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Kingdom Hearts III countdown's 13th day media unveils more information on the New Organization XIII's plans

In the 13th day countdown tweet posted by Kingdom Hearts III directory Tetusya Nomura, a quote can be seen on the picture attached, saying:


We only need his heart in order to forge the key. We do not need his soul.


Who and what could this possibly be referring to? We'd like to hear your theories; comment and discuss below!

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Wow that's interesting. I have a feeling the line is from the scene in the trailer when Ansem says "If he wanders off the path we'll destroy him."

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I've actually wondered about the soul for a while now. An excerpt from Secret Ansem Report #4 in KH2:

"Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost? When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves? A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness."

KH1 mainly focused on the nature of the heart, and KH2 mainly focused on the nature of the body. So maybe KH3 will shed more light on the "soul" portion of a being? It's kind of been a running a joke how no one dies in the series, but that's mainly because everyone has "died" because of heart related circumstances.

If a heart leaves the body, you can always bring them back in some way, BUT if the soul leaves the body, I guess they are truly dead? Maybe this will be a way to truly "kill off" characters without fans rolling their eyes and going "No worries, (insert name) isn't dead, we'll just kill their Heartless and Nobody and bring them back!".

And I'm just going to be boring and assume the quote is referring to Sora.

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Sora was obviously my first thought, but as a result this made me think that they are not talking about Sora. It seems too obvious. I'm thinking they mean Ventus. He's kind of the ideal candidate due to his connection to vanitas.

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  On 1/12/2019 at 4:37 PM, Green Sparrow said:

I've actually wondered about the soul for a while now. An excerpt from Secret Ansem Report #4 in KH2:

"Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost? When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves? A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness."

KH1 mainly focused on the nature of the heart, and KH2 mainly focused on the nature of the body. So maybe KH3 will shed more light on the "soul" portion of a being? It's kind of been a running a joke how no one dies in the series, but that's mainly because everyone has "died" because of heart related circumstances.

If a heart leaves the body, you can always bring them back in some way, BUT if the soul leaves the body, I guess they are truly dead? Maybe this will be a way to truly "kill off" characters without fans rolling their eyes and going "No worries, (insert name) isn't dead, we'll just kill their Heartless and Nobody and bring them back!".

And I'm just going to be boring and assume the quote is referring to Sora.

Would be neat to actually focus on another part of the spiritual aspect of the series.

Cant Imagine its sora nothing is ever that simple.

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It's been established the Ansem reports that a soul is a person's life force. If they lose their will to live, or their soul, wouldn't the person just be straight up die? Going off of Strelitzia, Eraqus, and the ancient Keyblade wielders in the war, does their body disintegrate like it would when you create a nobody and heartless, only different this time? I assume a heart can persist in another body if it's owner is dead? Does the person's heart go to the real Kingdom Hearts when they die? I think it could really be any of the male guardians of light or even any of the male seekers of darkness. I wouldn't just single out Ven because he has a mysterious past. Any male character on both of those sides are fair game with the exception of probably Sora and old man Master Xehanort. Heck, it could be another defector or betrayer from the the seekers's side.

Edited by ITzDarthLordRevan

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Thank you for sharing this with us, Aquaberry! :D

This is verily interesting! It just makes the question of what will happen all the more apparent! I wonder who they are talking about specifically here? Because they could be mentioning anyone on the side of the Guardians! Just who is it that they could be referring to...?

  On 1/12/2019 at 4:37 PM, Green Sparrow said:

"Three elements combine to create a life: a heart, a soul, and a body. But what of the soul and body left behind when the heart is lost? When the soul leaves the body, its vessel, life gives way to death, but what about when the heart leaves? A being does not perish when its heart leaves its body. The heart alone disappears into the darkness."

Holy crud, this is probably the clue that has been right in our faces all this time! Think about it! The only reason why no one "dies" in Kingdom Hearts is because their souls do not perish! But what if now, in Kingdom Hearts III, souls are obliterated as well? That would lead to permanent death! D:

The stakes just got higher!

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