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Nomura comments on Kingdom Hearts III and the PlayStation 4


This week's issue of Famitsu Weekly magazine contains the opinions of various Japanese video game developers about the PlayStation 4 and the games they're developing ahead of the PlayStation 4's release in Japan next month. Tetsuya Nomura is one of those developers and he speaks about developing Kingdom Hearts III for the PlayStation 4. You can read it below, thanks to Kotaku.

Looking at the PS4, I thought "they've gone too far." I wish they would just let us off the hook. For the player, having a game that's "thoroughly made" makes them excited with anticipation, but for a developer, it's a hurdle we have to overcome.

The number of things we have to do keeps increasing and if we keep trying to expand as far as it will go, we'll never be finished. I think we're going to end up being faced with the choice of what to keep and what to give up on [for Kingdom Hearts III].

I really felt the immense response to the Kingdom Hearts III announcement and so it's now my task to figure out how to satisfy all those people who are looking forward to it.

There have been a lot of different consoles in the past, but I feel that this one is the biggest mountain we've had to climb yet, in a good way.

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D: This isn't good... I feel bad for him... I hope he does a good job with the game and doesn't get too stressed out over it :/ It looks really good so far :)

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I feel really bad for him.... :( Something is telling me that they would want 3 on the PS3 instead of the PS4.


Definitely not, this is normal for every console generation. The first game or in this case, games are always the hardest to develop. PlayStation 3's era will sadly be over when Kingdom Hearts III is released.

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In another words, Kingdom Hearts III is going to be the best Kingdom Hearts game that they will create which means that it is going to be their biggest challenge also. 

Edited by AaySquare

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He sounds like a kid in a candy store that just realized he has a limited allowance. He is still in a candy store, he can still get a some of what he wants, it is just that he realizes he can't get everything the store has to offer.

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The number of things we have to do keeps increasing and if we keep trying to expand as far as it will go, we'll never be finished.


Just like FF15

Edited by Sakuraba Neku

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Raphael Millon


Poor Nomura, he really looks tired. DDD: At least he is working REALLY hard to make KH3 the BEST KH ever.


Yeah, that's probably because Square is forcing him to make a game he and his team weren't ready to start yet, IN ADDITION to the HD ReMix and I believe FFXV. He's got a lot on his plate. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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Definitely not, this is normal for every console generation. The first game or in this case, games are always the hardest to develop. PlayStation 3's era will sadly be over when Kingdom Hearts III is released.


And I'm probably won't be able to get a PS3 if that happens... I don't know when are they going to stop making it... 

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Poor nomura

I don't care how long it takes, I'll be waiting.


In the meantime I can chew on my other fandoms(even if KH is my main flagship) and collect merch.

And I've got lots of stuff to do so before I know it it'll be out

Edited by KittensOnFire

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I gotta be honest, even though he says that it's a steep mountain - in a GOOD way - I can't help but feel that he comes off as very discouraged about the fans' expectations. I mean he knows that we have been waiting over 8 years for this game so he knows that disappointing us is not an option, and with this message I fear that he will hesitate to continue the development out of fear for our disappointment : damn Square, the sh*t out one Final Fantasy title after another, regardless of good or bad ratings, but as soon as a game comes along where there actually are high expectation of them, they chicken out. Please don't do this to us Square!! >.<


Nomura, next time we hear from you, I wanna hear that the development is well under way and is going fantastic, and that you believe it just might be the greatest piece of software you have ever cooked up! Got it memorized?


I agree that he sounds stressed, and I don't mean to sound greedy or impassionate, I am just fearing for the cancelation of a game we have all waited ages for :(


But please Nomura, take aaaaallllllllllll the time you want in the world, I'll be waiting!

Edited by PikaLink91

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Guys, just imagine how difficult his job is. Nomura isn't just doing one job like a programmer or something(Though I imagine the programmers are gonna be in hell with everything kh3's going to have) he's doing several peoples jobs at once. The director of the games, the main artist of all the 2d art like the cover, character designer, and writes the base story. He has to write the scenario, direct it, draw fitting designs and cover art. And it's not a simple as you would think. Especially since he isn't just doing that for kh3 but final fantasy 15 as well.

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I wish nomura would understand that he can take all the time he needs so if he wants to take breaks from kingdom hearts 3 then he can the true kingdom hearts fans will wait <3

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So, Nomura & Co. have no trouble/problems spitting out Final Fantasy sequel after sequel. The main series I through XV with some of them having direct sequels, Dissidia, Crystal Cronicles, 4 Heroes of Light, the DS remakes of III and IV, the PSP remake of I and II. And there are probably a LOT more out there that I'm missing.


.....but the moment he gets to Kingdom Hearts, a series with at least the same amount of fans as Final Fantasy has, AND a franchise where people actually have high expectations for the long awaited next game, he suddenly gets cold feet in doubt that he can actually meet those expectations.


Plus, in the FF franchise, you KNOW that a new game is gonna come out, even if the previous one didn't sell all that well, but with KH we have waited for ages not knowing whether we would even get a III or not. Some of us feared it would never come, but FF fans don't need to fear anything, cuz that franchise is not gonna stop anytime soon.


(Sorry guys, go on and rack at me for this if you feel for it, but I had to get it off my chest, cuz it really rubs me the wrong way that FF gets so much love from Square and KH does not)

I wish nomura would understand that he can take all the time he needs so if he wants to take breaks from kingdom hearts 3 then he can the true kingdom hearts fans will wait <3


Will all of the above (I wrote) however, I completely agree that Nomura should take his time to make sure it's be a game we can all be proud of. I just won't hear that he's getting cold feet, cuz that makes me nervous if KHIII will get canceled.

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Developers usually cut out some things in the game, it's happened in the past. I think he should cut some things out as trying to put too much into a game can have the opposite effect...and he can add what he leaves out in III in the next game or even IV.

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