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New Footage of the Disney Infinity 3.0 Ultimate Unlock Keyblade in use



channel have now released a brand new video showing Mickey using the Blizzard spell and three additional abilities including Ars Arcanum, Stun Impact (referred to as Thunder in the video) and Ragnarok, which you can check out below.




The original article follows.


<3 <3 <3


Thanks to

, we've got a first look at the Keyblade as the Ultimate Unlock in Disney Infinity 3.0. The footage shows off a Mickey figure using the King Mickey power disc given away at D23 and how the Keyblade works both when in action and when it's not in use.



When the Keyblade is not in use, the playable character will tuck the Keyblade into a sheath that is based off of the heart shape found in all of the logos of the Kingdom Hearts series.


When the Keyblade is used for attacks, it can function in a variety of ways. When at a distance, the Keyblade will send out magic spells that seem similar to the fire and blizzard spells seen in the series. When in close range to enemies, the character will perform short combos with the Keyblade.


The Keyblade will be available as the Ultimate Unlock starting on March 15th, 2016.

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I picked the wrong time to get into Disney Infinity, I should have gotten the game upon release. T3T"""


Also I really hope they make that costume available some day. Screw that con-exclusive BS, if the code is in there it should be available to everyone! xP

At the very least, if they ever do a 4.0 with Kingdom Hearts characters, they should make the King Mickey outfit available to everyone.

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All I need is the characters that come out March 15th then I've got it :)

Oh shit, good job dude.Anyway... Here's to KH being Infinity 4.0If that happens there goes my wallet and all the money that I own.

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I reckon how its really cool how the developers even kept the little stars that fly out whenever a Keyblade strikes an object!

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All I need is the characters that come out March 15th then I've got it :)

yay at least someone is getting it, i would but i don't have around $500. also did anyone notice that the fire and blizzard was how it looked in the D23 KH3 trailer (the first one).

Why has he got Sora's Kingdom Key instead of his one?

the kingdom key is more iconic than mickey's ver.

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yay at least someone is getting it, i would but i don't have around $500. also did anyone notice that the fire and blizzard was how it looked in the D23 KH3 trailer (the first one).the kingdom key is more iconic than mickey's ver.

Yeah I picked up on how they looked like they did in KH3, I reckon seeing they have said there won't be 4.0 this year and that they will just be updateing 3.0 that means next year we will get 4.0 which is good marketing, seeing that year is the most likely year for the release of KH3 therefore probably best time to release kingdom hearts characters :) I honestly wasn't going to get every character for 3.0 but when they announced the key blade as the ultimate unlock I couldn't resist xD

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The guy in the video doesn't know sh** about kingdom hearts you can just tell. Sorry dude i will wait too see what they do with 4.0 im not filling disneys pockets with money for 1 freaking weapon. i wasn't born yesterday. Add sora next time with his keyblade then i WILL bite.

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Why has he got Sora's Kingdom Key instead of his one?


Because Sora's Kingdom Key is an item any character can use in Disney Infinity 3.0 so it's not specific to Mickey. And as Keyblademaster26 said, it's more iconic.

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Oh, well that's some pretty cool gameplay!  Mickey looks awesome rocking his KH attire, and seeing him wield the Keyblade brought a smile to my face! Thanks for this article, Soraspromise! :3

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An update. The Keyblade can also use special hidden powers like Fire, Blizzard, Thunder (Stun Impact), Ars Arcanum and Ragnarok from the original series.


Im starting to think this is only the beginning. In 4.0, they'll probably have every single keyblade from the entire series, with each keyblade having its own set of unique abilities like this Kingdom Key does, and the way to obtain them is by purchasing a Power Disc set of different keyblades, and also gaining access to exclusive ones by purchasing figures like Kairi with her Destiny's Embrace, and Riku with Way to Dawn.

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Also, it seems like the launch attack is Aerial Slam too, which is where you launch enemies in the air and then slam them back down to the ground. (Hold Triangle on ground, then tap Triangle soon after).

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I had Disney Infinity for a bit last year on my PS4. Went to D23 Expo day 3 last summer, and got the free Mickey figurine/costume for the game, so I was naturally inclined to purchase the game and see what it was all about. 


Fun gameplay, and overall a good time. But very taxing on your wallet! Lots of cool figures to get, but so so many. Not to mention, a lot of my favorite Disney characters tended to end up being the more rare and expensive figures (ex: Jack Skellington). Not worth the constant money IMO, although it was fun for a while. I had the Star Wars 3.0 Edition starter pack, with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka. 


I beat the Star Wars story mode that came with that in less than a week. Fooled around a bit with exploring and trying mini games as well. After less than a month though, I ended up trading all of it back in. Surprisingly got $70 from GameStop at the time for three figures, the game, and the figurine pad you hook up to your system. Ended up buying The Witcher 3 and the Evil Within with my credit.


Although part of me is itching to get this again just for this unlock, it's not worth buying every damn figure for the game.


Just my two cents :-)

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Request to all Kingdom Hearts who have Disney Infinity 3.0 and have access to the Keyblade and King Mickey's mode. I want to ask anyone capable of it, please, make these kind of videos to test the power of Kingdom Hearts in Disney Infinity. Check these ideas:  + King Mickey with the Keyblade against Marvel Villains (Green Goblin, Loki, Ronan, Venom and Ultron). We have seen the Keyblade against Disney and Final Fantasy's villains, now it's time for the next level. + King Mickey with the Keyblade against Marvel Villains (Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Kylo Renn, Bobba Fett and General Grievous). Kingdom Hearts has similarities of Star Wars, so let's test the keyblade against a Sabrelight. + Let's check who else is worthy of using the Keyblade. Let's see other characters using the Keyblade. These are my candidates: Jack Skellington, Mulan, Jack Sparrow, Woody, Phineas Flynn, Fantasia's Mickey Mouse, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Vanellope, Violeta (The Incredibles), Merida, Stitch, Tinker Bell, Aladdin, Donald Duck, Hiro (Big Hero 6), Joy, Minnie Mouse, San Flynn, Quorra and Judy Hopps. + Let's expand this idea to see who is worthy of the Keyblade between the Marvel characters: Captain America (I don't know if he will be able to use both his shield and the Keyblade), Black Widow, Falcon, Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Vision and Rocket Raccoon. + Even more expansion, let's see who would be worthy of the Keyblade in Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano, Yoda, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker??, Han Solo??, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Rey and possibly Poe Dameron.  Well, anyone around here could make these ideas real in a video?

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Sorry for double post, guys; but no one has posted any answer through this week.  Anyway, someone up there must have listen my words, because you have to see it to believe it: https://www.youtube.com/user/EdDaWiz/videos  This guy from YouTube, EdDaWiz, has several videos related to Disney Infinity; and the most recent one proves images of several characters using Sora's Keyblade in actions. Here you can see the videos of "Disney Infinity Style Kingdom Hearts" for both Mulan and Rapunzel, two Disney worlds that have appeared and will appear in Kingdom Hearts' games. Check them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLgTVQn0DGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZSXvbQPFW0  Some of the other videos have scenes of some Marvel SuperHeroes with the Keyblade, including Captain America, Black Panther, the Vision and Ant-Man.  Let's hope for more in the future. With luck, the same ones I mentioned previously. By the way, do you want to see Jack Skellington as the Ghost Rider?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnbwBcT_Vbk

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