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[Updated] Announcing the official Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ KH13 party!


Update: Now that Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ is out in full swing, the Official KH13 party has decided to have slight member purges for users who contribute very little to the party. As the weekly union rankings come in, we will be removing the bottom 3 players (in terms of Lux collected) and recruiting new people to join the party. That is not to say that if you have been in the party and got removed that you can't join again. If you show improvement, we will gladly add you back! That said, we are now looking to fill 7 spots in our party! We would like to have people of higher levels/Lux collection! Just leave a screenshot of your character in the comments!

The original article follows.




We hope everyone is enjoying Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, which released on April 7th! The staff of KH13 have decided to open up an official party for the entire KH13 community - especially people who wish to seriously compete for a top spot in the leaderboards! This is the perfect opportunity to play with other members of the site! However, there are a few restrictions:

  • We have chosen the Vulpes union! That means that, in order to join our party, you must be in the Vulpes union. In order to change unions, tap Menu -> Other -> Switch Unions.
  • There are a limited number of spaces available (max 30) so this will be a bit competitive.
  • We are genuinely aiming to reach the top of the leaderboards, so please be serious in achieving this as well.

All you need to do at this point is share your ID number in the comments below, and share a photo of your character's stats (tap your player icon on the top left of the screen, then take a screenshot). If you receive an invite, then you're in! Good luck!

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Hi this will be my first post, but i would love to play with you guys my Id: 836626. Huge fan of kh13 over the years. Not sure how to resize this.Posted Image

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ID 5240https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6gWlMfL5yfLUVhwYWtobjdwcEU/view?usp=sharingCurrently Captain of the Space Cowboys but would consider leaving if a position is available. Some members are awesome and it would be left in good hands but most of the team is fairly inactive.



If you two leave Unicornis for Vulpes, you're in. Let me know when you switch over.

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Let me know if you invite me cause i would need to leave my current guild

I can't invite you until you do, so if you leave your current party, let me know and I will add you.

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Edit2: On a second thought since barley anyone is on in the past week, I would like to join if there's space. I'll leave if there is a spot left.


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Edited by OmegaForte

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