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KH13 giveaway: Share your KH3D impressions & win the guide!


Since we've had so much success with our previous giveaway competitions, we're deciding to continue the trend and run some more! With Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] having released so recently, we'll be giving away some merchandise relating to the game. Remember to check out the game's official website if you haven't already!

Official Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] website

And now, onto this week's competition:

This week we'll be giving away 3 copies of the Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] Signature Series Guide. This is the official English guidebook for the game by BradyGames, and could be yours for free if you are in one of the top 3 places of this week's competition! So, what do you have to do to win? Entering is simple.

- We want you to tell us your impressions of Kingdom Hearts 3D so far! Basically, we want you to either write a short review, tell us your KH3D story, share with us your experience of the game, or tell us what KH3D means to you-- with at least a couple of paragraphs.

- Your impressions can be posted on our forum, or left as a comment here.

- On Saturday, August 11, 2012, we'll pick the best entries and feature them on KH13. If you're one of the top 3 entries, then we'll contact you and send you a free copy of the Signature Series Guide.

- Even if you've already bought the guide, don't worry! It's still a bunch of fun to share your impressions, and you have the chance of getting your impressions featured on the front page of KH13! It's definitely worth participating.

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DC, can you make the deadline a bit longer? Some of us haven't the game yet for unavoidable reasons and can't play the whole game so quickly.

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I bought KH3D the day it came out, and I literally waited outside the game stop until they opened because I was so anxious to get the game. In fact, I actually bought my first 3DS with my own money just to play the game. I played it the minute I got home, and loved it within the first 5 minutes of gameplay. It's really addicting and I love playing it. The dream eaters are so adorable, and i love the fact I can pet them.


I love the The World Ends With You is a part of the series now, it's a nice change of pace, and now Sora and Riku can connect with characters that are around their age who are sharing in their ordeal of losing their home world. And it's nice to see what purpose Traverse Town has and why it wasn't needed in Kingdom Hearts 2.


The game play mechanics are awesome. Not too hard to use special attacks like spells and strikes, which are all killer when done right. Flowmotion is a nice change of pace and brings a new element of attacks to the table, and I like that, and actually being able to use the enemy Dream Eaters themselves as a weapon is just amazing. Also, I love all the new worlds that were added, and the addition to Traverse Town as well. The areas are so wide and vast, that you don't know if you've seen everything until you check every square inch of the place.


All in all, I love the game, always loved the Kingdom Hearts series ever since the first game came out 10 years ago, and I'm already in my 20's and still loving it, and this game was just the sweet, sweet icing on the Disney cake

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Ah man my experience of the game. Lets see. Well so far it is amazing. I am understanding so much right now of the whole series even the hand held ones I didnt play come into this game and it explains so much. I wont spoil any of the game for people but I will say if you havent got the game or played it yet I can say it is really fun! Exciting story and is also funny in some parts. Im hoping when Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out it's just as funny and good if not better! If you people would like to know more you should come to this website more because if it wasn't for this website I wouldn't know most of the stuff I did before this game came out.

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Even though I have the guide, I'll still write my personal review/impressions. I have so much to say. Only if I don't get lazy xD

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  On 8/5/2012 at 6:12 PM, 'Kinode' said:

DC, can you make the deadline a bit longer? Some of us haven't the game yet for unavoidable reasons and can't play the whole game so quickly.


I want to fit in 4 competitions this month, so if I'm to spread them out evenly, I have to finish them every Saturday. Sorry. But you don't need to play the whole game to give your impressions on it, or tell your story. You're still welcome to enter. Just tell us what KH3D means to you!

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Okay, so firstly I live in the UK so the game came out a week before America. The day had arrived, I'd been waiting for the game forever, the day comes I beg my mu to go out and we do, we call the place up and spend about 2 hours looking for the shop learning afterwards that we'd been looking for the wrong shop. My mum getting angry because I'd said to go into said shop earlier she says that I don't deserve the game, but what do you expect It's my mum, mums get mad at the smallest of things >.<


In the car I tried to play the game but the daylight was too bright, this meaning that I had to wait to play it at home, this was torture for me. When I got home I got right to it and started playing the game, me having played the demo about 30 times knew how the controls worked and was already to skip all the tutorials. By the end of day one, I'd finished The Grid and was having a blast, although finding the treasure chests was a pain, this I have still not done. By the end of day 3 I'd already finished the game with most of the treasures found and on proud, I'd also already crafted over 85% of the dream eaters being a good thing.


When I finished the game after a cruel battle against YMX it asked me whether or not I wanted to make a new game, me being hesitant and not knowing what to do, I asked the forums what I should do and whether this would delete my data, getting answers such as all data will be transferred gave me great relief and I started the game again, although this time was time FOR CRITICAL MODE. Boyyy was this hardeer, the bosses were harder and I had to do a ton more grinding, I had to grind all the way to level 80 to beat JULIUS AND BOY was Julius HARD! I did this battle around 50 time and stayed up to ridiculous hours to finish this boss, this boss even encouraged me I could finally beat Vanitas' Remnant and Sephiroth, I did beat Seph, but the other boss is still yet impossible for me.


In conclusion this game was a bunch of fun and I recommend it to everyone on the site! Although the game was a little shorter than expected it was packed full of fun, storyline and FRIENDSHIP, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

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Well to start out everything took a while to get used to. The flowmotion was a bit hard to handle at first but if you learn how to use it correctly then it can get you to many places you never thought you could reach!

The spirits, which are dream eaters you carry with you as party members, were a great edition in my opinion. I literally played with my Wonder Meow for about 40 minutes when I first got it! The more you take care of your dream eaters you can unlock magic, abilities or new moves. However the abilities you learn from them such as Magic Haste, Combo Boost, and Water Screen are only effective when the dream eater is in your party of three. That in my opinion was the only downside to our furry little friends. The tournaments are good fun as well and give you a chance to hone your skills at becoming a Pokemon Master Flick Rush Champion!

The drop meter proved to be an interesting edition but soon became an annoyance. You're able to drop in any point in the game whether you're in the middle of a boss fight or in a special challenge. If that's the case then once returning to that character you must restart the boss fight or challenge. This happened to me MANY times :( Though there are items to restore your drop gauge, it is still a bother to remember to restore it before boss fights or something else important.

Though this game was not my favorite in the Kingdom Hearts series, it did prove to be very nice addition. This game did more answering of questions than leaving questions to be answered which I really enjoyed. This is most definitely the last game before Kingdom Hearts 3 so for those of you who are unsure about purchasing this game or do not want another "spin off", this is a must have! Though the story didn't quite take the direction I had hoped, Nomura managed to keep it on track.

This game also offers summaries of the other games in the series that you unlock within the first few hours which is very nice to remind players of past events or to give others the chance to catch up on what they have missed. My only regret is watching the 10 minute trailer over this game too many times :/ I spoiled it for myself by recalling the video and predicting what will happen in the world I was at.



Great addition

Smooth battle system

Spirit party members are fun!

Amazing prelude to Kingdom Hearts 3!!


Drop gauge

Abilities becoming unavailable when you remove the spirit from your party

Seems a bit shorter than the other games

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Lu Xun’s experience with KH3D:


Getting the game two days after it was released in the USA here in Brazil was such an amazing fact. When the man called me, saying that my copy was there, just waiting for me to pick it, I literally screamed and told my mother to go with me. Almost running, I finally had that game in my hands, and I knew that exciting and splendorous moments were just a minute away.


Arriving home, I played the game without stopping, with the exception of going to bed. Thus, I must admit, it’s been quite some time since I’ve been so delighted with a game. Considering the fact that I hadn’t spoiled myself, it was all so new to me -- so magical -- no words can describe what I felt while I was playing the game.


First, with the introduction of new worlds, it was great to witness new scenarios and characters. Clearly, the 3D contributed a lot for that incredible experience. The story is not that hard to follow, and seeing so many things we couldn’t have imagined just gives this game a possibility of becoming a favorite for many.


Relating to gameplay, during my playtime, I cannot say anything but that it is amazingly great, and addictive, in fact. I can say that I could spend months playing it, and I’d never get bored. But the funniest moments came from the cute Dream Eaters, which are creatures we have to take care of.


The fact that worlds are bigger also give form to Flowmotion, which turned my experience even nicer, just by trying to explore every tiny area of each place. This game is truly marvelous, and in the end of the story, I was so happy, just after watching the final cutscenes -- I guess KH really is a magical series after all.


My experience with this game was just one of the best I’ve ever had in my life. All of its small elements work together and make something bigger that no one can miss. I am just glad to have played it, and hope that everyone gets the chance to do so! Even the Drop Gauge, which is considered by many a bad addiction, for me, fitten perfectly with the story, and besides taking me away from a boss or two -- I enjoyed it!


I’ve been a fan of KH for years, but I need to admit; this game surely is impressive if compared to some other from the series. It’s lovely just to pet your little friends, and enjoying the story near the end gives the perfect end for this unique playtime I’ve had. Besides, it also gives lots of clues for the next game, and manages to get you to wonder a lot about what will happen!


To conclude, I want to thank all of these who worked so hard in this extraordinary game. And thank you KH3D: Dream Drop Distance, for making these past days absolutely wonderful!

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- gameplay-

Well, I'll start off with a review. This is the best Kingdom Hearts story in the series. The gameplay was amazing, especially in 3D. The new addition, Flowmotion, made the game more fun. The new party members, Spirits was a amazing add. It allows you to play, bond, and feed them. The worlds in the game were good choices. Now for the maps, they were huge and I mean huge, Great way to use Flowmotion, but harder to find treasure chests and the link portals. The command deck making a return in this game was a great touch. I believe the command deck will stay in Kingdom Hearts for a while. Now onto the thing everybody likes and dislikes. The Drop Gauge. I think it was pretty interesting. It was a nice touch, execpt when your fighting boss. When you redrop, the battle is restarted. The Drive system was a nice add as well.

- I give the Gameplay a 8.5/10


- Story-

The story was amazing, Not going to mention spoilers, but they could have done a bit more better with Riku's adventures in the Disney worlds. I loved how they put Sora and Riku in the Grid as it took place with the movie at the sametime. The story takes place around Sora and Riku taking the Mark of Mastery Exam by Yen Sid to become Keyblade masters to be able to stop Master Xehanort's return. Character's like Lea, Roxas, Isa, Braig, Ansem, and Xemnas make a return, as well as a young master Xehanort tracking Sora's and Riku's progess.

- I give the story a 9/10


- Voice Acting-

The acting was great. Haley's voice made a perfect match for Sora in this game. David Gallagher voicing Riku was awesome. I loved his voice. Jesse returned to voice Roxas and Ventus. I have to say the voice acting in this game was pretty amazing. There were scenes where they could have added a little more emotion and such, but overall, this is the best voice acting I've heard.

- I give the voice acting a 8.5/10


- Overall-

I recommend to everybody to get this game. It is worth the buy. May be kinda short, but worth it. I give Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance a 9.5/10. Hope you enjoyed my review.

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I love Kingdom Hearts. Every Kingdom Hearts game excited me when I first hear about them. I thought Kingdom Hearts 3D was different because of the story and the gameplay and that is mainly why I wanted to get the game the first day. So far I am done playing the story mode but I am planning to finish the game 100% which is quite hard.


Everything in the game is brilliant especially the new flowmotion and the dream eaters. Travelling faster feels really good! But I did not quite like the drop system in the game very much. I am not saying that its bad, but its sometimes rather annoying because you are forced to change characters but i think overall Drop system is not annoying while you are playing story mode, it starts getting annoying after story mode. Other than that the new Disney worlds in the game are great too but I would have preferred more worlds.


In previous games there were limited places you could go in Traverse Town but in this game not only traverse town but also other new worlds are very wide or very open. You get to go over the buildings, swing on the poles, etc which I really liked a lot. This game really makes Kingdom Hearts more open game.


Overall I liked the game a lot and wish to have some new features from this game to the next title of the game especially the Flowmotion.

Edited by AaySquare

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Alright, I already have the Strategy Guide, but I just thought I'd write a review of the game anyway.


I got the Mark of Mastery Edition the day the game came out. Having already beaten the game, I can say that it is one of the best, if not the best, in the series. It has many successes, but also some flaws, and I will go into both with this review.


Storyline: As usual, the storyline is pretty mind-bending.When you play this game, you may find yourself wanting to re-watch some of the scenes (which you can do, after you beat it) to try to wrap your mind around what's going on. Overall, though, it is very entertaining, and will keep you interested in what's going on throughout most of the game.


Gameplay: As expected, this aspect of the game was excellent. It follows the same basic system as Birth by Sleep, along with using some extra new features created for this game. Some new additions included Flowmotion, Reality Shift, and the Drop system. Flowmotion was a great addition, often making fights more fast-paced and interesting, but also allowing for spamming and repetitive gameplay. However, it's the player's own fault if they do this, so I wouldn't consider this a flaw. Reality shift is arguably a little gimmicky, but I found it to be very cleverly done, especially in The Grid, where Code Breaker really showed the creativity of the developers. The Drop system is...interesting. I personally didn't have a problem with it, as I felt like I had ample amounts of time for each character for exploring, leveling up, etc. I felt that if the game needed to have a time limit for each character, the drop gauge was definitely the best way to go about doing so. It doesn't take up a huge amount of space on the screen, doesn't become distracting, but provides an easy indication of how much time you have left as your character.


Music: Amazing. The BGM for the last world and final boss battles in particular gave me chills to the bone. However, I did notice a lot of re-used tracks, (such as Riku's theme or Dearly Beloved KH1) which I feel like they could have cut down on. The new songs/remixes that they did use, though, were very emotional, and often used subtle references back to previous songs from the series, which I felt was great.


Localization/Voice-acting: Definitely better than I expected after seeing the trailers. I expected Sora to be painful to listen to, after seeing some of the trailer, but HJO actually did very well, considering he's about ten years older than his character now. Many of the characters showed real emotion in their voicing, making the story very believable. Still, some of the lines did seem kinda out of place. Thinking about the [mysterious figure]-and-Sora scene in La Cite des Cloches in particular makes me shudder, because of how poorly that scene was executed. Besides that (and the names of the Dream-Eaters), though, they did very well.


Other: I also want to mention one last flaw: that this game is easily the glitchiest in the series. I've heard horror stories about it, and have experienced the Special Portal Glitch, which is particularly frustrating. This is one of the downsides of having such a quick development time for the game. I should just mention, though, that the special portal glitch can be avoided by skipping the "Keyblade War" flashback and watching it later (thanks to someone from KHinsider for that info), so it's good to hear that it's easily avoidable.


Overall, this game is excellent. Definitely a must-buy, and arguably the best title for the 3DS. If you are looking for a good KH game, this is definitely one to add to your to-play list.

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Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is an amazing game, I just want to say that from the get go. Being on brand new system, it really puts the 3DS to work. Boasting close to, if not better than what the Playstation 2 was capable of. Kingdom Hearts 3D brings a variety of new features to the series.


Combat: Combat has been taken to a whole new level. With the inclusion of Flow Motion, it really gives off a great sense of action. Along with the many Magic and Attack commands, it really goes well together. Not to mention the inclusion of the new Dream Eaters, which serve as a replacement for Donald And Goofy. They are often a big help during intense battles. Not to mention you are able to link together with them and pull similar attacks to "Limit Breaks".


Story: The story for 3D is amazing, as usual for any Kingdom Hearts game. Filling some plot holes that were left in past Kingdom Hearts games, as well as exciting plot twists and surprising events. The length of the story is on the same scale as the original Ps2 titles. It is definitely a worthy prelude to Kingdom Hearts 3.


Dream Eaters: These little adorable, and certainly destructive little creatures are new to the Kingdom Hearts series. I love the fact that you can name them, and raise them up as your own little pet. Training your pets is fun as well, with mini-games such as Water Barrel. I really love the inclusion of Dream Eaters in Kh 3D.


Overall, Dream Drop Distance is a great game. With tons of stuff to do, it will definitely keep you playing for some time to come. All we can do is wait, for the next title in the series. But this game really delivered, and it is an excellent lead up to Kingdom Hearts 3. To date, I'd have to say this game is my favorite KH game, I like it even more than Birth By Sleep. If you haven't bought this game, then I highly suggest you do!

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My Kingdom Hearts experience started almost ten years ago. I was given the game as a Christmas present when I was young. I forgot about it for awhile because as a young 7 year old I couldn't fully understand the game. Then when I got a little older I picked it up again. It became one of my favorite pastimes. Being able to escape into the Kingdom Hearts universe was a way for me to relieve stress and have a little time away from real world problems. After beating the first game I was hooked. i waited anxiously for any kind of news and played Chain of Memories as soon as it game out. This same pattern followed as the rest of the games were slowly released. So naturally this summer I was so excited to be able to finally play a new game again. When Kingdom Hearts 3D came out I made sure to get to my local Gamestop as soon as it opened to start playing the game. I was a little thrown at first by the battle system, including flowmotion and the reality shifts but I quickly learned to appreciate the new additions. Overall I found the game to be insanely enjoyable and my favorite portable game so far. The story-line and the characters had great development that helped to deal with some burning questions dating all the way back to the first game. All in all Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is a great addition to the Kingdom Hearts Franchise. I know I'll be playing it just as many times as the other games until a new game comes out, but I think that this game will have a new place as one of my favorites because of everything new and interesting that it brought to the game series.

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Before I talk about KH3D specifically, I'd like to quickly mention my experience with the series. I've only been playing these games for a few months. Kingdom Hearts has been a series I've been interested in for quite a while now, but never really took any action to play the games. That changed at the end of April, when a bunch of my friends were excited for KH3D, and I decided to reward myself after finals by buying KH and KHII. Their excitement got to me, and I originally planned on just playing 3D...but then realized that this story was kind of ridiculous, and decided to play as much of the games as possible before 3D came out. And I did; I played all 6 games in about a month.


So then I preordered 3D, and waited for nearly 2 months for it to arrive. There's a part of me that feels strange, believing that 2 months is a long time to wait when so many others had to wait for MUCH longer; but I can't help but feel my excitement was just as valid, after finding something new and frankly beautiful to dive myself into. It's been a while since I've found a series that captivated me this way, and it was quite refreshing.


KH3D itself was crazy. I feel like my timing was perfect; playing a game that was chronologically last and tied up all the lose ends of my KH marathon was a real treat. I was taking a summer class 8-10am at the time, and I just remember the class lasting FOR ETERNITY--I was fidgeting the entire time! Getting home and having to wait for a few hours more was even more tortuous, but the game (and all the other pretty stuff in the MoM Edition) did come, and the first thing I did was get myself all relaxed and start playing.


I finished in just over 2 days, and the entire last hour was one big adrenaline rush. But one of the things I really liked about the game was what it did for Riku; it was especially nice being able to play as him, and really see his story and his development, not from Sora's eyes, but from his own. At the same time, it was wonderful to see Sora challenged, as I think he really needs to be if he wants to face MX with full understanding of what's going on inside his heart. While Riku is now confident in his own abilities and his own worth as a Keyblade Master (or is at least moving very clearly in that direction), Sora is now having to find his own way and find out what it is that he's been burdened with...and I appreciate that these games can do that to its protagonists without it feeling too out of place.


So, despite my very short amount of time in this fandom so far, I feel like KH3D was the perfect game to set as a goal for playing the rest of the series. And I'm really glad I did end up playing the rest of the series. I think it was one of the best decisions I've ever made, haha.

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My first impressions on Kingdom Hearts 3d was that it is both amusing to play as well as great contribution to the kdh series. the new worlds where intriguing and the key blades awesome,i like the that instead of using finalfantasy characters like the did in previous kdh games characters from the world ends with you began to show up. something that really got my attention was dream eaters , night mares and spirits, these color full cute creatures where super cool i liked how there moods would change so that they would battle different and the ability to change there color by using paint balls. link points that you get from nurturing your spirits allows you to unlock abllites and attack command which reminds me of finalfantasy 13 lvling up system.


Combat in kdh 3d was the best in the out of all of the kingdom hearts games flow motion made it easy to get to place to place and reach chest. in combat flow motion is flash and powerful. link with your spirits and unleash powerful moves different for both sora and riku. sora fights along side his spirits but ruki absorbs his and gains a different look and moves.


My impression of kdh 3d is that its fun and different from the other kdh games. the new features are great and allow you to explore the game even further. nightmares and spirts add lots of color to the world along with the music. kingdom hearts 3d is a great game with great graphics and story line. ;)

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Kingdom Hearts has been apart of me since I was 5. The first game came out 2 days after my birthday. I knew then I wanted that game! I mean It had Donald and Goofy and my favorite Mickey Mouse!!! When I got the game I had a sense of feeling warmth and joy every time I placed it in my PS2. I remember my older brother teaching me how to play, how much the hours and effort I put into it. When the game came out I had just started Kindergarten, I had separation anxiety with my mother and I would always feel sad the first couple of days. But then I thought, "Sora can be brave and he even had to fight that big monster!!! So I`ll be just as brave as him!" Throughout the years Kingdom Hearts grown more on me. That anticipation of beating a boss, crying EVERY SINGLE TIME to the endings.


Lets fast forward to 2012, The 7th Installment is almost here. In anticipation for the NYC Event I get ready at 6am, and board the train think to myself "I feel like Roxas!!!" We get to the NYC event at about 10am and see what seems to be a million people in line the game was sold out we waited 3 hours just to take a picture. Tuesday morning comes around I jump in the car in anticipation for the game, I get home put KH3D into my 3DS and nearly 10 years have past and no matter how many KH games come out I still feel as if I were that same 5 year old boy wanting to be Sora. Kingdom Hearts mean so much in my life, I have invested a lot of money and time into it. I would really like this strategy guide to add to my collection. LONG LIVE Kingdom Hearts!

Edited by DarkRealm20

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I first experienced Kingdom Hearts at a friends house in my elementary school years. He had trouble beating a boss and wished for me to give it a try. I succeeded and was immediately hooked by the wonderful mash-up of RPG elements and Disney worlds which I had grown up with. My friend sold his PS2 out of frustration so I was no longer able to play it. I then specifically went out to buy a PS2 with my savings just to experience the joy of this game all over again. After one of the best gaming experiences of my life I progressed on to Kingdom Hearts 2. My expectations were exceeded, with an amazing story, revamped game play and one of the best summers of my life. No game has has captured my excitement and imagination more than Kingdom Hearts 2.


To this day I have been a diehard fan of the Kingdom Hearts series, playing each new addition that has come out. There is something special about the mixture of Final Fantasy and Disney elements that creates a unique, immersing gaming experience. The best part for me is the original characters that have been created for Kingdom Hearts. As you continue through each of the worlds, you become interested in the characters progression as new details are revealed. Some may oppose the prequel titles but they are truly essential in grasping the overall puzzle that is the Kingdom Hearts storyline. The added back story of each title truly gives the player an entire new outlook on the series as well as a yearning drive to replay previous titles to play through with a new mindset.


Upon getting Kingdom Hearts 3D (which is 50% of the reason for me getting a 3DS), I was impressed how the game play felt like a balanced fusion of 358/2 Days and Birth By Sleep. Dream Eaters add a new feeling to the combat dynamic as I now feel more invested in leveling up my allies so that I could learn new abilities. The new worlds such as Tron: Legacy were pulled off well and did justice to the movies while doing its own adaptation to fit in the Kingdom Hearts characters. I found the story of the game to be a little slow at times but those with patience receive the reward of a rich back story as well as new story progression before KH3. I am very impressed with how the series has evolved and been kept alive for 10 years while still holding my interest. I am now 20 years old and still look forward to the future of the series as it keeps the inner child within me contempt while the adult in me experiences the beauty of the story.

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  On 8/5/2012 at 7:28 PM, 'DarkRealm20' said:


i like yours the best!i think you are worthy of getting one of those books,too sad i suck hard at literature...i could never write a detailed paragraph without looking like a idiot T-T

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Kingdom Hearts 3D is here to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the series, with a new addictive and hardcore adventure.


Kingdom Hearts 3D is maybe the best portable entry to date and without doubt one of the best titles of the series.




Its Birth By Sleep command mode , easy navigation between commands and fully characterization.


Flow Motion System adds novelty to the game, this system let you do aerial acrobatics to move over the world and attack ,it's fun because it feels like is parkour game.


Drop System ,is a new feature that let you switch between characters or changes them if they drop gauge runs out. Its an interesting addiction that makes you feel like the two stories are happening at the same time. At first is a little awkward but when you get used to is awesome.


Dream Eater system , this creatures are your partners in battle and enemies in the battlefield , it may look childish (and sure it is) but it only adds more variety and expansion to the game , you can pamper them like a Nintendogs game and get abilities of it. They are adorable and funny , if you dont love them , you will get use to.


The gameplay is awesome but like the others kingdom hearts series the worlds feels empty even if they added more interactions between the characters and the objects they are things that characters should interact and the game doesnt allows you (Like jumping in some boxes , or using a ladder).




Everytime Kingdom Hearts arrives on a console shows you a beautiful graphic experience. Kingdom Hearts 3D is not an exception. Characters , worlds and effects looks polished , colorfull and cool , is like you are playing the ps2 version.


Some characters would look deformed by an away camera focus that the game makes in some cinematics but that's only because the 3ds screen is too small, maybe in the 3DS XL would look better.




Not much to say the composer is Yoko Shimomura and as always the game is full of touching , beautiful and magical soundtrack.


Final Comments


The Story is good but not as interesting as ps2 versions, makes it right moves and can be touching sometimes.


Two side view story , a ton of dream eaters to defeat , secrets to unlock , good gameplay, nice graphics , memorable sountrack and a lot of characterization makes Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance one of the best Kingdom Hearts games.


If you have a 3ds this is a must have game , if you are a Kingdom Hearts Fan be sure that the game will be one of your favorites.

Edited by AxelUP

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Kingdom hearts 3d: one very great video game. Oh how happy I was to get to play another kingdom hearts game. And boy, did it live up to expectations. I have just had so much fun with this game it's not funny. The combat is definitely the best in the series so far, being very fluid and responsive. There are just so many options when battling in the game. Should I use flowmotion? Should I use reality shift or maybe just a command? It's great! This choice is what makes the combat just awesome. The inclusion of the dream eaters is a welcome one. Caring for and advancing with your dream eaters is an option that is new, and it is nice to bond to your little spirits.


Getting on to the story, and yet again it is great. Twists and turns at every point, adding to the already marvelous plot. The inclusion of the drop system is a nice way of switching between sora and riku, however it can be annoying in boss fights.

Both sides of the plot flow along nicely, with new Disney worlds, which are all fantastic.


Overall this new entry in the series is much more than welcome. It adds plenty of new stuff while regaining all the things the series is known. Being sucked in whenever playing a video game signals a great game. And kingdom hearts 3d is just that. 9.5/10

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My impressions about KH3D


First of all I must to say that I'm living in a really small country where glorious ,,Kingdom Hearts" game is still recondite to many of my age persons (besides I'm just turned 18). So my KH fantasy started, when I was 8 years old. So, this glory storyline of a game was some kind of my imaginary friend for me :) Sadly, but I was not so quite rich person who had a lot of money. So I needed to save up money for all of KH games and a consoles on which KH was released. Despite it this choose (to save up) made my always thinking about KH, even now, when I'm adult.

Speaking about my feelings, I know that every person who is an a KH fan knows the feeling of getting something really important and this feeling you can daringly call ,,butterflies in a stomach". So, when I've got a sms from my local post office, I knew who it was, it's my new glorious, exciting,thrilling and entertaining adventure called ,,Dream Drop Distance". You don't believe me, but that message caused me some kind of ,,happy-wave". Consequently I can say that I was happiest person in the world that minute (literally). Even at the ~6 p.m. When I've got this wonderful game to my hands I was happily-confused ( these questions appeared in my mind: What I'll get from this game; will I understand the storyline of KH3D without any help; what abilities will make my happy). And so in my 3DS screen appeared Sora with Meow Wow (ally of a game).

As always the new version of Dearly beloved made a goosebumps on my skin :) And here we are starting a new adventure in so many familiar and unknown worlds. With the same friends & enemies, and opposite to it unseen allies and villains. Xehanort, even now I can not answer to myself why I'm so love old man like you :DDD So If I started to talk about enemies of a game I was so happy that the creators of a KH series made a connection with Ventus ( even if it is a nightmare enemy and Riku had to fight with it) Terra, and Aqua ( uhhh Mickey's words about hearts connection which he learned from Master Aqua).

Secondly, speaking about graphics and other exclusive things for this game, I was really surprised by a wonderful environment, graphics outrun BBS (even KH, from my point of view). Oh, I'm still missing the cornerstone- third dimension. Yeah 3d makes everything look impossible (how so many good things are taken in soo small handhold-console). It's like a cherry on a dessert :) Despite it I was really happy to see a drop system, I've always thought why BBS hasn't this mechanism, but yeah, every game need it's special mechanisms which make a game unforgettable. So, if you still do not have a KH3D and don't know that I'm talking about, drop system is a really good thing to change players from Sora to Riku. This system makes your brain to not forget that you have done before. Really pretty thing I say :) So at the same time you can enjoy the gameplay and not to be stressed about what you're leaving behind. Controls and command board are really the same as every KH game which makes me happy that nothing changing to bad way. The creators made a really good decision to make a reality shift and a better thing, that this ability changing in every world you are visiting. So your touch screen not only showing a big map (which is also a great idea, to make them bigger) but also involve using your touch screen as another great big window to big world ( honest this was the really great idea, because sometimes questions appearing in my mind; why this handhold-console need second screen?). Flow-motion, what I could tell more? It's really a cornerstone of a game, you can use it everywhere and anytime. I'm bowing my head and express a great gratitude for this ability. Flow-motion is soo colorful, graceful and harmful at one time.

The wonderful worlds in KH3D made my cry to death (literally of course). La Cité des Cloches, Quasimodo, I was sooo willing forward to this world and finally whey made it. This world is soo emotional; Prankster's Paradise, Pinocchio (oh you little lier :D); The Grid (Yeah, I think that the ,,Tron" movie was really inspired creators of a game); Symphony of Sorcery (I'm really love this world, you see I'm a musician and my specialty is Violin, so it's no wonder why I'm so obsessed with this world); Country of the Musketeers- really funny moments, like you're watching an old cartoon, but you can play in it :) Traverse town- one more wonderful district was added to this world which made me to dream about living as a real person in this world. And that I'm seeing, the heroes of ,,TWEWY" (The World Ends With You really great nds game) And all more worlds in this vast game... ,,Square enix" you made my secondly time proud of your ability to connect everything into KH storyline :) The music of a game was as always- wonderful, Yoko Shimomura;Tsuyoshi Sekito; Takeharu Ishimoto; Kaoru Wada; Nobuko Toda- they united and made music more thrilling, unexpected. Soundtracks was so good arranged for a worlds, that you just can not imagine how this world will look with other music.

The only thing which drew my attention was this question: Why Sora do not pass the exam? But I'm trusting Nomura, and thinking that this is for far more greater purpose. Ok, ok, no more spoilers :D But at the same time I'm happy that finally Riku is a playable character (you'll never need those nasty codes to make ,,play as Riku" if you're understand what I'm saying) Yeah, Riku is a really strong person. From forst KH games I hated him soo much for his stubborn feelings and an arrogance, but only now, from KH3D I'm understood his purity light of his heart, I'm soo proud of this...

Finally, You know, maybe you're also familiar with this feeling that after every KH game you beat, you feel strange feeling, like you're heart is broken, but soul is stronger and your imagination is more better, but also you feel that second game will not be as good as this one, but ,,Square Enix" always makes it even better?...

In conclusion, Creators of KH3D made another great game which made me to recreate my mind with new info of KH storyline, explore new fascinating worlds, understand how friendship is important in our life, find new friends, and blast your imagination. If You're first time seeing KH title you need to try it, but if you're a fan of KH, you must to play it, and recreate your all thoughts about this game. Thanks ,,Squere Enix"; ,,Disney", and other companies and persons who not tried to hide and make some-kind of low intellectual shooter, but united and made KH saga more glorious. Thank you a lot...

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I am a die hard fan. I've been playing Kingdom Hearts since it first came out in 2001, and wanted a NINTENDO 3DS solely for Christmas, for Dream Drop Distance. I picked up the game on July 31st when it released, and when I picked up the game I was very excited. My first impression of the case was that it is very beautiful, and also different from previous box arts for Kingdom Hearts. It has an airbrushed feeling to it, and it captures the essence of the game very, very well. I waited until I was hope to open it so I could do an unboxing video, and when I did the AR cards fell out. Haha. But the cards were suprisingly detailed too, and more importantly, contain some very powerful Dream Eaters that you can unlock.


The Game:

The opening introduction is very beautiful, and it includes scenes that span from the Birth by Sleep game to 358/2 Days. They did not use a new theme song, to my dissapointment, but they used Hikari from the first game which fit the scene well. Characters pop out and swing their keyblades right out of the screen, while mickey conducts on the bottom screen, while the credits roll. When the movie's over, it brings you directly into the title screen which has to be my favorite in the series. It is very similar to the box art, except it seems as if sora, mickey, and riku are all reaching for each other's hand, yet they can't because they're distances apart. The title screen's theme, Dearly Beloved, is also very beautiful. And has a sense of dream to it as well.


I played on Proud Mode (to my disappointment, Critical Mode isn't unlocked until you complete the game) and beat it within 4 Days. You will start on Destiny Islands, and after a short battle with one of Disney's most maleovent villains, be cast into a world that any Kingdom Hearts fan is familiar with: Traverse Town. There you meet The World Ends With You characters, who replace the Final Fantasy Characters we know of from previous entries in the series.

The story itself is very rich, not to mention this game is a direct sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2. You will need to have played the newer titles in the series to understand what is happening, but the game includes things called Momentos which can help you get a gist of it. But even a newcomer to the series will be impressed with the seriousness and complexity of the story, which is something you wouldn't expect from a Disney game, but then again Square Enix IS involved.

The gameplay is a very improved aspect of the series, as the game's new Flowmotion system will have you bouncing off of walls and flying at very high speeds to get around more quickly, and also defeat enemies with a breeze. But that's not to say this game isn't tough, it definitely is. Just like the first one, the game will have you pressing way more than just the action button.The atmosphere of the game is also very open and interactive, to compliment Flowmotion.

Now to the music, which has to be my favorite aspect of the game. Yoko Shimomura, a veteran composer of the Kingdom Hearts music, has really outdone herself in this game. Some of the music is reused from past titles while some is remixed, and the field/battle themes from the Disney Worlds all sound like they came straight out of the movies, yet none include songs from them at all. I think my favorite score had to be the music from Country of the Musketeers - It's very Kingdom Hearts 2-ish, yet the music in this game has it's own style. :)


The game will take a good 35 - 40 hours to complete on one of the stronger difficulties, and that's not including the side boss battles and collecting all the items and Dream Eaters, which even I have yet to do. The ending will blow your mind, that's all I can say. so completing this game is very well worth it. And when you do finish, the game itself will give you a secret message that may very well hint to Kingdom Hearts 3... or something else, perhaps.


Overall, there is a reason that this game has become my favorite entry in the series, and it is awesome to finally see the main story continue after so long since kh2 in 2006. If you haven't picked up this game, I reccomend that you do it! Even if you don't currently own a 3DS, because this game does celebrate the series 10th anniversary, and I can't think of another way that they could have done it any better.



- Cameron

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Pikappa93 - Kingdom Hearts fan from Italy.

My English isn't perfect, I'm sorry.


I approached the Kingdom Hearts series mostly because of Disney worlds. Then, I started appreciating Square Enix original characters when I began following the series regularly. I found tremendously amazing the meeting of easten and western culture, two franchises that couldn't be more different than that. Surprisingly, the formula worked.


My way to Kingdom Hearts 3D was not an easy one. As you know, the game hasn't been translated in Italian, my first language. Moreover, the shortage of copies in my country has been quite an obstacle (only pre-ordered ones were available and I didn't because I thought it would have been available on Amazon.it - unfotunately, I was wrong). I managed to get my copy by buying it on the web a few days later. However, a lot of friends of mine haven't been able to find their copies.


STORY: 8/10

Well, the story is that of a typical Kingdom Hearts game and cannot exist without the words "heart", "light", "darkness" and so on. Fans of the series will find what they are familiar with, while new players will have a more difficult time in getting used with the game. I loved how previous villains showed up, from Ansem Seeker of Darkness to Master Xehanort, as well as a new one, Young Xehanort. Coincidetially enough, I remember when I first saw one of the trailers I thought: "I hope those twelve new black coat guys aren't other twelve versions of Xehanort". Well, who finished the game will understand me. Also, we finally have Riku as one of the playable characters: it was nice to see him going through the various Disney worlds and I pretty believe he shone a lot more than Sora during the majority of the game.



Gameplay improved a lot from previous games in my opinion. It retained the Command Deck from Birth by Sleep and re:coded but removed the level-up feature for commands, which I always found nice but a bit hard to get familiar with. Flowmotion is a nice addition, I unexpectedly found myself just... abusing of it. I wonder how I had survived without that in previous titles. Reality Shifts were funny too, being different from world to world. Generally, I had the impression of the overall game being A LOT more difficult than Birth by Sleep. In Proud Mode I died countless times against the Dream Eaters and the boss fights were really tough. Also, I found the latters more rewarding than usual: each boss required a different strategy and it was not an easy task to discover the right one.

Minigames such as Dive Mode, Spirits (which can reveal to be VERY useful at times), Flick Rush (which reminds me of Chain of Memories) and so on were enjoyable and, most of all, not intrusive.



Square Enix CAN make miracles. I was already surprised with the 358/2 Days graphics on the Nintendo DS, but what the Nintendo 3DS can do is impressive. It is basically the same seen on Play Station 2 and PSP, but I think that on a Nintendo portable console is still... well, stunning.

Not to mention the soundtrack. Toko Shimomura was probably particularly inspired with this game and some of the new traks were really memorable. I also enjoyed the remixes from The World Ends With You, especially "TWISTER - Kingdom Mix". Retaining the original music for the Fantasia world (Symphony of Sorcery) was ingenious too.


To sum up, this is surely one of the best Nintendo 3DS games we will ever see, as well as one of the best Kingdom Hearts titles.

Final score: 8.5/10

Edited by Pikappa93

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