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Riku confirmed as playable character in Kingdom Hearts III


In the Final Battle trailer, it was confirmed that Riku will be playable. In a short clip, we see Riku facing the Demon Tide in the Realm of Darkness. 

Nomura hinted about a second playable character back in 2017 and now it looks like it will be Riku.

What do you think about Riku being the second playable character in Kingdom Hearts III? Let us know in the comments below!

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3 hours ago, KH4Real said:

I'm not sure Nomura said that there won't be more then two characters.
And we will probably play as Riku only in RoD so don't expect too much.

No Nomura didn't say that. But I'm hoping. That's why I said I hope he surprise me to play other characters besides Sora and Riku. :3

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I love having a playable Riku. So we start off as Sora first and then play as Riku in the realm of darkness? Though I think of Kingdom Hearts III more Birth by Sleep style.

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4 hours ago, Movies798 said:

No Nomura didn't say that. But I'm hoping. That's why I said I hope he surprise me to play other characters besides Sora and Riku. :3

Hm yeah correct he said that there will be a second character playable and this is Riku.
But that likely confirms that there won't be more mayby later in dlc.

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1 hour ago, RikuMickeyFan1997 said:

I love having a playable Riku. So we start off as Sora first and then play as Riku in the realm of darkness? Though I think of Kingdom Hearts III more Birth by Sleep style.

I don't think it's going to work quite like Birth By Sleep. The lack of a Focus Gauge above Riku's health seems to suggest we'll be playing him temporarily in the Realm of Darkness. It will probably switch to his point of view at some point and then switch back to Sora for the rest of the game. A lot of people didn't seem to like the way you had to manage and level up two characters at once or have to start over with a new character and get some bits in the story that get a little repetitive since you see some of the scenes three times. I was personally fine with either method, but I can understand why someone could dislike both methods. Having us play as Riku temporarily was probably Square Enix's compromise to the more than one playable character situation. I would've loved it if we could have played as Young Xehanort, Young Eraqus, or Kairi temporarily, but that might not be a possiblity.

Edited by ITzDarthLordRevan

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1 hour ago, KH4Real said:

Hm yeah correct he said that there will be a second character playable and this is Riku.
But that likely confirms that there won't be more mayby later in dlc.

Nomura also said Kingdom Hearts 3 will have twist and turns and a lot of surprises. I'm pretty much going by his words. Which is why I'm think he might surprise me with another playable character besides Sora and Riku. Even if I'm wrong that's okay. I don't care if I'm wrong because I'll find out once I play the game. I'm very excited to get this game. :3xD

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I'm still holding out hope that we get to choose between playing as either Kairi or Lea for the tutorial. I know it most likely won't happen, but I will continue to hope until the game comes out.

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23 minutes ago, Allwil13 said:

I'm still holding out hope that we get to choose between playing as either Kairi or Lea for the tutorial. I know it most likely won't happen, but I will continue to hope until the game comes out.

That would be pretty darn cool if it happened! :D

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I'm so excited that we get to play again as Riku! Actually, I think Nomura has got a few more surprises for us... Maybe there will be more than two playable characters, don't you think?

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21 hours ago, Allwil13 said:

I'm still holding out hope that we get to choose between playing as either Kairi or Lea for the tutorial. I know it most likely won't happen, but I will continue to hope until the game comes out.

Pretty sure Nomura said the tutorial was in Twilight Town and we know that Kairi and Lea are training in Radiant Garden so I don't think they'll be playable for the tutorial. 

Super excited that Riku is playable, he and Aqua are my favorite characters. I think he's only going to be playable for a short section. Maybe a section that has KH0.2's length or even less. I'm hoping there's also a section where we get to play as Kairi, but I doubt it'll be the tutorial.

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Just now, PrinceNoctis said:

Pretty sure Nomura said the tutorial was in Twilight Town and we know that Kairi and Lea are training in Radiant Garden so I don't think they'll be playable for the tutorial. 

Super excited that Riku is playable, he and Aqua are my favorite characters. I think he's only going to be playable for a short section. Maybe a section that has KH0.2's length or even less. I'm hoping there's also a section where we get to play as Kairi, but I doubt it'll be the tutorial.

Yeah, I know it's super unlikely. I just reaaally want to play as either Kairi or Lea (or both). And it would be so fitting; we could learn the basics as they learn them. But whatever; it's just a little thing on my wishlist that I know probably won't happen. 

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3 minutes ago, Allwil13 said:

Yeah, I know it's super unlikely. I just reaaally want to play as either Kairi or Lea (or both). And it would be so fitting; we could learn the basics as they learn them. But whatever; it's just a little thing on my wishlist that I know probably won't happen. 

I personally would love that as well...And I mean it's still possible. Merlin could send Kairi and Lea on a mission in Twilight Town. It would be very fitting since Lea's familiar with that world.

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