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[KHUX NA: 4-08-2019] Weekly Updates, LUX Ranking Rewards


While Third Anniversary campaigns are going on, the new week's got some stuff to bring, too.

For VIP purchasers this week, VIP offers: four KH3 Minnie medals, a corresponding Trait Medal, and a bonus 1400 Jewels; a 7* Sora & Chip & Dale medal, another 7* Supernova - KH3 Ansem medal, the Pastry Chef avatar set (gloves: Skill Perk +9), the Lollipop hand accessory (Raid Boss Perk +5), the Pink Monstar spirit part set, the Hamburger and Cupcake Cap spirit parts, seven Brooms and Mirrors, six Gems (two of each P/S/M type), and five Blue Fairy medals (two for Tier 7 and 8, one for Tier 6).

Medal Attribute Guilt Tier SP Cost Ability Max Multiplier
6* KH3 Minnie Upright/Magic 8 0 SP [AoE] 1 turn: 15 DEF & P-DEF, targets -8 STR, -3 P-STR. Uses 2 gauges. x14.65
7* KH3 Minnie Upright/Magic 8 0 SP

[AoE] 1 turn: 15 DEF & P-DEF, targets -8 STR, -3 P-STR. Uses 2 gauges.

[AoE], x90 multiplier. 1 turn: 15 DEF & PSM-DEF, targets -10 STR, -3 PSM-STR. Count +3. Gauge +10. 
Activates before slot 6 when defending in PVP.




Union Cross, until April 21st at 23:59 PT, offers the Maximus Ornament. 30-minute Bonus Times are at:

Pacific Time UTC

4:00 a.m. - 4:29 a.m.

10:00 a.m. - 10:29 a.m.

2:00 p.m. - 2:29 p.m.

7:00 p.m. - 7:29 p.m.

11:00 p.m. - 11:29 p.m.

11:00 - 11:29

17:00 - 17:29

21:00 - 21:29

2:00 - 2:29

6:00 - 6:29


Lastly, aim high in the weekly LUX rankings for rewards like the Shoulder-Riding Pascal accessory!


Images from this update can be viewed below. Good Luck with those KH3 Moogles!


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Well this VIP is certainly a lot less exciting than last week's. Still, KH3 Minnie is a much better VIP medal than KH3 Pascal. It all but guarantees that you'll survive against strong enemies, which could be especially helpful for the Hades Cup.

This is the last week of KH3 Ansem's 7-week run, so we might see a new weekly medal starting next week. I don't think getting VIP is worth it if this guy is the only thing you're aiming for, but he's ok as a bonus for buying VIP.

The rest is alright. The avatar parts look cute, though the lollipop is outdated (raid perk means nothing anymore, which means this was available previously in JP). Pet parts are purely cosmetic, and extra resources are nice but nothing out of the ordinary.

Anyway, raid week is upon us, so be sure to work with your party and use your boost! This is a great opportunity to level up a bit and get more avatar coins that you can trade for draw tickets. (Sure would be nice if we got jewels as a party ranking reward, though...)

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