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HD 1.5 ReMIX appears in October 4 Famitsu (w/ Nomura interview)


The latest issue of Famitsu Weekly, releasing on October 4, 2012, has contained an article on Kingdom Hearts -HD 1.5 ReMIX-, with mention of Kingdom Hearts for PC Browsers. Details of this article have appeared online on 2ch.net, gamenyarth and hokanko-alt, and translations have appeared thanks to sqexgal [original translation] and our translator goldpanner [original translation]. Read on to see a summary of what Nomura said, and check back later for scans and the full interview.

- HD 1.5 ReMIX will be co-directed by Tai Yasue, who previously co-directed Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]. The producer is Rie Nishi, and the director is, of course, Tetsuya Nomura.

- Famitsu asked “Is there gonna be a high-definition version of Kingdom Hearts II later?”, and Nomura replied “It’d be unusual if there wasn’t.”

- Various character models for Kingdom Hearts, including Sora, have been replaced with character models from Kingdom Hearts 3D.

- The two titles included as games will have trophy support. Various aspects of Kingdom Hearts have been changed to be more like Kingdom Hearts II. The screen ratio and gauge placement have also been revised. The controls are made to be a little closer to the Kingdom Hearts II controls.

- Nomura thought of doing a full remake for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, but since it was too late to start work on a new title, it was done in the form of Theater Mode. 70% of the main story has been put to video with freshly-recorded voicing, and they are currently working on around 100 scenes.

- The series so far has been scattered on various hardware, by the time new fans came to know Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II was already out. Before turning to the conclusion of the present series, the 'Seeker of Darkness Chronicles' (same as what has been called the Xehanort Chronicles up until now), Nomura wanted to bring the whole story together.

- Nomura: “I figured since there were people who had a hard time keeping up with the sequels, we had to start from the beginning with Kingdom Hearts HD. I also thought that familiar fans might make new discoveries seeing everything in chronological order with the sequels side by side.”

- Nomura said that because the series so far has been scattered over different consoles, there have been people who found it difficult to access sequels. Seeing as you will now be able to enjoy the story in HD quality right from the beginning, he would absolutely love for those who haven't played yet to do so. Even those who have already played it all may make new discoveries regarding foreshadowing and lines that reference previous lines and such. He would be happy if this title turns out to be a 'restart' for the series.

[Click here for all Kingdom Hearts for PC Browsers content from the same issue.]

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Seems like they know what they're doing.


Question though: so they have confirmed that there will be a KH for PC but it will be a spin off and in the system of the card battling like CoM?

Edited by Runay

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soooo, the chances of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 making it to North America?


i would say very good, but even if it doesn't, chances are you have played through KH1 and KH Re.CoM, and that means you know what is going on even if it is Jappanese, and PS3 doesn't have region lock, so if it doesn't come to NA, i will import it, because i have played through all the games enough that i know every cut scene, so i will be able to at least understand it, because i know what the cut scene is in English Edited by KeyToDestiny26

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YYYAAAYYYY!!!!!!I can't wait for it.I would luv 2.5 but it can't touch the first.And 358/2 will look sssoooo much better.I wonder if they're adding the final mixes scenes in english too?

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i would say very good, but even if it doesn't, chances are you have played through KH1 and KH Re.CoM, and that means you know what is going on even if it is Jappanese, and PS3 doesn't have region lock, so if it doesn't come to NA, i will import it, because i have played through all the games enough that i know every cut scene, so i will be able to at least understand it, because i know what the cut scene is in English


true.. but I thought that the PS3 was region locked...

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Nomura should made that full Days remake the way he intended. It would have been 100% better than the one for DS, which gameplay sucked... In PS3, it's deep story would have been much better, but since he HAS to make one game per year... Well, at least we get to have some games for KH, can't complain.

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i hope when they remake chains of memories they choose to have the card system optional or update it to an easier use


they are just making the game HD, aka better graphics and audio, they aren't going to completely change one of the games, they are just improving the graphics and audio of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories to PS3 standards, and they are making all Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days Cut Scenes into HD with Voices instead of speech boxes,

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Yep, you cannot say someone possessed them to do this and making Final Mixes a japan only thing. :D



But the menu and textboxes are still in japanese, so if you don't get along with it, you are screwed.

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Thanks to some die hard fan programmers. :) KH 1 FM could be hard to translate cuz it is driven by pictures.



You mean the homebrewed Terra-Xehanort made by Master Xehanort. :)

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Aren't you that person on YouTube that made tributes to pairs of Organization members? Your username looks familiar...

I think a lot people on YouTbe did that xD

But yes, I made a Vexen and Zexion tribute and a Xigbar and Xaldin tribute, plus several other single tributes :) The Organization is 50% of the reason why I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan xD

And my username is quite unique I think, I've never seen any other Lisaralin on the web xD


Anyway, let's hope this KH HD hits America (and Europe... we have never gotten Re:CoM in Europe, and I'm still looking forward to playing it since it's my favotite title of the series!).


Nomura should made that full Days remake the way he intended. It would have been 100% better than the one for DS, which gameplay sucked... In PS3, it's deep story would have been much better, but since he HAS to make one game per year...

Yeah, sometimes it's better to wait and take your time, to release a better product in the end. I think a full remake would have improved greatly the quality of a game like Days... Edited by Lisaralin

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they are just making the game HD, aka better graphics and audio, they aren't going to completely change one of the games, they are just improving the graphics and audio of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories to PS3 standards, and they are making all Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days Cut Scenes into HD with Voices instead of speech boxes,


well, no they're changing gameplay in kh1 so why not in Re:CoM?

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well, no they're changing gameplay in kh1 so why not in Re:CoM?


They're not changing gameplay in KH1. They changed two minor things, camera controls to the right analog stick and the fourth command slot replaced by the triangle command, that is all.

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they are just making the game HD, aka better graphics and audio, they aren't going to completely change one of the games, they are just improving the graphics and audio of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories to PS3 standards, and they are making all Kingdom Hearts 358 2 Days Cut Scenes into HD with Voices instead of speech boxes,


i know its just i didnt mind it but id like to experience the game using regular combat and what not but we can dream

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