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New Kingdom Hearts III "Together" trailer released; development on the game has concluded; Nomura teases new announcement in December


In a surprise announcement on the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, Square Enix announced that a new Kingdom Hearts III trailer had been released! The "Together" trailer has recently been shown throughout North American cinemas, and features a variety of scenes from the game, accompanied by a voiceover. This is a stark departure from the usual way the game has been marketed, where the scenes were tied together by common themes.

You can view the new trailer below!

The trailer has also been released in Japan, with English voice acting and Japanese subtitles!

Additionally, the tweet revealed that development on Kingdom Hearts III has finally concluded! The end is in sight, and we only have two months until the release of the game!

UPDATE (11/20/2018, 7:00 AM PST): Finally, in a tweet on the official Japanese Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, series director Tetsuya Nomura said that a new Japanese trailer was being worked on separately, and that more announcements will come next month. A translation of this tweet was provided thanks to Goldpanner and KH13 staff member Mio-chan! Upon contacting Goldpanner for clarification, she says that she is unsure if this upcoming Japanese trailer is a new trailer entirely, or if it is a fully Japanese version of the above trailer.

UPDATE (11/21/2018, 5:00 AM PST): Piotr Michael has revealed that his voice was provided for the trailer's voiceover!

You can view screenshots from the trailer below:

Please keep an eye on KH13.com as we prepare to cover next month's events!

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16 minutes ago, ienzo628 said:

I watched the trailers and I am not too terribly thrilled, more like a little amused and mostly indifferent. 

Well, this trailer isn’t dedicated to us fans who are watching every new trailer.

It’s the extended cinema trailer and dedicated to the general audience who don’t know that much about KH3. However, with all the soundeffects and cuts, this trailer is likely the best trailer to represent the game.

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3 minutes ago, NoWay said:

Well, this trailer isn’t dedicated to us fans who are watching every new trailer.

It’s the extended cinema trailer and dedicated to the general audience who don’t know that much about KH3. However, with all the soundeffects and cuts, this trailer is likely the best trailer to represent the game.

That's more than likely.  The narrator during the trailer was kind of corny for my tastes.  That's just me!

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1 hour ago, RikuFangirl2008 said:






I am throwing money at my screen but nothings happening :(

1 hour ago, KH4Real said:

Wow this dropped out of nowhere awesome!

they can bring it out the way it is now I dont care if there are hundreds of bugs and scenes or dialog that would have been cut I want the game!

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So apparently the narrator was Mark Hamil? If that's correct that's awsome. I'm going to assume this was the other trailer in November they were talking about. That does not mean there won't be one for Barcelona since that event technically goes into December but I'm gonna lower expectations.

Anyway I loved the trailer. It reminded me of trailers from the 90's and early 2000's.

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Totally inoffensive trailer filled with some rather amusing cutscenes. I feel people are failing to appreciate the effectiveness of this, it's not aimed at hardcore fans- but offers a general 'here is SDG and we go to World X and fight the Darkness.' Simple, direct and places an emphasis on the Disney Characters. 

Two points I'd like to expand, the Riku and Mickey scene looked like a transition scene from cutscene to gameplay and also this came from literally no where, thus we don't need to analysis and predict what events we might potentially see something. Taking that into account, we have more than one trailer coming out next month, now whilst I am willing to wager ( embracing my inner Luxord) that Jump Festa will come good, it's fair game for the whole of December now

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50 minutes ago, Seyin95 said:

Totally inoffensive trailer filled with some rather amusing cutscenes. I feel people are failing to appreciate the effectiveness of this, it's not aimed at hardcore fans- but offers a general 'here is SDG and we go to World X and fight the Darkness.' Simple, direct and places an emphasis on the Disney Characters. 

Two points I'd like to expand, the Riku and Mickey scene looked like a transition scene from cutscene to gameplay and also this came from literally no where, thus we don't need to analysis and predict what events we might potentially see something. Taking that into account, we have more than one trailer coming out next month, now whilst I am willing to wager ( embracing my inner Luxord) that Jump Festa will come good, it's fair game for the whole of December now

I tend to agree. I think quite a few fans are getting too used to the oversaturated trailers of the past months and are getting disappointed when high expectations aren't met. I've seen a few people get salty because it's not a longer version of the 100 Acre Woods trailer, even though it was never said there would be a longer version coming. This disappointment regarding assumptions is getting a bit too prominent in my opinion just because the last two trailers weren't that long.

I think this trailer was good. It was showing amusing scenes without throwing around any concepts which could be confusing to new people. KH3 will be a game mainly directed toward fans but the franchise still needs new fans and that can't be done if people won't get interested in the games in the first place.


I'm not quite sure this is a cutscene to gameplay transition to be honest. It could be but it could also be normal camera movement since it's done from above. 

But you're right that we shouldn't assume too much and keep our expectations low. There are still many people who are adamant about there being two more Disney worlds because of the three sections but as far as I remember, Nomura didn't say those sections would consist of an equal amount of worlds and that all of them would be Disney/Pixar...

I also think Jump Festa is likely due to the past appearances but nowadays, we don't really need events to know about new trailers.

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7 minutes ago, JTD95 said:

You guys at KH13 got a source for it being Mark Hamill? Cause it sounds nothing like him.

No. Other than some people analyzing the pitch of the voice, there's no actual source right now.

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1 hour ago, Merilly said:

I tend to agree. I think quite a few fans are getting too used to the oversaturated trailers of the past months and are getting disappointed when high expectations aren't met. I've seen a few people get salty because it's not a longer version of the 100 Acre Woods trailer, even though it was never said there would be a longer version coming. This disappointment regarding assumptions is getting a bit too prominent in my opinion just because the last two trailers weren't that long.

I think this trailer was good. It was showing amusing scenes without throwing around any concepts which could be confusing to new people. KH3 will be a game mainly directed toward fans but the franchise still needs new fans and that can't be done if people won't get interested in the games in the first place.

I know this one (or a shorter version of it) is being shown in movie theaters. So it's gotta appeal to a wider audience. Some of the fans do really need to chill and realize that not all the trailers are gonna be exciting, especally with them being in full blown promotion stage.

2 hours ago, Merilly said:

But you're right that we shouldn't assume too much and keep our expectations low. There are still many people who are adamant about there being two more Disney worlds because of the three sections but as far as I remember, Nomura didn't say those sections would consist of an equal amount of worlds and that all of them would be Disney/Pixar...

I think it's a fair guess that there could be two more Disney worlds. And due to that interview back when they shown Frozen and Pirates he did say there were a few left, just not many left. But that does not necessary mean a total of ten. It could have meant nine. I think he said there were about three worlds in each part (which was kinda like KH2 to be honest) and he considered Olympus, Toy Box, and Whatever the Monster's Inc world is called to be part of the first set, but he did not mention Twilight Town, which seems to be one of the first worlds visited. I have also seen people assume that there are no worlds total left after this trailer. That just because they did not show a new one for this one meant there were no more. Even though we have had other trailers before not really showcase anything new (like the tangled trailer). And we still barely know anything about what original worlds we are gonna actually be able to play in, so far basically only making assumptions about those as well. So they still have stuff to show.

21 minutes ago, Scsigs said:

No. Other than some people analyzing the pitch of the voice, there's no actual source right now.

OK I was wondering that. Cause I did see some people present it as fact.

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First of all... I CAN'T BELIEVE THE GAME IS DONE. I just reserved my copy yesterday and woke up to that news as some kind of sign. I literally felt overwhelmed for some reason.

Second... This trailer was awesome. It displayed lots of "action" scenes which I think have been somehow needed in the games for some time now, and it's just that they increase the adrenaline of the moment, such as that meteor destroying giant structures scene in Olympus. It shows us the game is a major thing compared to that of the first one. Story and challenges have evolved to their MAX.

I'm so happy this series found a way into my life and to have become a part of this community. Not too long now guys :D

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I mean, Mark Hamill is a very talented VA, but I don't think that they got him to play Xehanort. I'd expect Corey Burton first over Hamill if they were going with a VA they previously had for other characters.

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but is a new trailer still coming out on November 29th like it was originally stated or rumoured? or is it just this instead? either way I'm way too excited and can't wait for more trailers next month too.

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2 hours ago, Merilly said:

I tend to agree. I think quite a few fans are getting too used to the oversaturated trailers of the past months and are getting disappointed when high expectations aren't met. I've seen a few people get salty because it's not a longer version of the 100 Acre Woods trailer, even though it was never said there would be a longer version coming. This disappointment regarding assumptions is getting a bit too prominent in my opinion just because the last two trailers weren't that long.

I think this trailer was good. It was showing amusing scenes without throwing around any concepts which could be confusing to new people. KH3 will be a game mainly directed toward fans but the franchise still needs new fans and that can't be done if people won't get interested in the games in the first place.


I'm not quite sure this is a cutscene to gameplay transition to be honest. It could be but it could also be normal camera movement since it's done from above. 

But you're right that we shouldn't assume too much and keep our expectations low. There are still many people who are adamant about there being two more Disney worlds because of the three sections but as far as I remember, Nomura didn't say those sections would consist of an equal amount of worlds and that all of them would be Disney/Pixar...

I also think Jump Festa is likely due to the past appearances but nowadays, we don't really need events to know about new trailers.

I agree with your points, I too have clocked how people jump on the 'every trailer must have X and show X' bandwagon now. As you said not every trailer is aimed at people like us, but potential newcomers. Now whilst it was possible to play KH2 without KH or CoM, KH3 does need previous entries, that being said we don't know everyone who will play this and is a potential newcomer going to get excited about for example Dilan being shown in a trailer? No, however you show someone Captain Jack and people know who he is.

Regarding the Riku scene, it could well just be a continuation, however I genuinely do believe from all the hints and emphasis that he will have a playable segment. 


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That's my boi Raxaimus! Dropping these hot and fresh trailers in the morning like mama stacking them hot flapjacks for breakfast. (I don't know why I said that, but I'm very excited for this trailer). This is probably the best trailer so far, and really the only one I'm not embarrassed to show other people lol

2 hours ago, Merilly said:

I tend to agree. I think quite a few fans are getting too used to the oversaturated trailers of the past months and are getting disappointed when high expectations aren't met. I've seen a few people get salty because it's not a longer version of the 100 Acre Woods trailer, even though it was never said there would be a longer version coming. This disappointment regarding assumptions is getting a bit too prominent in my opinion just because the last two trailers weren't that long.

I think this trailer was good. It was showing amusing scenes without throwing around any concepts which could be confusing to new people. KH3 will be a game mainly directed toward fans but the franchise still needs new fans and that can't be done if people won't get interested in the games in the first place.


I'm not quite sure this is a cutscene to gameplay transition to be honest. It could be but it could also be normal camera movement since it's done from above. 

But you're right that we shouldn't assume too much and keep our expectations low. There are still many people who are adamant about there being two more Disney worlds because of the three sections but as far as I remember, Nomura didn't say those sections would consist of an equal amount of worlds and that all of them would be Disney/Pixar...

I also think Jump Festa is likely due to the past appearances but nowadays, we don't really need events to know about new trailers.

See, I knew if I waited long enough to post something, Merilly will just write exactly what I think as well :) But yeah, people need to seriously chill out and start accepting the fact that these MIGHT be all the Disney worlds we'll be getting for KH3.

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1 hour ago, Tyranto Rex said:

I think it's a fair guess that there could be two more Disney worlds. And due to that interview back when they shown Frozen and Pirates he did say there were a few left, just not many left. But that does not necessary mean a total of ten. It could have meant nine. I think he said there were about three worlds in each part (which was kinda like KH2 to be honest) and he considered Olympus, Toy Box, and Whatever the Monster's Inc world is called to be part of the first set, but he did not mention Twilight Town, which seems to be one of the first worlds visited. I have also seen people assume that there are no worlds total left after this trailer. That just because they did not show a new one for this one meant there were no more. Even though we have had other trailers before not really showcase anything new (like the tangled trailer). And we still barely know anything about what original worlds we are gonna actually be able to play in, so far basically only making assumptions about those as well. So they still have stuff to show.

You're right that there's definitely the possibility that more will be shown and that it's okay to believe that, I just think it's not good to go around and act like those expectations are confirmed. I've seen quite a few people act like it's factual that two more Disney worlds are left. There's no issue to theorize and say "I believe/I expect that there're two more left", but if people claim it and write it in a manner that suggests it's a confirmed fact, others will be more inclined to believe that as the truth.

It's not the first time some people then throw a tantrum because they believed in something wrong. And quite frankly, while it doesn't bother me or SE/Disney on a personal level, there are better things to complain about than a company not meeting personal expectations.

I'm aware you can't satisfy everyone but it's a bit irksome when I see numerous people complain about something because of their own assumptions and because Square didn't create a trailer which suits their taste... I don't mind if people criticize models, gameplay, etc. or if people just like to theorize what is left, what could be shown and so on, but getting salty over something like this is kinda childish. It's okay to say that they didn't like the trailer, but acting entitled isn't.

That was mainly what I was getting at. I also believe that we have a new world left at least, but I don't expect anything. We all have hopes and dreams and I love reading about them, I just don't enjoy reading about fans acting like SE owes them a mindbreaking trailer. We received 3 in the past week, which is already a lot considering we couldn't even be sure we would get another before December when the TGS one dropped.

I personally enjoyed it because it's one of the few times we did not have Don't Think Twice playing without any game sounds. Now we heard those sounds clearly, which I'm very fond of. It also shows amusing scenes which are a lot more light-hearted than some of the heavy scenes overshadowing everything else in past trailers, so I think it's good to have a trailer which can also appeal to people who have no experience with KH.

56 minutes ago, Green Sparrow said:

See, I knew if I waited long enough to post something, Merilly will just write exactly what I think as well :) But yeah, people need to seriously chill out and start accepting the fact that these MIGHT be all the Disney worlds we'll be getting for KH3.

I'm psychic. :D But yeah, there's always the possibility that this is it. It's understandable if people are disappointed then but the higher the expectations are, the harder it is to meet them and some just don't take that too well. There are things people can criticize SE and Disney for, but this trailer or our expectations aren't part of the list since they never promised more.

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Maybe it's me trying to be a bit optimistic but if there is only one Disney world left, maybe it's possible it'll be a less popular and unexpected one. I would think they wouldn't wait at the last minute to announce some big/popular Disney ip especially after that trailer. 

But who knows really.

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It is finished. Just think of all this time, we finally get to this point. The title that has been mocked for how long it took to make, denied to be ever completed, feared to be delayed, and so on is now complete. And now to all my fans, soon you will see me in my full glory.

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