This month's Nintendo Dream magazine featured a New Year's greeting from Ichiro Hazama, producer of the Theatrhythm series at Square Enix. In his message, translated by Nintendo Everything, he stated:
[...] Last year at this place, I said ‘we’ll keep continuing Theatrhythm from hereafter too!’. Well then, I wonder how about next year[‘s continuity]. Personally, I still want to continue, and everyday I have been devising various plans. I’m full with a feeling to do something to make it happen, so I’ll be glad if you can wait with anticipation. [...]
To date, the Theatrhythm series has three titles in its line-up, the most recent entry being Theatrhythm Dragon Quest. If Square Enix is looking to expand the Theatrhythm universe to encompass more of their original IPs, then Kingdom Hearts would be the next logical step.
In addition to producing the Theatrhythm series, Hazama is also the producer of the Dissidia series. Originally conceived as a Kingdom Hearts game, concern about a Disney fighting game steered the project toward the Final Fantasy cast. It seems Hazama has been eager to work more closely on a Kingdom Hearts title since first assisting with project management on Kingdom Hearts II. Could Theatrhythm be his opportunity? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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