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Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Japanese website update.


Square Enix's official Japanese website for Kingdom Hearts Re:coded has been updated. This update, which is to the system section of the website, contains information and screenshots regarding the Bug Block and Battle Command aspects of the game. The Battle Command section includes a small trailer, which can be seen below our downloaded from our video archive.

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This video is simply amazing because it's shows dynamical gameplay!


358/2 Days would've been awesome with this style of Battlemode!


Can't wait to import this title! ;-D

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Look like it might be on par with days. The cutscenes might be ugly, but it looks as fun as days, which is definitely a bonus. I hope it turns out as good as it looks.

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I can already tell this game will be alot better than Days, the gameplay reminds me of a mix bewteewn KHI and KHII in a way. I am so ready to play as Sora again, I missed our hero! D;

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man im really looking forward to this game, anyone know by chance what that level gauge next to sora's head is?


duckroll from NeoGaf noticed a few things:


- When you attack anything successfully, the bar to the left of Sora's face builds up.

- Each time the bar fills up a complete level, certain buffs seem to activate automatically.

- Lvl1 = Medic, Lvl2 = Spirit Attack, Lvl3 = Attack Boost.


- When Sora levels up, it says "Level Up! Gained Level Up Chip!" which indicates that the panel system from 358 is likely presented as data chips instead. Definitely not a normal KH level up system.


- Aside from leveling up, there's another pop up that says "Power Up! Kingdom Chain 2.0 Clock Ability Unlocked!" which could indicate that aside from leveling Sora, the keyblades could also level up and unlock more stuff?


- One of the item drops Sora gets is "Fire Blast" which definitely indicates that commands are equipped items, just like they are in BbS. Neat!

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man im really looking forward to this game, anyone know by chance what that level gauge next to sora's head is?


duckroll from NeoGaf noticed a few things:


- When you attack anything successfully, the bar to the left of Sora's face builds up.

- Each time the bar fills up a complete level, certain buffs seem to activate automatically.

- Lvl1 = Medic, Lvl2 = Spirit Attack, Lvl3 = Attack Boost.


- When Sora levels up, it says "Level Up! Gained Level Up Chip!" which indicates that the panel system from 358 is likely presented as data chips instead. Definitely not a normal KH level up system.


- Aside from leveling up, there's another pop up that says "Power Up! Kingdom Chain 2.0 Clock Ability Unlocked!" which could indicate that aside from leveling Sora, the keyblades could also level up and unlock more stuff?


- One of the item drops Sora gets is "Fire Blast" which definitely indicates that commands are equipped items, just like they are in BbS. Neat!

nice find! awesome, i really look forward to it, i hope there isnt a back pack though


also, what is up with data sora knowing all his abilities, does that have to do with the fact that since he is based off of jiminy's journal, he has all the stuff that happened then?

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