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Sora now available in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate; Version 13.0.0

After nearly 2 weeks of waiting since his initial announcement, Sora is finally playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! Fans can finally experience the dream of playing as this iconic protagonist after years of sincere hoping. You can purchase his character pack on Nintendo's official website individually or as part of the Fighter's Pass 2 DLC bundle

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the fifth installment in the popular crossover fighting game series featuring various Nintendo and other third-party characters. Sora is the last DLC fighter for this beloved and critically acclaimed title, signaling a simultaneous ending of an era and a start of another.

If you missed it, check out our news coverage on the latest Kingdom Hearts news that every fan should be aware of

Are you excited to finally play as Sora in this legendary crossover fighting game? Let us know your thoughts below!

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Well, yeah 🗿

But it’s like that’s literally nothing compared to the length of time people have wanted/expected him

Just silly to think about

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Nah it’s fine

There was nothing wrong with it I was just trying to make a little joke about how long it’s been since the ballot laughsinnomura

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I know there’s people that say they’ve wanted him ever since they saw it was possible for someone like snake so, way more than 7 for some but way less for most others naminelaugh

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13 hours ago, Superslash said:

I know there’s people that say they’ve wanted him ever since they saw it was possible for someone like snake so, way more than 7 for some but way less for most others naminelaugh

dont be such a pedant. thats my job

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