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[KHUX NA: 09-20-2019] Version 3.4.0 Update, Main Story Quests Have Been Added, Keyblade War Pt. 2, Supernova Stained Glass Medals, Hades Cup & HSC Returns, FFBE x KHUX Collaboration Campaign, and September's Big Bonus Challenge


Version 3.4.0 is here! Updated on September 19th, 2019 here are the following adjustments that were made:

Moogle Shop

  • You will be able to purchase various items (Items will cost Jewels). 
  • Get limited time items and special items you can only get when you purchase the Jewel Box +. 


  • Unlock Passives based on your LUX levels.Unlock Passives starting from LUX level 350 such as increased STR / DEF / HP / and SP ATK Gauge. At LUX level 800, you will have unlocked the following Passives: 
    STR +3000 (applies to all equipped Medals) / DEF +3000 / HP +5000 / SP ATK Gauge +3 (applies to all Keyblades).
  • Unlock Passives based on your Keyblade levels. At Keyblade level +35, you will unlock Passives such as increased STR for Upright P, Upright S, Upright M, Reversed P, Reversed S, Reversed M, P, S, M, Upright, and Reversed Medals. Examples: Upright P Medal STR +50 → Upright and P Medal STR +50 , P Medal STR +100 → P Medal STR +100 (Not limited to Upright or Reversed).

Medal Fusion Improvement

  • The Medal Fusion process has been simplified. 
  • If you have all the appropriate Medals, you can enhance them all the way to the max with just one fuse.

Speed-up feature in Union Cross

  • You will now be able to use the speed-up feature in Union Cross.

Adjustments to Subslots Modifiers

  • The Subslot modifiers of single-attribute and double-attribute Keyblades have been adjusted in the following manner (to balance them with triple-attribute Keyblades such as Fairy Stars and Stroke of Midnight). 
  • Single-attribute Keyblades: x 1.6 
  • Double-attribute Keyblades: x 1.2

Maximum Lux Level Increased

  • Maximum lux level has increased from 800 to 850.

Increased Maximum Medal Storage

  • You will be able to increase the maximum capacity of your Medal storage to 3,000 Medals (previously 2,000). 
  •  In conjunction with this increase, we will be conducting a Medal storage sale from September 19th, 2019 to October 23rd, 2019. Increase your capacity during this time for only half the amount of jewels!

Following update 3.4.0, the Kingdom Hearts Union x devs have addressed the following issues and will be sending jewels to players as an apology for the inconvenience! 

  • Regarding issues with Reflect: The issue was addressed with the update on Sep. 19, 2019. As we previously stated, we have delivered 3,000 Jewels to all players as an apology for the delay in addressing the issue.
  • Regarding the Union Ranking Error: We are planning to address this error in the update late September. As an apology for this display error, we will be sending all players 300 Jewels.The issue was addressed with the update on Sep. 19, 2019


New story quests have been added following the 3.4.0 version update! Five new story quests are now available to play and the max level for the Bad Guy Breaker Keyblade has been increased to +10!


The Keyblade War PT. 2 has arrived. Complete quests to get Gems, Boost Medals, and more! 



The FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS X KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Collaboration Campaign has arrived! From now until October 4th complete goals in FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS and KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ to receive a variety of rewards in both apps


Get the following rewards based on the number of players that clear collaboration event Heartless: Large Body (INT).

Goal Rewards in KHUX
50,000 Players Free 3-Medal Draw
75,000 Players Free 5-Medal Draw
100,000 Players Free 8-Medal Draw
125,000 Players Free 10-Medal Draw
150,000 Players Free 10-Medal Draw (Guaranteed one Supernova Medal)

Get the following rewards based on the number of NEW players that clear Tutorial (Latius Woods/South)!

Goal Rewards in KHUX
15,000 Players Power Gem × 10
Speed Gem × 10
Magic Gem× 10
100 Jewels
20,000 Players Power Gem × 20
Speed Gem × 20
Magic Gem × 20
500 Jewels
25,000 Players

Power Gem × 30
Speed Gem × 30
Magic Gem × 30
1,000 Jewels
KH III Riku Doll (Male)
KH III Riku Doll (Female)



Get the following rewards based on the number of players that complete Big Bonus Challenge: Leviathan - 1/7! Until October 4th, Battle Leviathan in this month's Big Bonus Challenge to get up to 5000 Jewels and a special titleKINGDOM HEARTS collaboration units cannot be summoned from this summon. 


Goal Rewards in FFBE
2,000 Players Collaboration event free 3 Summons in FFBE
5,000 Players Collaboration event free 5 Summons in FFBE
8,000 Players Collaboration event free 8 Summons in FFBE
10,000 Players Collaboration event Free 11 Summons in FFBE!
20,000 Players 5★ guaranteed unit! 
Collaboration event Free 11 Summons in FFBE!

Get the following rewards based on the number of NEW players that complete Story Quest No.10!

Goal Rewards in FFBE
5,000 Players Collaboration event login bonuses will arrive in FFBE!
10,000 Players Collaboration event login bonuses will arrive in FFBE! 
Starlight (weapon) will be added to rewards!
15,000 Players Collaboration event login bonuses will arrive in FFBE! 
Starlight (weapon) & Sora Medal (KH) (accessory) will be added to rewards!



Stained Glass Medals have returned and can now be upgraded to Supernova and Supernova+! Get Stained Glass Medals #1-6 through falling price deals until September 23rd! Each draw comes with 2 trait medals and 10 VIP coins!

SN - Stained Glass #1 (7★) 
[Maximum STR: 30054]

[Target: All] Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: M-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, U- & M-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & M-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.

Supernova: [Target: All] 1 turn: M-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & M-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, U- & M-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%(+280%). 
Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.

Gauge: 2 Tier:9


× 40.43 - 56.17

Supernova Damage:

× 160.00 
( x 200.00)

SN - Stained Glass #2 (7★) 
[Maximum STR: 30070]

[Target: All] Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: M-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, R- & M-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & M-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.

Supernova: [Target: All] 1 turn: M-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & M-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, R- & M-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%(+280%). 
Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.

Gauge: 2 Tier:9


× 40.43 - 56.17

Supernova Damage:

× 160.00 
( x 200.00)

SN - Stained Glass #3 (7★) 
[Maximum STR: 30090]

[Target: All] Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: P-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, U- & P-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & P-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.

Supernova: [Target: All] 1 turn: P-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & P-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, U- & P-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%(+280%). 
Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.

Gauge: 2 Tier:9


× 40.43 - 56.17

Supernova Damage:

× 160.00 
( x 200.00)

SN - Stained Glass #4 (7★) 
[Maximum STR: 30062]

Target: All] Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: P-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, R- & P-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & P-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.

Supernova: [Target: All] 1 turn: P-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & P-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, R- & P-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%(+280%). 
Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.

Gauge: 2 Tier:9


× 40.43 - 56.17

Supernova Damage:

× 160.00 
( x 200.00)

SN - Stained Glass #5 (7★) 
[Maximum STR: 30069]

[Target: All] Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: S-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, U- & S-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & S-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.

Supernova: [Target: All] 1 turn: S-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & S-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, U- & S-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%(+280%). 
Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.

Gauge: 2 Tier:9


× 40.43 - 56.17

Supernova Damage:

× 160.00 
( x 200.00)

SN - Stained Glass #6 (7★) 
[Maximum STR: 30065]

[Target: All] Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: S-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, R- & S-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & S-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.

Supernova: [Target: All] 1 turn: S-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & S-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, R- & S-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%(+280%). 
Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.

Gauge: 2 Tier:9


× 40.43 - 56.17

Supernova Damage:

× 160.00 
( x 200.00)



The High Score Challenge and Hades Cup return! Until September 30th, take on the High Score Challenge to receive tons of gems and skills. Challenge the Hades Cup to receive up to 6,000 jewels and radiant rewards such as gems and a special title! Complete the Hades Cup to unlock the Paradox Cup! 

For more updates on Kingdom Hearts Union xfollow us @KH13chi on twitter!

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Ugh, there's a lot of stuff to cover this time...

Ok, first the Moogle Shop. It's... interesting. On the one hand, it's disappointing that none of the items can be bought with Munny (as many were hoping). On the other hand, you can now get traits without dealing with stupid luck-based trait rolls. Of course, this means that those with the means will be able to make perfect medals while those without the means might be able to get perfect medals. Not to mention the prices on these traits. I mean, 5000 jewels is a little steep. VIP gets select traits for 1000 jewels on a weekly basis, which is a better deal, but that 5k price tag... The "nice" thing is that this is a permanent fixture, so not buying something now shouldn't have a negative impact in the future.

Passive buffs are good, medal leveling quality of life updates are good (can be accessed using the Optimize button), increased speed in Union cross is super helpful (be careful if you're sensitive to lots of flashing images, though), subslot boosts have basically made the single-attribute Keyblades godly while the tri-attribute Keyblades are now low on the totem pole, and storage has been increased by 1000. Speaking of which...

STORAGE SALE!! Finally! What a relief, considering that the Kyroo medals can't be stacked yet and therefore are taking up way too much space in everyone's inventory. Definitely take advantage of this. It's 10,000 jewels for 1000 storage spaces, which is quite the good deal (much better than paying 20,000 jewels when there's no storage sale). The sale goes for about a month, so you have time to get enough jewels if you don't have enough right now.

The collab event with FFBE is a great way to get rewards, though we'll have to rely on the FFBE players if we want our rewards. I have no doubt that they'll get almost if not all of their prizes. Leviathan is a bit of a challenge, as you're not allowed to use medals that cost 0 gauges. This will be much easier if you have a copy medal with extra attack (like Lea/Axel or Angelic Amber) so you can copy your buffer medal. Remember not to spend jewels on this just to get the jewels it rewards.

The Stained Glass medals can be upgraded to Supernova+ now, which is nice, but I don't think this is a good deal to chase. These banners are falling price, which is good, but they only last for a few days, which makes me think something better is coming. Since Stained Glass medals are in the general pool of medals, I recommend playing the long game and working slowly to upgrade these guys.

Last 2 things are the High Score Challenge and the Paradox Cup quests. The HSC is pretty much the same as it has been before: do well and you get gems (and a few useless skills). If you have % medals, great. If you don't, you should be fine with the highest score you can get with what you've got. There are only 2 paradox Cup quests this time, both are challenging, and both only offer gems and a title (for the second quest). If you can beat them great; if you can't, it's fine.

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Fantastic to get the new story quests, definitely needed to think on one of them rather than brute force it with the strongest keyblade. Looking forward to upgrading the Bad Guy Breaker.

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