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20th Anniversary merchandise Kingdom Hearts III suitcases in development; 5 Variations

During the Kingdom Hearts 20th anniversary trailer, Square revealed that numerous pieces of merchandise are in development, such as the chess set and suitcases!

The suitcases currently lack a store page, but based on an article by the Japanese website Gamer, there will be 5 variations of this product. The only type that has been revealed so far is themed after Sora.

You can view the revealed images for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III suitcase via our gallery below:

We will keep you up to date on when this product receives more information and is added to stores. 

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It isn't even playable and they're charging 700 dollars for it. I don't even.

They can move, but the chess set isn't an actual chessboard. It's the weird diagonal board from the cutscenes.

and has no rules that come with it.

...Also these are showing up on the suitcase merchandise newspost, oops.

True, now that's really all it is.

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Oh hell nah. Way too much. Would rather buy some 3d printed ones from some Etsy shop

Those suit cases do look nice though. I wonder what the other designs will be.

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