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New Kingdom Hearts III trailer shown at the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra - World Tour - premiere in Los Angeles


With the surprise appearance of series director Tetsuya Nomura on stage, the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra - World Tour - presented a new Kingdom Hearts III trailer today at its North American premiere in Los Angeles, California. The trailer showcased exciting new gameplay from the upcoming game along with some cutscenes. The trailer was soon uploaded on the internet by the official Square Enix YouTube channel in Japanese. You can view the trailer with English subtitles below.

The trailer ended with a message that a new world and a new trailer will be revealed at the D23 Expo on July 15, 2017!

Square Enix Press Center describes the trailer as follows:


Earlier at the KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra –World Tour– concert in Los Angeles, SQUARE ENIX® and Disney Interactive dazzled fans with a new KINGDOM HEARTS III gameplay trailer featuring never before seen footage based on Disney’s animated hit, “Hercules,” which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

In this action-packed trailer, Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy help Hercules battle various forms of Heartless on Mount Olympus through gorgeous visuals and gameplay. Fans will see Sora in a new form, which allows him to perform special powerful solo and joint attacks on his enemies. A new glimpse into the game’s storyline reveals a reunion with Disney villains Hades, Maleficent and Pete as they discuss the location of a mysterious item while Sora is faced with a dilemma in an effort to bring back an old friend.

Below is the trailer with no subtitles.


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New cutscenes! I'm hoping this means the game's pretty far along. Also, super excited that Sora's trying to bring Roxas back. I'd really like to see them together again!

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Holy crap that trailer was awesome.


And thanks to Xemnas for pointing out the exceedingly obvious that most people are ignoring. Want Roxas back? Sora's gotta become a heartless.


(obviously there will be a different way, but still, this is the easy one =P)

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Wow. Is the new trailer make with another engine? I mean kh3 seem to have really different graphics compared to unreal engine we saw on kh 2.8.. Am i wrong? (The cutscene with organization)

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Xemnes model though YUK


I don't think it is that bad. Yes, the models still need quite a bit of work and I still think the eyes are a bit too small, along with the fact that the skin looks a lot smoother on the Disney characters, but I expected worse for the first appearance of another character.


Yes, his face is a little too broad in that perspective and the eyes really could be a bit larger, but in comparison to what we've first seen of Terra, this is actually not terrible and shows they're improving little by little.


Personally, I'm a bit more inclined to believe it will turn out alright in the end because look what a few months have done (and partly overdone) to 0.2. It wasn't perfect but improvement is definitely there.


In terms of first appearances, I'd cut those characters some slack because who knows when those models were done.


I agree that the models still look off, Sora included, but it's also noteworthy that they've made some progression, if only little by little. Some of it will also just take time getting used to because no matter what, we stuck with nearly the same graphics for over 14 years. While most of us wouldn't have minded them for KH3, it's probably a step which needs to be done to make it appealing for new people, too.


I totally agree with you that they need work, especially on details and faces, but it is not absolutely terrible anymore. Not in the state in which I would like to see it in the end, but that end is still months if not years away and finishing touches are still to be made.

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Since this trailer revealed to us that we are getting more information at D23 instead of E3 (or at least I assume that this means that we are getting no new information at E3), this confirms for me that Disney is working close with Square-Enix on Kingdom Hearts III (as if that wasn't made known already when Roy Conli announced the Tangled and Big Hero 6 worlds and how closely they would be working with Square-Enix), and this also gives me hope that Disney truly is recognizing how popular the Kingdom Hearts series is.

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Personally I think Xemnas' and all the other models look amazing, ipand it's just simply a matter of getting used to. Sometime Sora does look off, but I don't think it's awful and still looks great xD


That trailer was so much hype tho, ermagerd. Definitely a good thing to wake up to and I'm so that if glad they didn't use Rage Awakened! The game seems glorious.


Also, interesting that Melficent is looking for the box as well, what could be in there that we would want? Ultimate Power? Also, it looks like Sora's outfit changes mid Olympus Coliseum? Anyone else notice that? It could be just a re-visit when he's in his new outfit perhaps. Guess we'll find out.


And while this means there's nothing at E3 for KHIII, we get a new trailer next month so that's gonna be great xD

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THAT WAS AMAZING! The models look great to me! Much better than in 0.2, which is actually a big surprise since I loved 0.2's look! And the Kingdom SHADER IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!! The scenes in Olympus Coliseum really DID look like Disney movies! WOW! Gameplay looks awesome! I'm so excited! It's crazy to think we're getting another trailer next month when the last trailer we had (before this one, that is) was 2 years ago.

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Hades looks snappy with that shading.

I got a theory that the Black Box maleficent was asking to Hades was probably KH version of Pandora Box, which instead of having sealed all the worlds evil it has something something darkness related sealed in it (or maybe she's talking about that black box the Master of Master's student was carrying at the end of Back Cover movie)

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Very nice trailer, things seem to be progressing well. I'm especially glad that we finally got something with actual cutscene footage. I do think some work needs to be done on some of the models, Xemnas and Ansem look off. Also there's still the slow heavy keyblade swings the Osaka team is known for. I hope they speed that up a bit.

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Great trailer! I pretty much agree with what everyone has said thus far. I didn't even even realize that they didn't show off Attraction Flow at all! As cool as everything was, the best part for me was "trailer next month at D23". We've been in the dark for so long, it's nice to see some direction.

Oh, and I love/am freaked out about how happy Sora looks when he is about to throw Goofy.


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That trailer was pure awesomeness. Worlds are going to be so fun to explore in KH3, because they are so open and colorful. Love the lighting. The Disney villains cutscene between Hades, Maleficent and Pete was a nice addition to the trailer; I like how the worlds (and Disney characters) will actually be relevant to the ongoing story, as KH2 was pretty much the same plot as the movies. My personal favorite part of the trailer was the Xemnas, Ansem, Sora, Donald and Goofy scene regarding Roxas. I'm glad that we'll be bringing back Roxas. Also... the character models look amazing. And to top it off, we're getting another trailer and world reveal next month! The future of KH is looking bright.

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That trailer was pure awesomeness. Worlds are going to be so fun to explore in KH3, because they are so open and colorful. Love the lighting. The Disney villains cutscene between Hades, Maleficent and Pete was a nice addition to the trailer; I like how the worlds (and Disney characters) will actually be relevant to the ongoing story, as KH2 was pretty much the same plot as the movies. My personal favorite part of the trailer was the Xemnas, Ansem, Sora, Donald and Goofy scene regarding Roxas. I'm glad that we'll be bringing back Roxas. Also... the character models look amazing. And to top it off, we're getting another trailer and world reveal next month! The future of KH is looking bright.


I just hope that Twilight Town, Mysterious Tower, San Fransokyo, Kingdom of Corona and Mt Olympus aren't the only worlds in this game. I hope we get a few more Trailers before the end of the Year.

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We know that Xemnas is one of the 13 Seekers. Of course he is gonna be in the game. And Xehanort is whole again, he just used time travel to summon him.


Xehanort was summoned by time travel or Xemnas?

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Xehanort was summoned by time travel or Xemnas?

Xemnas. Because the present one got killed by Sora and Riku. Xehanort got already revived and lives in the present, so need to summon him xD

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Xemnas. Because the present one got killed by Sora and Riku. Xehanort got already revived and lives in the present, so need to summon him xD


That's what I figured. Just wanted to be sure. 

There is some information I'm missing because I don't have a PS4 to play 2.8. :P

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I don't think it is that bad. Yes, the models still need quite a bit of work and I still think the eyes are a bit too small, along with the fact that the skin looks a lot smoother on the Disney characters, but I expected worse for the first appearance of another character. Yes, his face is a little too broad in that perspective and the eyes really could be a bit larger, but in comparison to what we've first seen of Terra, this is actually not terrible and shows they're improving little by little. 

I think they changed Xemnas' face a bit so that he looks more like Terra...Don't you think he looks more like Terra?


Great trailer! I pretty much agree with what everyone has said thus far. I didn't even even realize that they didn't show off Attraction Flow at all! As cool as everything was, the best part for me was "trailer next month at D23". We've been in the dark for so long, it's nice to see some direction.


Oh, and I love/am freaked out about how happy Sora looks when he is about to throw Goofy.



Lol, he knows he's about to firetruck up some heartless with this attack

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That's what I figured. Just wanted to be sure. 

There is some information I'm missing because I don't have a PS4 to play 2.8. :P

That all happened in DDD tho.

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That all happened in DDD tho.


DDD is in 2.8 but I do have the 3DS version. I, however, haven't finished it and it's been at least a year since I last played it. 

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