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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue officially announced for PS4, releasing in 2016


Today at SCEJA's 2015 press conference, Square Enix have officially announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue for the PlayStation 4, to release in 2016. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue will lead into Kingdom Hearts III and contains:


- Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD

- Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] Back Cover (movie)

- Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage-


Dream Drop Distance HD is a HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts 3D, which originally released in 2012. χ [chi] Back Cover is a HD movie based on Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, and Birth by Sleep 0.2 is a new story based on the earlier concept of Birth by Sleep -Volume 2-, first teased in the Birth by Sleep Final Mix Secret Movie.


This announcement follows a leak earlier in the week about a mysterious game called Kingdom Hearts 2.9. It is unknown if they are one and the same or not.


Trailer (Square Enix NA will officially upload a HD version of the trailer on September 17):










The official website for the game has launched, and can be accessed here. Square Enix's TGS 2015 website has also been updated with an official page for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. The official Japanese PlayStation website has also updated with Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and can be accessed here. Here's some official information about the games:


Originally released in 2012, KINGDOM HEARTS [Dream Drop Distance] HD is a full-HD remastered version of KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance]. Series protagonists Sora and Riku take on the Mark of Mastery exam in preparation for coming threats. The signature action of the KINGDOM HEARTS series has evolved, allowing players to experience faster-paced battles and exploration at a blistering pace.

This newly remastered title also features:


· KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage –

o A completely new playable episode that links to the story of KINGDOM HEARTS III, taking place after the storyline of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep played from the perspective of Aqua.


· KINGDOM HEARTS χ [chi] Back Cover (movie)

o A new HD movie that tells the mysterious story of the Foretellers, connecting the earliest parts of the series’ history, showcased in the upcoming mobile title KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained χ[chi].


Lastly, Famitsu.com have revealed that this week's issue of Famitsu Weekly (releasing on September 17) will contain an article on Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. Here's a preview:



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it's actually because of KH 0.2 BBS A Fragmentary Passage. It is running on the engine that kh3 is running on. 

Oh nvm I read that it was cinematic. So yeh it is cause of BBS 0.2.

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Oh God, I can't even begin to express how much I frickin fanboyed when I saw the article for 2.8 and its trailer!  My mind went numb, I went crazy, and I screamed like a banshee!  Glorious heavens, this is it!!!  The final step on the journey to Kingdom Hearts III!!!  THE FINAL CHAPTER PROLOGUE IS COMING!!!  Good lord, this has me so frickin hyped!  KH3D IS GETTING A REMASTER, CHI IS GETTING CINEMATICS, AND BIRTH BY SLEEP VOLUME 2 IS OFFICIALLY A THING!!!




Lol, the funny thing is, I was waiting for Kingdom Hearts III to get a PS4...looks like I'll be needing the PS4 a bit earlier than expected! X3



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Recently it has been so much fun to be a Kingdom Hearts Fan.. :)

I mean, this year we had got E3, Unchained X, D23 in Anaheim, 2.8 Announcement and still TGS and the big fan event that is D23 in Japan. :)

Edited by NoWay

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I am not gonna lie. At first I was kinda mad about 2.8 because i literally bought a 2ds and dream drop distance a month ago (my parents were/are infuriated!). But then the madness slowly withered away (about 5-10 mins later i am jumping up and down because of the new kingdom hearts game included) and i became HYPED!!!!!!!!


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