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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX confirmed for North America and Europe


Square Enix North America (announcement) and Square Enix Europe (announcement) have both confirmed that Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX will be receiving releases in North America, Europe, and PAL territories. The release date for all regions is currently set for Fall/Autumn 2013 (either September, October or November).

The RRP for the title in Europe will be 39.99 Euro, and the European/PAL releases are said to be "localised in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish". The exact details for this are explained below:

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix will be dubbed in English, French, and German with EFIGS subtitles. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories and Kingdom Heats 358/2 Days will be English dubs with EFIGS subtitles.

The following screenshots and artwork were released along with the announcement. Currently, these are some of the best quality screenshots, and the highest resolution of the logo and key artwork that we have seen so far. Square Enix Europe also promised "a lovely gameplay trailer for you to drool over soon", and "more news for you in the coming months". Look forward to it!

Square Enix North America have also transformed the official Kingdom Hearts portal website into a website for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX. Make sure you check it out!

Update: Robert Peeler, Community Manager for Square Enix, answered some questions about HD 1.5 ReMIX on the North American PlayStation Blog. While there was no new details revealed, he did state the following:

We're not replacing the tracks, the audio is being improved for better sound quality.

He also said that more details will be available in the future.

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That's great news and all but why must it take that long for the rest of the world to have the HD collection? Because I know it shouldn't take that long to record all the remade scenes of Days.I though Nomura wanted the release of the KH games between Japan and the West to be a bit closer to each other? This is kind of a bummer for me because I'll be buying other games during that time like Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart U, the new 3D Mario U game, and Yarn Yoshi. I fear that KH  HD will be greatly overshadowed when these games come out. Especially by Wind Waker HD and the release of the PS4.

Edited by Tails

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That's great news and all but why must it take that long for the rest of the world to have the HD collection? Because I know it shouldn't take that long to record all the remade scenes of Days.I though Nomura wanted the release of the KH games between Japan and the West to be a bit closer to each other? This is kind of a bummer for me because I'll be buying other games during that time like Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart U, the new 3D Mario U game, and Yarn Yoshi. I fear that KH  HD will be greatly overshadowed when these games come out. Especially by Wind Waker HD and the release of the PS4.

You also have to remember that all 4 of those games you mentioned are for Wii U. KH HD 1.5 is for PS3. Wii U has only sold a few million units in NA, while PS3 has 50-70 million. (I don't know the actual numbers) That being said, those games will definitely boost the sales of the Wii U, but Im not too worried that they will overshadow KH HD. I dont have a Wii U and probably wont get one for another year or 2. But I do have a PS3, so I will be getting KH. And as far as the PS4 goes, again you must remember that the early adopter rate of a new system is pretty low. Look back to PS3 and Xbox 360. They had very slow starts, while the Wii was fortunate to be sold out everywhere for like a year or more. Why do you think release games are starting to be available on both the previous gen system and the new one. Ex. Zelda twilight princess. Came out for Wii and Gamecube almost the same time, right at the release of Wii. Now jump ahead to PS3 to PS4 transition: Watch dogs will be on PS3 and PS4. Diablo 3 will be on both. Destiny will be on both. I just wouldnt worry about KH being overshadowed. There have been nearly 100 million PS3's sold in the world. I think KH will be fine. 

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I still find this complete and utter bull that it takdles six months to get it to us when everything is already done.


That's just complete and utter bull.



Edit: 3D came out in Japan on March 29 and released in the US on July 31.


What the hell, Square?

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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for all who are interested in what "localised in ...." means:


Ben Bateman - 25/02/2013 14:46

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix will be dubbed in English, French, and German
with EFIGS subtitles. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories and Kingdom
Heats 358/2 Days will be English dubs with EFIGS subtitles.  
am I wrong or is the Spanish dub missing?
Edited by Mila

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That's great news and all but why must it take that long for the rest of the world to have the HD collection? Because I know it shouldn't take that long to record all the remade scenes of Days.I though Nomura wanted the release of the KH games between Japan and the West to be a bit closer to each other? This is kind of a bummer for me because I'll be buying other games during that time like Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart U, the new 3D Mario U game, and Yarn Yoshi. I fear that KH  HD will be greatly overshadowed when these games come out. Especially by Wind Waker HD and the release of the PS4.


They might even be re:dubbing KH1 with the newer Sora voice.

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