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Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] coverage: Day 6


Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance] released in Japan on March 29, 2012. Our coverage of the game has begun. This news post will remain pinned at the top of the homepage, be regularly updated, and contain links to all images, videos and information surrounding the game. Spoiler warnings will be given when appropriate. Feel free to discuss Kingdom Hearts 3D on our forum. Click here to see a regularly-updated collection of Kingdom Hearts 3D videos.

11:30AM EST: The method for obtaining the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts 3D has been revealed! In order to contain spoilers, please have a look at this forum topic to find out how.

11:25AM EST: This isn't much of an update, but it gives us a timeframe for our future coverage. I've personally received my copy of Kingdom Hearts 3D in the mail, today. I plan to play through the game as fast as possible, and after that, start on the cutscene archive for the game. That means that, within around a week, we should start to see the Kingdom Hearts 3D cutscene archive forming. We will, of course, be recording in great quality, and add subtitles when possible. Look forward to it! You can see a photo of my game, game box and box contents below.

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I'm really curious as to how Sora will fall into the darkness. I feel like Vanitas has something to do with it...Any other theories?

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Yeah, the fight with Mansex in KHIFM is canon. IIRC, Xemnas tells Roxas "I've been to see him. He looks just like you." Or something along those lines.

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Actually, the fight with Xemnas in KH1 is canon, it was shown in KH2 during Roxas's memories of Sora during the 6 days, and it was how he got the data they used to create Xion.




So my theory is supposed that there is a possible relevance between that and Mysterious Figure. Master Xehanort knew for a long time needed posser a new young body, and I find is like Young Xehanort traveled to the future (Recall Mysterious Figure that can manipulate time at will) to test the three disciples of Eraqus, choosing to Terra to be the most easily manipulated and that his heart could easily fall into the darkness.


Again, this is just a theory, but do not really think it makes some sense? So far every game has worked in the same way.

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Who are the seven lights Xehanort spoke of?

I think that they might be Namine,Kairi,Xion,Roxas,Sora,

Axel,and Riku leaving out the BBS trio. (though instead of Riku and Axel might be Aqua and Ventus seeing how Riku and Axel lean more to the darkness side).


Who are the seven lights Xehanort spoke of?

I think that they might be Namine,Kairi,Xion,Roxas,Sora,

Axel,and Riku leaving out the BBS trio. (though instead of Riku and Axel might be Aqua and Ventus seeing how Riku and Axel lean more to the darkness side).

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So my theory is supposed that there is a possible relevance between that and Mysterious Figure. Master Xehanort knew for a long time needed posser a new young body, and I find is like Young Xehanort traveled to the future (Recall Mysterious Figure that can manipulate time at will) to test the three disciples of Eraqus, choosing to Terra to be the most easily manipulated and that his heart could easily fall into the darkness.


Again, this is just a theory, but do not really think it makes some sense? So far every game has worked in the same way.


The battle in KH1FM is canon, the battle in BBS is not. Also, how could YMX travel to the FUTURE when BBS is 10 years in the PAST, if the battle was canon, which it isn't. Also, it isn't proven that YMX can actually manipulate time yet, it's all just speculation until someone actually posts a pic or a vid of this so called 'ending'. I'm surprised so many people believe this when the game came out recently. There hasn't been enough time for someone to beat the game yet, let alone reveal the ending.

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I think that the part of Sora's heart that was ripped out might've been Ventus' part that fused with Sora, Xehanort will likely try using his heart to recreate the X-blade if true...seems like when things were finally going good for our heroes the villains just had to come in and make things more difficult...


Azure flame raises a good point...this game must really be short for someone to have finished it in a day...or simply they are that good...or played the Beginner mode...

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I think that the part of Sora's heart that was ripped out might've been Ventus' part that fused with Sora, Xehanort will likely try using his heart to recreate the X-blade if true...seems like when things were finally going good for our heroes the villains just had to come in and make things more difficult...


Azure flame raises a good point...this game must really be short for someone to have finished it in a day...or simply they are that good...or played the Beginner mode...


Actually, if the post is to be believed, which I do not, Sora's heart was split into several pieces and you have to do a minigame where you have to find them all.

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Hmm...well there goes that theory...

What could the real ending be if not this one...didn't Nomura say that it was going to be shocking? This is quite shocking...imagine something even more shocking than this...

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I don't think it was shocking that he said, but unexpected. Then again, I could be wrong. However, if it is unexpected then this certainly is not the ending, as most people expected it to end with Riku passing and Sora failing. Then again it's neither unexpected nor shocking, because people were expecting it.

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Yes, it really is speculation, but Birth by Sleep is 10 years in the past and in Birth by Sleep Master Xehanort is old, so, Young Xehanort is even before Birth by Sleep game, before birth of Terra/Ventus/Aqua and before Mickey was a keyblade master, therefore, if possible, is.


Well, I go to sleep, I registered just because I wanted to know the opinion on the final course someone else. It is true that would be too predictable, but we are talking about KH, a game for youth people (and Disney characters), I do not suddenly change completely the series and transform it into a Silent Hill xD


Thanks for everything, regards!

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Another thing, if this is the real ending and Sora does fail, it says he goes on a journey.


Im thinking, and i know this is supposed to lead straight into 3 but idk. That BBS vol.2 will be released, whatever it may be, it might not be a game maybe a novel or something.


But in Vol.2 it shows Yen Sid and Mickey still looking for Ven and Terra and Aqua, Somehow find where Aqua is and send Sora to go rescue her. Maybe thats the way he finally becomes a Master, whatever Vol,2 is supposed to be i dont think 3 would be released before it, but thats just a thought.

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There is no proof that YMX is before BBS, and I highly doubt he is. Nomura stated that he will not venture further back in time than BBS, so why would he have a character from before then?

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^Where/when did he say that? (Just curious is all)


It seems like we might need to wait a week or so to get confirmation on a true ending...that means some of us can still turn back from spoiling the end...

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I have to agree with Souleater3000 up there. It sounds completely bogus, more like something a fan would come up with. I would have to see it described multiple times by different people in order to believe it... Plus, as s/he said, when the *ending* was released, the game had scarcely been out long enough to even get to the ending.

The sheer fact that Lea is apparently able to wield a keyblade should put some flags up. Seriously? I hate to say it, but that sounds like something out of a Stephenie Meyer script. :I

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i think that maybe the last questions might have something to do about it if you are the one choosing the answers. they might change the ending or decide things to come. plus why did they have to fight ven? i didn't see a reason or maybe i didn't see some info. also i think its a bit wierd that in the secret ending of bbs that everyone is putting their belief in sora and stuff only for him to fail here and just leave. that makes little sense to me especially since its not the first time sora has delt with darkness. i mean he was a heartless. its a bit saddening that sora just loses like that. i mean through all his work he fails everyones hopes and he just fails and thats supposed to be it. ya know these non console games all have somewhat bad endings and the only one to have a somewhat happy ending in these were riku. ATV being split up changed beaten and severed, Sora having to forget Namine, Ven had to lose Xion, i guess when he said typical its just to all of those who realized that about riku. although 358 in a half days had riku wield and changed into ansem so i don't think that was much of a good thing besides his obvious control over the form, riku in the non console games has been freed from darkness pull has ben given power by terra and has finaly won the darkness in his heart. not liking it but it makes sense that riku would come out on top. though indeed i feel that sora was cheated. i mean its like he didn't do anything while in the sleep zone. got me wondering what the secret vids gonna be like now that sora has probable failed. and maybe he was thinking over about the hearts that he found in his heart. i mean it would make sense since not only does he found out on how bad his body had been tampered while he was sleep he has to figure out the confusing for him confusing number of people that were in his heart and what to do about them. he has no memory or the memories of the people that were in there maybe he has to settle them before he can finaly pass the test. my speculation nothing concrete here

Edited by Darius14

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I have to agree with Souleater3000.

also ven heart isn't in sora.

nomura said that when he save all the seven princess he lost ven heart too.


When did he say that?

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I saw the part where he entered The World That Never Was as Sora. Sora briefly met Xion, then Ventus (who asked him to stop calling him Roxas), then Sora had a flashback to Terra and Aqua, including when he met Aqua when he was four. Anyways, he keeps dying on Young Xehanort.

*Edit* Seems he has quit to go level. I feel for him, that boss fight looks tough.

Edited by DG20

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