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[KHUX NA: 01-09-2020 & 01-10-2020] Version 3.5.0 update includes UI changes and more, daily gem event, and a Terra, Aqua, & Ven draw


Following maintenance, version 3.5.0 includes:

  • UI Adjustment: Event Pickup Banner has been implemented on the top.
  • Increase Storage Improvement: It's customized now so that you can expand the Storage at once.
  • Auto function of supernova: Supernova auto function has been added. You can turn it on/off through OPTIONS in Quest. 
  • Jewel Box E bonus content will be effective for 31 days after purchase. Instead of making it effective until the end of the month, it will be changed to 31 days after purchase. 
    *The change will be implemented after purchasing Jewel Box E in the latest 3.5.0 update.
  • Implemented various bug fixes and adjustments of UI.


Draw Points Deal is now available! Until February 8, convert the medals you're not using to points! Draw medals that are above SN+. You will be able to convert any attack medals tier 2 and over for draw points!

For example:

Tier 2 ⇒ Receive 2 points! 
Tier 10 ⇒ Receive 10 points!

Regarding the draw itself. You can draw once with 100 points! Boosted acquired along with SN+ and SN++ medals!


SN++ KH3 Terra, SN++ KH3 Aqua, and SN++ KH3 Ventus deal is available until January 20th along with a new SN Renew medal! Each Medal is guaranteed within 10 draws from their corresponding banners! 

SN Renew medals give you the ability to revive SN and use it again. However, Upright/Reversed and different traits are specific requirements for reviving SN. Note that an SN that has SN renew will not revive. 

There will be no Upright Medals with Power attribute SN renew after SN++ - KH III Terra. 
There will be no Upright Medals with Magic attribute SN renew after SN++ - KH III Aqua. 
There will be no Upright Medals with Speed attribute SN renew after SN++ - KH III Ventus.


SN++ - KH III Terra (7★) 
[Maximum STR:40049 ]

[Target: All] Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: self [↑ STR, U- & P-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, U- & P-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Damage+: 1 enemy or 0 parts left.


[Target: All] [Mastery] P Medal: SN Renew. 1 turn: SP ATK B +300%. 
Triggers before slot 6 is activated when defending in PVP.






× 69.89 - 76.19

SN Damage:

× 240.00

SN++ - KH III Ventus (7★)
[Maximum STR:40029 ]

[Target: All] Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: self [↑ STR, U- & S-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, U- & S-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Damage+: 1 enemy or 0 parts left.


[Target: All] [Mastery] S Medal: SN Renew. 1 turn: SP ATK B +300%. 
Triggers before slot 6 is activated when defending in PVP.






× 69.89 - 76.19

SN Damage:

× 240.00

SN++ - KH III Aqua (7★) 
[Maximum STR:40016 ]

[Target: All] Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: self [↑ STR, U- & M-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, U- & M-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Damage+: 1 enemy or 0 parts left.


[Target: All] [Mastery] M Medal: SN Renew. 1 turn: SP ATK B +300%. 
Triggers before slot 6 is activated when defending in PVP.






× 69.89 - 76.19

SN Damage:

× 240.00

SN++ - Terra, Ven, Aqua(7★) 
[Maximum STR:41243 ]

[Target: Single] Deals 7 hits. 1 turn: U-Medal STR +1500, self [↑ STR, U- & PSM-STR 15], target [↓ DEF, U- & PSM-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%. Damage+: 1 enemy or 0 parts left.


[Target: All] [Mastery] U Medal: SN Renew. 1 turn: U-Medal STR +2500, SP ATK B +300%. 
Triggers before slot 6 is activated when defending in PVP.






× 71.99 - 78.29

SN Damage:

× 250.00



Complete all of the challenges by January 20th to receive every type of 1 Tier 10 Subslot Medals! Rewards will be distributed sometimes around 1/22 - 1/23 PST.


Until January 21st, Earn gems by taking on the challenge every day! You will receive Sun Gem x 4, Moon Gem x 4, Power Gem x 34, Speed Gem x 34, and Magic Gem x 32! 





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So, the update finally came, and with it come 4 new medals with a new mechanic.

So, this Supernova Restore mechanic is great and all, as long as your medals have Supernovas that can boost your STR. Restoring anything else is essentially just a waste of time, given how things have gotten. A few things to note about these medals.
First: the individual medals (Terra, Aqua, Ven) don't boost your STR. Be aware of that and keep in mind that it could end up decreasing your overall damage output.
Second: these are the only Upright medals that will restore Power/Speed/Magic Supernovas. This means that if we ever see another medal that restores Power/Speed/Magic Supernovas, it'll have to be a Reverse medal. They didn't say that the combined TVA medal would be the only Upright medal to restore Upright Supernovas, though, so expect to see more like that one.
Speaking of TVA, point 3: this medal is way too expensive. It costs 280 VIP coins, which means you have to pull 28 times (just short of doing the mercy on each of the 3 banners), and that means you have to have 84,000 jewels. Unless you spend real money on this game on a regular basis, DO NOT chase this medal. And even if you do spend regularly, it's still hard to advocate for getting it. Maybe we'll get another shot at the medal in the future, but for now, consider it a lost cause.
Now, should you pull for any of these medals? Honestly, it doesn't seem all that necessary. It's a little too soon to tell if these medals are something everyone needs or if they're just a novelty for those fortunate enough to pull them. Ideally, wait until the banner is about to end to see what's coming next before you decide if you want to pull or save.

The points banner is a godsend for a large chunk of players. So many of us had a bunch of T4, T5, etc. medals being used in subslots, and most of those medals got replaced by the Kyroo medals. Before this banner, the idea was to either sell the old medals or use them for trait rolls (if you still care to trait outdated medals). Now, though, those of us who hoarded the old medals and duplicates can finally get rewarded. Every pull costs 100 points, and each (attacking) medal you sell gives you points equal to its tier level. Note: a 6* T5 medal is worth the same amount as a 7* T5 medal. Each pull is for a single Supernova+ medal, including some of the ones that were previously exclusive (Xigbar, Demyx, the Foretellers, DFF Sephiroth, etc.).
Now, while this is a great deal, you may also get some lackluster results (things like T8 Starlight or T8 Dark Riku). Another thing to keep in mind is that this banner lasts throughout the month, and that means that you can sell any of your junk medals from any pulls you do during that time as well. However, it's not advised to waste jewels on pulls just to try and get trash to sell for points. Just let these things come naturally, and you're sure to get at least a few medals you wanted.

The only other thing to talk about is the Keyblade War completion campaign. While the event isn't going away, it is rewarding those who can complete it now. And really, with our medals being as strong as they are now, this should be pretty doable for a large chunk of the playerbase. Remember: if you need any help, it never hurts to ask.

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