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What are you hoping to see at E3 2011?


The big question at the moment is-- when will we get more Kingdom Hearts news? Sure, news has been slow recently, but one thing that's guaranteed is that the Kingdom Hearts series will be making an appearance at E3 2011 in June, less than two months away. At this event, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance is already set to appear. So, what are you hoping to see at E3 2011? What kind of Dream Drop Distance content would you like, and do you think Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Volume 2 will be announced? Let us know by leaving a comment, and the best responses will be featured.

Last week we asked if you wanted a Kingdom Hearts movie and asked you to describe a possible way to do it. We have selected the best responses, which can be seen here. Lastly, remember to look forward to our forum redesign in a couple days, the start of a complete website redesign that we know you'll love. Enjoy.

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I would like to see more stuff on KH3D and BBSv2. As for non-kh games, I'd like to see some more stuff on FF Type-0 and maybe even a new Pokemon game, like the third 5th gen game and the Stadium-like game. And some more stuff on LoZ Skyward Sword.

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I definitely want to see more of the combat system for 3D, stuff about the story, and an announcement for BbS v2. As for otherwise, I want news on Versus! And Type-0 and a proper trailer for XIII-2.

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KH 3D: What I want to see are some more clips that will actually appear in the game, instead of test clips. I also hope to learn more about what kind of gameplay there will be, and what the Drop Gauge is for. Maybe we can see a tiny glimpse of the secret ending like we did for KH BBS (Remember the tiny clip with Aqua crying at the Dark Meridian?)


KH BBS Vol. 2: I hope we get to see it. If we do, however, there may not be a trailer, as it is still very soon after it was announced. Maybe a few pictures, like we got for 3D.

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What I'm hoping to see at E3....

-1st:KH3D- More information about the game. With that I mean more info about the story, since the only thing we know is about the Mark of Mastery. One or two other worlds confirmation. A new trailer showing more characters and more scenes of the game. I also wanted to see how the 3D system will be truly used in the game. Like; if it'll only be used in scenes, or during the entire game. Maybe some minigames could make a good use of the 3D effect. Maybe a Japanese release data for December/ February. A confirmation if it'll be or not freatured in Europe, like that has been a discussion in this site. More information about the Gameplay, specific about the battle. Serious, that trailer didn't really show almost nothing, just they running between walls. I want to see if the command system will be the same as BBS of it they'll change something. Maybe a bit about what'll Donald and Goofy will do in this game would also be cool. A demo for the game would also be good..A hint for the game's plot... That's all for KH3D.


-2nd: KHBBSVolume 2- First, I want a proper confirmation if it'll be a game or not. Maybe if it'll be for the PSP or for the NPG, since that has been a doubt for us. An information about since when they began to work into it. Some info about it, don't mean anything for the story, just like with which character will you play, things like that. Something about when does it take place, since some thinks that it is between KHBBS and KH1, others thing that it connects itself until KH3D. Some pictures of it, probably a trailer, even if it only has 30 seconds. I believe that not much more than that can be requested, since it's existence was revealed in KHBBSFM (January).


-3rd: The 10 years- This has been frequently questioned, what'll Nomura do in 2012 to celebrate KH's 10 years. Who knows? Maybe a hint to something, a game or anything. Just a clue, nothing more. Maybe KhBBS Volume 2's release? We'll have to wait to find it out.

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I really like to see at E3 a playable demo of Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance. I also like to see the announcement of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep volume 2, an extended trailer of both Kingdom Heartsy hopefully put a demo of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep volume 2. I also want to say something of the expected Kingdom Hearts 3.

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I'm hoping they will have a new trailer for 3D. I want to see how they utilize the 3D to make "Riku fly and Sora fall". It would be nice to see a bit of the story, just enough to see the plot. I know when they do, though, that it will probably make more questions than answer xD And it would be nice to have BBSv2 announced, maybe with a better title than "Volume 2".


And outside KH, I hope the release date for "The Last Guardian" will be announced and maybe another trailer as well. The game looks beautiful and I can't wait for it to come out.

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Of course i want to see news of DDD and BBSV2 but i'm also hoping to see any footage of Xehanort. Whether he appears as an old form or in his true form.

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OKAY! So E3, ready for it, gluing my face to my tv and watching G4 through their whole coverage, drinking five hour energy every seven hours to stay awake...okay, how 'bout just a giant Mountain Dew. Getting to business:


Dream Drop Distance;

I would like a japanese release date for 3D, so I can be nerdy and use equations and such to figure out when it may possibly be out here in english. I'd also maybe like an extended/brand new trailer, give us something to look at. A playable demo so we can see how the game mechanics work would be nice, I've had a 3DS for almost a month now and am VERY excited to see how the 3D works with the normal visuals. I would also like a list of worlds in the game and a bit more of an explanation of the plot...like why Sora and Riku randomly switch...but that'll probably come with the game itself.



Okay, so I'd like to see just a small trailer to get me excited for it, i don't expect them to have as much as they would with 3D. I'd also like some insight as to what the exact placement is for this...I know it's between BBS and KH1, but that's ten years worth of vagueness and empty guessingness.



I KNOW! Don't say a thing. I can honestly wait for KH3 because Xehanort is, to me, the most interesting character. I love the others, but there's this certain radiance about Xehanort that just screams "unsolvable puzzle". But since we ALL know it's gonna be brought up and massivle complained about, (because people don't see a goo story when it's right infront of them, I mean, come on, just let the series run it's course) I'd like to see some possible projection about when it's coming out from Nomura. none of this "Well, it make sense that it'll come out in 20XX because of the normal speed of the main devision." Honestly, don't care, GIVE ME NOMURA'S WORD OR SHUT UP!(Not trying to offend). There's really not anything else I can ask for, because any start-up detail will ruin 3D and possible BBSV2 stories.


Anyway, that's what I want to know. AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE! BECAUSE...well, yea, u know who said so...KEYOFVENTUS!

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A list of new worlds i like to appear


1-the hunchback of notre dame (allready confirmed)




3-robin hood


4-the sword in the stone


5-fun and fancy free


6-the great mouse detective


7-the rescuers


8-atlantis the lost empire


9-treasure planet


10-the emperor's new groove


11-toy story


12-bedknobs and broomsticks


13-the princess and the frog

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For KHDDD: I would like to see an extended trailer one thats like 10 minutes long kinda how the last trailer for BbS was that shows more worlds and characters from the worlds and shows Sora and Rikus new clothing (if its not their KH2 cloths) and more explaination on the game play and how the 3DS effects effect the game maybe a release date for japan and maybe a year and season release for US and other countrys (ie Winter 2012)


For KHBbSV2: A confermation that its a game and maybe a little teaser trailer and know what platform it will be going on either the PSP or NGP (hopefully PSP)


Other: A little hint to the 10 year annaversary surprise that Nomura has for us. some info on Versus like a release date and a trailer (that looks like an awsome game)


Basicly what i hope to see at E3 is more info on the games and hopefully a trailer for all of them they dont have to be long just a little bit to full the KH drought we have been haveing Thank You

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I'm looking foward to seeing a lot of news about Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, new worlds, the new battle system, possibly a new type of enemy, new characters, and much, much more. I'm also looking foward to Square-Enix announcing the release date of Kingdom Hearts DDD.


Third, I would like to hear Square announce Kingdom Hearts Birth BY Sleep Volume 2, tell us who some of the new Kingdom Hearts characters are in it, some of the worlds, a video, and at least a Q4 release date.


I am litterally stoked for E3'11 and I can't wait. The only problem is for most people E'3 comes on during school hours, but luckily for me I have a recorder. I've been waiting for this moment and now its finally going to come.

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What I want to see at E3? Obviously another trailer for KH3D, which it will obviously have gameplay. I assume BBS Volume 2 will be announced, but taking out volume 2 and adding something else like "2" lol. I guess I would like them to show a trailer of it, which I doubt will happen.


DChiuch, I will win one day. Trust me.

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At E3 this year, I'm not expecting all that much. Think about it:


KH3D has had a 2 minute trailer, but has yet to even recieve a release date for Japan. With this in mind, it's doubtful that we'll see that much information for it at E3. There's a possibility that we could get a gameplay trailer, which would be the most realistic option. In the end, though, I'm not expecting any heavy news regarding KH3D this year at E3.


BBS Volume 2 has yet to be officially announced. So one would think that E3 would be a good time to premier something like that. However, all we have of it is a small clip at the end of BBSFM, a Japan-only exclusive, mind you. With this in mind, I'm thinking that BBSv2 will have it's big showing at Tokyo Game Show this year, rather than E3.


Would I LIKE to see KH news? Of course. I want to see the gameplay mechanics of KH3D shown more in-depth, how the forced changes between characters will be utilised, how the actual 3D will be used, how the complete story will tie into the ever-nearer KH3. I want to know exactly what BBSv2 IS. I want to know how it will play, what the story is, what SYSTEM it's going to be on. I want to know all of these things, but in the end, it's doubtful that we will get everything that we're looking for.


So for now, I'm going to stick with games like Uncharted, Mass Effect, The Last Guardian, inFamous. Maybe Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which COULD be getting something at E3. I'm not going to be expecting any revolutionary news for KH though.

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One thing i'd like from this 3D game is to actually play grown up Sora. But it doesn't look to be happening...so, oh well

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The only thing i care to see is, More KH info! on Kh Birth by sleep volume two, Dream Drop, and perhaps even a KH3!


i would also like to see a new FPS to replace call of duty.

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For KHDDD: I would like to see an extended trailer one thats like 10 minutes long kinda how the last trailer for BbS was that shows more worlds and characters from the worlds and shows Sora and Rikus new clothing (if its not their KH2 cloths)


If we get a new trailer, I think we will see Sora and Riku in non-KH1 outfits since Nomura said they don't want people to think it's a remake. If they show a new trailer, they will want to make it clear that the game will continue the story.



So for now, I'm going to stick with games like Uncharted, Mass Effect, The Last Guardian, inFamous. Maybe Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which COULD be getting something at E3.


Same here ^^ Especially Last Guardian and inFamous2 (playing inFamous right now). I'm only interesting in Versus, though, because I know that team will work on KH3 once they finish that game.

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Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance will as we know featured at E3 2011 with a trailer. A demo is out of the question yet. But I believe there will be one at Tokyo Game Show 2011 and probably Jump Festa 2012. I don't believe Birth by Sleep Volume 2 will be announced at E3 2011 but rather Tokyo Game Show 2011.

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new trailer of ddd that finally reveals about games battle style/system and what worlds we are gonna be see in it.

i also hope,some kinda beta trailer to bbsv2.

i hope whatever it is,it have to be exciting.

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FF Versus XIII release date would be great. They can start work on KH3.


I doubt they will announce a release date for FF Versus 13 in America.

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