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More Kingdom Hearts III screenshots released showing Ratatouille minigame and gameplay from Monstropolis, Arendelle, and a Moogle Shop


Along with the newly released screenshots on the Square Enix Press Center, 4Gamer, along with other other Japanese publications such as Famitsu and Game Watch, have published another batch of screenshots and talked about the Ratatouille cooking minigame and other gameplay elements in Kingdom Hearts III.

You can see the new screenshots in our album below.

There are 8 Disney worlds in Kingdom Hearts III (three of them returning from past games), and each has its own mini-game that players can enjoy. 

In Twilight Town, when looking for Roxas, Sora encounters Remy (from Ratatouille), who is about to be attacked by Heartless. Remy requests Sora to keep the Heartless away as he collects fruits. Remy thanks Sora by giving him fruits he collected.

Remy is a chef at a restaurant in Twilight Town owned by Scrooge McDuck; Sora can start cooking with him in a mini-game using ingredients he already has. If he can succeed in making a good dish, it will be served at the table. Ingredients can be found in different worlds or at the Moogle Shops.





A screenshot also shows Donald/Goofy calling out to Sora in the middle of gameplay.



"It seems there is an ingredient nearby."

With the Gummi Phone, it is possible to take selfies with other characters as well as landscapes and make your own album of photos.

For more screenshots recently released in a press release, see below.

Translations were provided by KH13 staff @Mio-chan.

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So the sections are Starters, Soups, Fish, Meat, Dessert

Entrée means starter in most places, in North America it means main course. I'm assuming it's starter here.

I'm interested to try this minigame out.

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