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Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, North American release date.


The latest issue of Game Informer magazine has revealed that the release date of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep in North American will be "sometime between June and August". This information seems reliable as they claim that they were informed by Square Enix.

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what are we supposed to do until then


Interesting choice of words there, QV. Still, I'd say either do something dramatic by waiting on a game. Or. Play the whole series on a whim. Still, I see this as reliable, and people I've seen post on forums saying about this game comming out around June 1. And I don't see it as correct, they can say it, but by only a rumor. Nah. I don't and can't really agree with them. If it's inbetween June and August, then it's somewhere in there.


It is after all, a matter of time. And I knew this'd happen, they're waiting right after E3 to put the game up. I mean, KH + E3 mix don't they?

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Saix X on face too,and that things under Axel's eyes,not that I don't like them,I just want to know where they come from,because I don't see them in BbS and Saix doesn't have an X in BbS either,they'll have to explain this.

And Sephiroths music when you fight him,don't know why it gets me nervous,but I can't fight without sound.

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