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Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (light novel) is now available to buy in paperback and digital


The Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded light novel, localized by Yen Press, is now available to buy in paperback and digital from various retailers staring at $14.00 US / $18.50 CAN (paperback) and $7.99 US/$9.99 CAN (digital)! You can purchase the novel as a paperback from AAAAnime, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indigo, Indiebound, and RightStuf as well as digitally from Amazon, Bookwalker, ComiXology, Google Play, Apple Books, and Kobo.    

Here is the official cover:


The description of the light novel is as follows:


With the Organization defeated, all is right with the world. Mickey and his friends from Disney Castle have returned home, only to find a mysterious message has appeared in Jiminy's journal that Jiminy knows he didn't write. When they go to investigate, a new adventure begins in the hidden worlds inside the journal...

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