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Nomura talks Kingdom Hearts 3D & unannounced title in May 10 issue of Famitsu Weekly: confirms KH3D demo in North America


The May 10, 2012 issue of Famitsu Weekly magazine has included an on article on Kingdom Hearts, containing an interview with the director of the series, Tetsuya Nomura. Here, Nomura discusses both Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] and a future, currently unannounced title in the Kingdom Hearts series. He also confirms a North American demo for Kingdom Hearts 3D!

sqexgal has completely translated this interview, and you can read this translation below. The full version of the interview contains strong spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3D, and can be read here. For a spoiler-free version, keep reading.

— Speaking of the previous titles, about when do you start thinking of the ‘next title’?

Nomura: It’s a gradual process. When Kingdom Hearts was in production, I was considering ideas for Kingdom Hearts II and Chain of Memories. And when those two were in production, I was thinking of ideas for the next three, 358/2 Days, Coded, and Birth by Sleep.

— Were you thinking of KH3D when those 3 titles were in production?

Nomura: KH3D was put together relatively quickly, I was still concepting the story when I brought it to the table.

— What about in the secret movie of Birth by Sleep Final Mix…?

Nomura: Well… (Laughs.) Now that you mention it, that secret movie was referred to as “A fragmentary passage”, meaning bits and pieces of something whole. A story connected to Kingdom Hearts exists out of that, but I don’t know whether or not it’ll be told hereafter.

— The secret message and secret movie of KH3D were loaded with things to wonder about. Is it finally time for KH3?

Nomura: I’ll leave that up to everyone’s imagination. Though, it might be a curve ball. (Laughs.)

— Lastly, a message for our readers.

Nomura: We’ve decided to distribute a KH3D demo in North America as well as Japan. You can play part of Sora’s scenario in Traverse Town. So if your friends haven’t played it yet, you can recommend it to them. And of course, give the co-op mini game Flick Rush a try. Also, an unannounced title is being prepared as well, though it’s something lighter. There are still songs continuing to be distributed for Theartrhythm Final Fantasy so you can look forward to that as well.

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I think Kingdom Hearts is being re released because of the secret message in KH3D. I don't think there's going to be a BBS2 because I can't imagine with who we would play with and what story there would be... Also Nomura could give more clear answers, and he always says it will be revealed soon but it's usually not.


Coded didn't have much going for it and it got an updated ds version. I wouldn't be surprised to see a bbsv2.

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I think Kingdom Hearts is being re released because of the secret message in KH3D. I don't think there's going to be a BBS2 because I can't imagine with who we would play with and what story there would be... Also Nomura could give more clear answers, and he always says it will be revealed soon but it's usually not.


We could play as Mickey and see how he got the Kingdom Key D, or play as Aqua as she travels through the Realm of Darkness and finds more lost people there.

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So, Sora's just a normal boy.

Who just so happens to be able to

harbor 3 hearts without becoming emotionally unbalanced,

supply both a Nobody and Replica with power simultaneously without weakening,

contain the memories of 4 people without going insane

repeatedly forgive people who have tried to kill him and put his friends and the girl he loves in danger

and is basically connected with everyone in the KH, FF, Disney and now TWEWY universes

all with a smile on his face and a bounce in his step?!


How much you wanna bet Nomura is gonna pull another Joshua on us and tell us Sora IS Kingdom Hearts?

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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Remember that Director's Secret report XIII that was in the KH 2 Ultimania (i think) towards the end he mentioned 4 untold stories; Xehanort's past (BBS) Roxas' time in the Organization (358/2 Days)... that makes 2 of those stories that have been told, the remaining two stories are 'The period of Mikey's absense' (which was kinda teased in the ending of Aqua's secret episode) and 'The period of Riku's absense'; so, If nomura is preparing more KH games then i'm willing to bet that he plans to tell those two untold stories.

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"Is it time for KH3?"

"I'll leave that up to everyone's imagination. Though it may be a curve ball."

WTF is that supposed to mean?! Just tell us if KH3 is the next f#$%&@ game!!!! D:

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There's many way you can take what he had said about the "curve ball" part.,

Some people think they're still gonna make KH 3. Others have thought of the term "lightweight" as in something that will not be depressing like some people said. I highly doubt there's gonna be another mobile game but we'll just have to see. When I think of what he said about the term "curve ball " I wonder if it could be something in the future. An aftermath of the events that occured in KH 3. You might think its impossible but when you think about it, it could be true. The term curve ball would be going around KH 3 if you're thinking literally. ( By that I mean if you're thinking about a literally curve ball) Or he could mean another story that isn't depressing like the past games ( sad endings ) 358/2, BBS, DDD. But we all know for sure that sooner or later, the epic conclusion will come. For all we know he could even mean KH doesn't end in 3 but with four. We will just have to find out in the future.

P.S Really happy that Lea (Axel) is a keyblade wielder.

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