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New Kingdom Hearts III trailer revealed at X018


The X018 stream showcased a new Kingdom Hearts III trailer today in Mexico City, showcasing the returning world of 100 Acre Woods! 

The trailer showcased the world of 100 Acre Woods, as well as showing off some brand new cutscenes and gameplay footage. 

Nomura also announced through Twitter that another trailer will be released this month, and that more trailers will be shown next month as well. Thanks to Mio-chan you can see a translation of what he said below. 


Good morning! Please check out the new trailer on #X018 held today in Mexico! This month since we have another trailer, we will announce it later. Incidentally, since PR activities are also actively promoted towards the release date, we will be preparing multiple trailers next month. Please look forward for it @nomura (野村) #_KH

You can watch the X018 trailer below.

You can also watch the Japanese trailer below. 

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Oh man, Xehanort is finally voiced! But, who IS that voicing him? It certainly doesn't sound like Christopher Lloyd, the actor I was hoping for, so I can't say I recognize this one just from that one line. The delivery isn't as strong as Nimoy's, but I mean really, no one is ever going to compete with that, the guy was a legend, like Christopher Lee.

Also I really hope that we are going to get a lot more variety of Nobodies and Unversed than just what we've seen so far, because so far that big battle only seems to consist of the enemies we've seen in previous trailers.

Also also, those ruins in the Keyblade Graveyard sure are interesting, could they be Daybreak Town Ruins? And what's with that cloud-looking world with Chirithy? Is that supposed to be that "Cable Town" place we heard about from early trailers and events?

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More than I expected for sure.

- I don't care much for Winnie the Pooh but I'm sure some will be happy.

- Oi, Hayner. Leave Ansem alone ?

- Demyx is still being Demyx, good.

- Pirates Swordfighting scene is great but no Bill Nighy ☹️. Is is just me or did that sound like Robin Atkin Downes as Davy Jones? Is he Luxord and Davy?

- What on Earth is that mirror world? Looks cool at least.

-1000 heartless battle redux???

- Terranort and Lingering will is something I wanted to happen

- All the org members together, nice. But their hoods are down so I cant tell who's who. Xehanort's voice will take some getting used to.

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Looking at the segment of the Sky world with all the pillars, it reminds me of the KH2's cover art. Could be Kingdom hearts itself, or it could be something that has to do with Sora since it's sky-themed and there's dozens of other Sora's running around. If this isn't Nomura's favorite world, it certainly is mine with how trippy it is.

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I wanna see Hayner fall on his butt. :p. Or Ansem just stopping him in midair using DARKNESS.

I'm down with 100 acre woods. It was expected and yes I have a soft spot for it. It was a good way to reveal it too.

Keyblade Graveyard has been maybe/most likely confirmed. But that was also expected. And Kairi's there! She's part of the group!

Kinda wish they would use a different song in the trailers. Like I get the want of having "Don't Think Twice" and I love the song but I wanna hear some different tracks.

I wonder who Xehanort's new voice actor is?

Also more trailers coming up! Including one more this month apparently.... 

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So can we assume Demyx & Vexen are in Radiant Garden? The tile design seems more from Radiant Garden (think of the courtyard in BBS) than from Twilight Town. I suppose it could be an original world, but that's no fun lol

How weird would it be if Vexen was somehow the Master of Masters and Demyx was Luxu. It makes no sense, but little does in this series anymore lol

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10 hours ago, Green Sparrow said:

So can we assume Demyx & Vexen are in Radiant Garden? The tile design seems more from Radiant Garden (think of the courtyard in BBS) than from Twilight Town. I suppose it could be an original world, but that's no fun lol

How weird would it be if Vexen was somehow the Master of Masters and Demyx was Luxu. It makes no sense, but little does in this series anymore lol

It's possible that it's Radiant Garden, considering that it's Vexen's home. And since we've also seen Zexion act from there, it would be strange no to show some more of it. (Though I'm still hoping it's playable and not a cutscene only world.)


20 hours ago, Tyranto Rex said:

Also more trailers coming up! Including one more this month apparently....

I could imagine one coming on the 18th, considering that's Mickey's 90th birthday and Nomura did contibute to the art exhibition. That's just a wild guess though, they could always randomly drop it.

Edited by Merilly

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Thank you for sharing this information with us, Aquaberry!

Good lord, this trailer got me so hyped, even more so than I already am for this monumentally beautiful game! I MEAN SERIOUSLY, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HOW DO NOMURA AND SQUARE KEEP DOING IT!? I swear, this is just gonna end up killing me before the game even releases, haha! XD

But in all seriousness though, it's amazing how much we saw in just under two minutes! So many things, so many epic scenes, AND THAT EPIC BATTLE AGAINST THE HORDES OF HEARTLESS, NOBODIES AND UNVERSED! I honestly have to say that this game is going to defy our expectations, for sure! Everything about this trailer was beautiful!

Also, though at first I was a little drawn back by Xehanort's new English voice, now I'm warming up to him. Sure, the guy will never replace Nimoy, but at least he's doing his best to deliver a good performance! 


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