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[KHUX NA: 7-26-2019] Guilt Campaign, Returning Avatar Boards, Returning Supernova Medal Deals: Key Art #20, Blitz Form Sora, Sephiroth


The Guilt Bonus Campaign is back, until August 12th at 23:59 PT! During this time, medal synthesis EXP will be doubled and medal synthesis Munny costs will be halved.

Until August 5th at 23:59 PT, the Ariel (F) and Triton (M) avatar boards return for 1500 Jewels each:

Triton (M) Ariel (F)

King Triton Style 
King Triton: Fins 
King Triton: Trident & Cape (Rare Enemy Perk +4) 
King Triton: Arm Guards 
King Triton: Necklace 
Title: King of the Sea

Sleep+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Paralysis+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Poison+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Attack Boost II Max (6★ Scrooge) 
6★ Chip x 3 
6★ Dale x 3 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 3

Ariel Style 
Ariel: Earrings 
Ariel: Bubbles (Rare Enemy Perk +4) 
Ariel: Headpiece 
Ariel: Bracelet 
Title: Mermaid

Sleep+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Paralysis+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Poison+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Attack Boost II Max (6★ Scrooge) 
6★ Chip x 3 
6★ Dale x 3 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 3


Additionally, these three Supernova medals return with their own Medal Deals, each running until August 5th at 23:59 PT:

  • Supernova - Key Art #20
  • SN - Blitz Form Sora
  • Supernova - Sephiroth

Each deal offers Limited VIP Coins with each pull. Note that Limited VIP Coins obtained this month will expire on the 31st at 23:59 PT, while Limited VIP Coins obtained after August 1st at 23:59 PT will expire August 31st at 23:59 PT.


Images from this update can be viewed below. How's your summer going?


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I'm thinking of getting Supernova - Sephiroth since I lack strong Power medals. Plus, I have like 6 Trait medals waiting to be used and it's very easy to evolve Tier 8 SN medals to SN+.

Too bad it's not a Falling Price Deal and it would cost 15,000 Jewels to get him guaranteed. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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Honestly, the guilt campaign is the only worthwhile update here. Guilting medals might not be much of a thing anymore but conserving resources when leveling up medals is always helpful.

All three of these deals are bait. Yes, people call everything "bait", but this is one situation where the term definitely applies. This isn't to say that these medals aren't good: they're actually much better now that they've received upgrades. But you don't need to bother with a 5-mercy pull for them. It's not even worth it just to pull for trait medals (really though, it's never worth it to pull for a trait medal). Save your jewels for the next big medal(s).

And once again, these reprint boards are worthless now: skip them.

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