On 4/12/2017 at 3:44 AM, Finn and vigor said:

i'm actually waiting to see if 1.5 + 2.5 gets ported to the switch instead of getting them on the PS4. i have always dreamed to play the KH games on the go with the exception of the DS titles (even tho i played all of the games multiple times) but i just feel like playing KH1 or KH2 on the go would be pretty awesome.

Well, don't wait too long, lol. It's no guarantee yet.

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A part of me wonders if the Kingdom Hearts HD Remixes were part of a Sony exclusivity deal, because at this point, it's inexcusable for the HD ReMixes to not be released on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

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Well, let's take this as a good sign that KH3 will have a worldwide simultaneous release! I'd like to hope we can get the game on the exact same day as Japan, ya know? :D


And also, I think it's wonderful that Square is eyeing out the Switch! I hope they give that system good support! After all, Square and Nintendo go way back! :D


Thanks for sharing this with us, Aquaberry! :D

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Rob expects more DQ games on Switch. Anything else that's not on par with a spin-off would be a surprise.





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  On 4/12/2017 at 11:37 AM, Alpha Baymax said:

A part of me wonders if the Kingdom Hearts HD Remixes were part of a Sony exclusivity deal, because at this point, it's inexcusable for the HD ReMixes to not be released on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Well the sales are on the last place for Xbox One even behind the WiiU. So I don't really see it ever coming.

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