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Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ is confirmed to be coming overseas with new servers divided by language, testing already underway in North America


Yesterday, it was announced that a new Kingdom Hearts title known as Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ is currently in development for Android and iOS, and will be released during 2015. The title is a port of the Japan-only web browser game, Kingdom Hearts χ[chi], and today appeared in the latest issue of Famitsu Weekly with a 6-page feature.


This feature includes an interview with the director of the Kingdom Hearts series, Tetsuya Nomura, where he confirms that Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ will be coming overseas, with testing already underway in North America. As a result of the testing, they have decided to change Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] cards into "medals", in order to appeal more to a Western audience.


The full translation of this interview question can be read below, thanks to our translator SkyKeybladeHero.

-- In [KHx], cards are used for the battle system, but in this game they have become medals?


Nomura: Since we are considering developing this game overseas, we have adjusted it accordingly. When our testing team in America had Smartphone users play it, if they saw cards as they appeared in [KHX], they tended to think of it as the so called "card games". Although after having they play it for a while we had good reactions, the first impression of the game wasn't good. Since the first impression of a game is very important, we tried something other than cards.


-- You are considering developing it overseas, but what about the server's configuration and segmentation?


Nomura: We plan on adding new servers. We are also taking into account the chatting element, so I think we will divide it by Language Versions.

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I wonder if we are going to get started at the base game or they are just going to port it as is with all the current updates...

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YES!!! AT LAST!!!! xD


I mean, the medals instead of cards thing cause 'Muricans don't think cards are 'Murican enough thing is a bit weird, but whatever, at least the powers are the same. :P


I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO GET THIS!! I've been planning on getting a new phone at some point anyway, so I'll just have to make sure I have more storage. I am SO HYPED! X3


I don't like love, I don't like anything about love, what makes you think I am the type of guy who gives a care about watching two people have sex for? Cause news flash, I don't! I seriously just have a problem with space because I have too many episodes of Pokemon on my phone, I have a whole Pokemon movie on my phone, I use my phone as an iPod, I have some games on there (including the original Flappy Bird, Candy Crush, etc.), I have a meme creator on there, tons of photos, both Sonic and Mega Man comics apps with comics on there, I have services (like IGN and Shazam) on there, and I have a calculator app because I don't like the default calculator.


Um, he wasn't insinuating anything dude, he was just making a joke. It's not like anyone here would know what you like or don't like. Also, could you clarify on the whole "I don't like love" thing? Do you mean love in a sexual kind of sense or the emotion itself? Cause that statement kind of confuses me. I'm not looking to judge or anything, I'd just like to understand better. :/

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for now nothing, unless web browser game is coming as well to the overseas, all the way, I'm only interested in the web browser version.I don't have iOS, so it's pointless for me.

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I just hope we won't need a Yahoo account or something. It's a little bothersome to have to constantly make accounts for everything just to play games exclusive to the certain search engines and what not (Google chrome, Firefox, etc.).

Either way, I'm hoping to enjoy this version of X [chi].


MEDALS! Yeah. That's... interesting.

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YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Sad though that they changed it to medals... I love card games. Well, it's better than not getting it at all.

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I'll wait for Kingdom Hearts Re:Unchained [Key] X on PS4 thank you very much. I do not entend to buy a smartphone to play this. Also I've spoiled myself on that game. Also I'll most certainly download this and play it on emulator. 


Kingdom Hearts DDD HD, Kingdom Hearts Re:Unchained [Key] X and Kingdom Hearts III on PS4, that's what will get no doubt. 

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Awesome can't wait to play it! And honestly I'm glad they got rid of cards I don't like card base games that much. I'm more interesting in metals than the cards.

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I can't wait to play this game! I have a 4G iPod and I looked up that you can play smartphone games on iPods as long as they're 4G and up.


I'm a little bummed that they changed the cards to medals but not bummed enough to not be psyched for this awesome game.  :smile:

Edited by Keyblade101

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All right people, you may now... Posted Image

I was having a horrible day until I saw this, haha. Made everything better. And this news sure helped, haha. I played the browser version of Chi and even though i loved it, I had to quit playing because of the language barrier. So I'm super stoked for this.

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Oh yes, oh blazes yes!  OH FRICKIN FRACKIN DOODLING YES!!!  THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY GOOD YEAR FOR US KH FANS!!!!  OMG, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!  MY BODY IS READY TO BE CHAINED BY UNCHAINED KEY!!! :D  And you know, guys?  This is perfect!  Unchained Key will be a perfect distraction for us while Nomura and the gang continue to work on Kingdom Hearts III!  Nomura is a sly fox, I tell you...a sly fox!  And I love him for it! :D

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YAY! (For people with Smartphones)

Don't worry you have blue stacks emulator and more recently you can use Google Chrome to play apps from their play store

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Don't worry you have blue stacks emulator and more recently you can use Google Chrome to play apps from their play store

Well I had Blue Stacks buy my computer is very dumb and maybe I could try with Google Chrome

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