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Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] coverage: Day 6


Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] released in Japan on March 29, 2012. Our coverage of the game has begun. This news post will remain pinned at the top of the homepage, be regularly updated, and contain links to all images, videos and information surrounding the game. Spoiler warnings will be given when appropriate. Feel free to discuss Kingdom Hearts 3D on our forum. Click here to see a regularly-updated collection of Kingdom Hearts 3D videos.

11:30AM EST: The method for obtaining the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 3D has been revealed! In order to contain spoilers, please have a look at this forum topic to find out how.

11:25AM EST: This isn't much of an update, but it gives us a timeframe for our future coverage. I've personally received my copy of Kingdom Hearts 3D in the mail, today. I plan to play through the game as fast as possible, and after that, start on the cutscene archive for the game. That means that, within around a week, we should start to see the Kingdom Hearts 3D cutscene archive forming. We will, of course, be recording in great quality, and add subtitles when possible. Look forward to it! You can see a photo of my game, game box and box contents below.

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i lol'd at orders lol but what does S-R-M-V-A-T-R mean? Im not familiar


I wonder what Lea would look like as a grown up in regular peoples clothes.


He is a Keyblade "wielder" right?


S-R-M-V-A-T-R is what I came up with. Its simply Sora, Riku, Mickey, Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Roxas. I supposed Xion should be included to. We arent sure yet weather he is a key blade weilder yet. there is just someone who claimed to have finished the game and must be suffering from insomnia right now if its true saying thats the ending. I dont see Sora just walking off and everyone just letting him go be an ending to a game. As others mentioned Nomura said the ending was going to be shocking. Well to be honest I was expecting more if it is real. We had talked about Vanitas controlling Sora or somthing like that. Although the start of the game play was completly differant than any of the other KH games like with flash bags and AX stabbing Braig interesting..

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i agree with most of the people that are saying this ending could be true because if you remember at the beginning of the very first kingdom hearts the silent voice asked you the same questions (when you choose either the sword shield or staff) that ven xion and roxas ask sora

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Axel's a keyblade weilder! oh my glob Lea is amazing now and i am so excited


Axel's a keyblade weilder! oh my glob Lea is amazing now and i am so excited

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i take back what i said previously haha i sounded stupid but this ending does make sense because riku doubted himself showing humility and sora had a cocky attitude before taking the exam its the same cliche that every director does with the hero hes powerful for an extremely long time and gets big headed/arrogant but when it matters he loses and has to do something great to level his ego and get back on the same page as everyone else but when he does come back its with a power no one can even match its a cliche im a sora fan 100% through so i hope this ending isnt true but the way all the trailers are showing sora and the past games leading up to this are showing it seems as though sora will be the terra and riku will be the aqua

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Lawl, dont tell me to calm down child, This was pulled from the V-Jump, i am most positive its true, Secondly, yeah its a "game" but its the principle, you're seriously going to make Riku a Keyblade Master over Sora?


I'm just waiting to see how many more games Nomuras going to drop to explain this one. Get ready for another 3-part interquel guys:3


Looks like you have not been keeping up with news of the game because if you had you would know that Nomura already stated that this game leads straight to kh3

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There could be a secret ending expanding on Sora's "walking away." Just like how Aqua's wanting to save Ven wasn't expanded upon until the Secret Episode.

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I'm a little shocked with everyone's response to Lea possibly being a keyblade wielder; it makes sense. On top of having a powerful will (proven by his ability to become a human-like nobody), it was poked at that Roxas made him seem like he had emotions and feelings, even though he lacked a heart. Maybe he did have genuine emotions, not because of Roxas, but because he was the nobody of someone with a heart powerful enough to wield a keyblade, just as Roxas did.

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Ehhhh, I'm not sold on the whole 'Lea becoming a Keyblade Wielder' thing. Remember; this is only the first week of release. We're bound to get some mistranslations at this point, and currently we don't have video/pictures of the ending for evidence. So until then, i'm going to be doubtful on the whole situation :/

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Looks like you have not been keeping up with news of the game because if you had you would know that Nomura already stated that this game leads straight to kh3


I was kidding when i said that, i know this already.

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Some people should really keep up with stuff before complaining. This game leads directly into KH3 and there will be no other games between this and KH3. KH3 is coming out after Final Fantasy Versus XIII which I hope we get a release date for that soon. Now onto other stuff, I'm really glad they're putting Isa in the game. I would like him to have a bigger role as I really liked him in BBS but this sounds like it'll be a really good ending. I just wonder how long it will be since they said this will be the longest Cutscene in any Kingdom Hearts game and they had some pretty long ones like the one in KH2 where Saix tells Sora the truth about the keyblade

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I can't trust any ending this there is visual evidence. But if YMX was just MX's cover then how in the The World that Never Was, was MX and YMX both sitting on Org. chairs?

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I can't trust any ending this there is visual evidence. But if YMX was just MX's cover then how in the The World that Never Was, was MX and YMX both sitting on Org. chairs?


Exactly Ty ! I want to know this too! That and how can MX be MF if we battle him in BBS and thats not in the realm of sleep so that doesnt make sense.I need more details /answers.

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I can't trust any ending this there is visual evidence. But if YMX was just MX's cover then how in the The World that Never Was, was MX and YMX both sitting on Org. chairs?


"YMX" is Xehanort in Lea's body so they are completely different entities . . . like how Xemnas and ASoD co-existed. We still don't know everything but YMX is not Young Master Xehanort he is Leanort.

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"YMX" is Xehanort in Lea's body so they are completely different entities . . . like how Xemnas and ASoD co-existed. We still don't know everything but YMX is not Young Master Xehanort he is Leanort.


What makes you think that!? Lea came back as himself, not YMX, it's proven in the trailers.

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What makes you think that!? Lea came back as himself, not YMX, it's proven in the trailers.


idk to be honest just thought I read it somewhere but I think I misread it . .. I've only been on for ten minutes since yesterday so lots of info to digest ;p

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"YMX" is Xehanort in Lea's body so they are completely different entities . . . like how Xemnas and ASoD co-existed. We still don't know everything but YMX is not Young Master Xehanort he is Leanort.


Wtf ? Where in the world did you get this from ? Lea was revived as Lea ....where and when was he possessed by MX? LOL

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idk to be honest just thought I read it somewhere but I think I misread it . .. I've only been on for ten minutes since yesterday so lots of info to digest ;p


"It is Lea not younger Xehanort. Xehanort is using his body." -Where's Sora quote. Not reliable resource but mislead me . . .

The ending translation included "]It seems that was their purpose from the start. It seems like the plan was to turn all of them into Xehanort. It looks like Lea is now 100% your ally, saying he's become a Keyblade Wielder and everything. At the end you see him off at Yen Sid's place, probably cause he still has training to do." So YMX is probably Xehanort possessing someone elses body. Not sure who.

Edited by atheist123

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I think he may have meant Isa? Some people seem to think this (though it seems unlikely...)

If he actually meant Lea, then he's on something...

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Another thing is Nomura said the Mark of Mastery Exam is only part of the game so if that is true then an ending where Sora fails and Riku passes cannot be the ending. Also, the idea of Sora falling into darkness is very probable, but if it were the ending that would be really anti-climatic and very predictable. Do you think Nomura's big surprise is the Lea can use a keyblade now? Honestly that is so predictable due to Nomura's love of Lea/Axel, but then again giving him a keyblade in itself is also diluting the uniqueness of Lea which Nomura wouldn't do. Either it would surprise me if this "ending" holds up for the previously mentioned reasons.

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"It is Lea not younger Xehanort. Xehanort is using his body." -Where's Sora quote. Not reliable resource but mislead me . . .

The ending translation included "]It seems that was their purpose from the start. It seems like the plan was to turn all of them into Xehanort. It looks like Lea is now 100% your ally, saying he's become a Keyblade Wielder and everything. At the end you see him off at Yen Sid's place, probably cause he still has training to do." So YMX is probably Xehanort possessing someone elses body. Not sure who.


That cant be right. I thought it was Saix that appeared after you beat MF . Maybe its him .But Lea? That makes no sense .I have to see this for myself to believe.

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Another thing is Nomura said the Mark of Mastery Exam is only part of the game so if that is true then an ending where Sora fails and Riku passes cannot be the ending. Also, the idea of Sora falling into darkness is very probable, but if it were the ending that would be really anti-climatic and very predictable. Do you think Nomura's big surprise is the Lea can use a keyblade now? Honestly that is so predictable due to Nomura's love of Lea/Axel, but then again giving him a keyblade in itself is also diluting the uniqueness of Lea which Nomura wouldn't do. Either it would surprise me if this "ending" holds up for the previously mentioned reasons.


Um, how is that in anyway evidence of it not being the ending? He said that the exam is only part of it because it gets interrupted by the machinations of YMX.

Also, whilst it is somewhat predictable, it doesn't mean the climax of the game won't itself be unexciting. What's more, it's actually quite climatic in a tragic sense, as it shows Sora's fall due to hubris.

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......now that i think of it, you have a point. You see, YMX is thought to be MX in Isa's body due to resemblances. Also, The Unknown in BBS is a Saix body copy. BUT Saix is said to be with Lea when he goes to help Sora so idk about that. But Nomura did state that the game would partially be the exam. I wonder if it goes further than Sora playing with the Dream Eater in Traverse Town, OR maybe there is a playable secret ending like in BBS:FM


Personally i just cant see it ending flat with Sora not being a Master man, that bothers me. If he doesnt get it, maybe he'll end up going to save Master Aqua, then she'll deem him Master. Thats the only thing i could think of.

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