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Kingdom Hearts 3D, Famitsu.com interview.


Famitsu.com have been able to hold an interview with Tetsuya Nomura, concerning the newly announced Kingdom Hearts title for the Nintendo 3DS, Kingdom Hearts 3D. This interview reveals some small details surrounding the game. Also, Famitsu.com have reported about the game's trailer shown at E3 2010. Both have been translated by HEARTSTATION.ORG, and can be read at our forum.

-Is ‘Kingdom Hearts 3D’ the official title?
Nomura: It’s not the official title, but it’s not completely unconnected, either. The ‘3D’ here doesn’t mean ‘3 Dimensional’, it’s an abbreviation of the subtitle. But, I can’t say any more than that at this time.

-We saw the demo, and the characters showed in it are Sora and Riku, appearing as they did in the first Kingdom Hearts game, yet there were many situations in it that couldn’t have happened in KH1.
Nomura: That’s because this isn’t a remake, this is a completely new title. This time, Sora and Riku are protagonists, and we are in the process of selecting new worlds. ‘3D’is the title which enters the next new level after the three games that were produced at the same time, 358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep and Coded,

-What kind of story will this game have? When does it take place in the series timeline?
Nomura: I can’t tell you at this time. But so far, to a certain degree, the development is becoming unpredictable, with what was developed in accordance to everyone’s expectations losing shape. There are a few hints in Re:Coded, so I think people who are interested in that should play it.

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Could it be Riku's side of Kingdom Hearts I do you think?


Nomura said it's a completely new game that continues the story, so I'd say no.


it could be both Riku and Sora's story


Now that you mention it, I read a theory recently on KHI where someone mentioned that the whole Sora/Riku switching back-and-forth in the gameplay ties in with the Snarl of Memories cutscene from Days. Something about Riku's memories intermingling with Sora's. It made so much sense.

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Nomura said it's a completely new game that continues the story, so I'd say no.




Now that you mention it, I read a theory recently on KHI where someone mentioned that the whole Sora/Riku switching back-and-forth in the gameplay ties in with the Snarl of Memories cutscene from Days. Something about Riku's memories intermingling with Sora's. It made so much sense.


You guys were right :D

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