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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue officially announced for PS4, releasing in 2016


Today at SCEJA's 2015 press conference, Square Enix have officially announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue for the PlayStation 4, to release in 2016. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue will lead into Kingdom Hearts III and contains:


- Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD

- Kingdom Hearts χ [chi] Back Cover (movie)

- Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage-


Dream Drop Distance HD is a HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts 3D, which originally released in 2012. χ [chi] Back Cover is a HD movie based on Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, and Birth by Sleep 0.2 is a new story based on the earlier concept of Birth by Sleep -Volume 2-, first teased in the Birth by Sleep Final Mix Secret Movie.


This announcement follows a leak earlier in the week about a mysterious game called Kingdom Hearts 2.9. It is unknown if they are one and the same or not.


Trailer (Square Enix NA will officially upload a HD version of the trailer on September 17):










The official website for the game has launched, and can be accessed here. Square Enix's TGS 2015 website has also been updated with an official page for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. The official Japanese PlayStation website has also updated with Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and can be accessed here. Here's some official information about the games:


Originally released in 2012, KINGDOM HEARTS [Dream Drop Distance] HD is a full-HD remastered version of KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance]. Series protagonists Sora and Riku take on the Mark of Mastery exam in preparation for coming threats. The signature action of the KINGDOM HEARTS series has evolved, allowing players to experience faster-paced battles and exploration at a blistering pace.

This newly remastered title also features:


· KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage –

o A completely new playable episode that links to the story of KINGDOM HEARTS III, taking place after the storyline of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep played from the perspective of Aqua.


· KINGDOM HEARTS χ [chi] Back Cover (movie)

o A new HD movie that tells the mysterious story of the Foretellers, connecting the earliest parts of the series’ history, showcased in the upcoming mobile title KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained χ[chi].


Lastly, Famitsu.com have revealed that this week's issue of Famitsu Weekly (releasing on September 17) will contain an article on Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. Here's a preview:



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I knew if 2.9(now 2.8) was announced, it would include KH3D, X was iffy, but there it is, and last but not least BBS V2(0.2). Guess Nomura finally got the time to finally do it now. lol People can't ignore that BBS(KH0) is indeed an numbered title game now since BBS was on PSP. Always said Nomura should have called BBS "Kingdom Hearts 0" in the title instead of just an interview.


AQUA!!!!!!! *foams out the mouth*

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To start up TGS Sony had a press conference and from Square Enix (forgive my spelling because I'm not sure how to spell his name) Shingi Hoshimotto just announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Remix for the PS4 which will include Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD, Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover, and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage which will be the last HD Remix before Kingdom Hearts 3 is to be released. Let me Know what you guys think about Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Remix in the comments below. I'm so  HYPED for this game now.

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It will have KH: DDD HD, Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover, and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage-. Wow, Volume 2, who would have expected that...It was said it will come to Playstation 4 but no mention of Playstation 3 or other consoles.

I think it's PS4 exclusive because the touchpad can simulate the 3DS controls. And also since everyone wanting to play KH3 would need a PS4 anyway

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By the way, Birth By Sleep 0.2 looks like its running on Kingdom Shader (KH3's engine). It could be a prologue to KH3 using the same engine and battle system, aka a "demo"

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It will be interesting to know how long Kingdom Hearts BBS 0.2 is. I doubt it will be substantial. Maybe 2-3 hours if we're lucky?

I also don't think it'll be long. In fact I don't see the entire collection being very long at all. 

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Ok here is the real question every one should be asking 2.8 were is 2.9 also why is tthe .1 missing and also is there a secret gamer in there to making it 2.9 they did not show aka Atraction flow

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I'm just so HYPED for this game now because its going to be the first HD remaster that I will ever own since I don't have a PS3, but I do have a PS4 so I'm definitely getting Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue without a doubt.

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This is cool and all. But are a remastered 3ds game, a fred mobile game, and what I doubt is a lot more new content worth 60 bucks? I think most of .02 we got in BBS final mix and I mean how much more in depth can they go? She's still trapped in the world of darkness and she lacks her own keyblade.this also kinda confirms kh3 2017. Also. I think I'd prefer 1.5 and 2.5 to 2.8

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I really hope the new games Birth by Sleep 0.2 and the new Kingdom Hearts X games are to be good seeing as they are:

Making Kingdom Hearts 3

Remastering Kingdom Hearts DDD

Constantly releasing new missions and patches for Unchained X

Making the New X

And the new Birth By Sleep.

Seems like a lot of things at once to me :( 

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I don't understand. I know 3D is a remaster but what about the other two? Are they games or just cutscenes?

Edited by Elast0

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I don't understand. I know 3D is a remaster but what about the other two? Are they games or just cutscenes?

i strongly believe BBS .2 is a KH3 prologue using its engine and battle system; kind of like MGSV Ground Zeroes and MGSV Phantom Pain

Edited by sagman12PC

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I don't understand. I know 3D is a remaster but what about the other two? Are they games or just cutscenes?


"Back Cover" suggests it will just be a summary of X Chi/Unchained, kinda like how the Back Cover of a book is just a plot summary.BBS 0.2 seems like it will be a demo for KH3 kinda.

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What about having all the games on one console, SE?  I guess I should cross my fingers for a PS4 price drop soon.  Though it's possible they could be announcing other consoles later.  KH3 is going to be on XB1 too so I would be surprised they wouldn't have this one on it as well.


Edit: Looks like Japan is getting a price drop to 34,900 yen this year.  Hopefully this price drop ends up happening globally :)

Edited by Oishii

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