Welcome to our E3 2011 coverage! Unfortunately, Kingdom Hearts did not make an appearance at the event. However, sqexgal is attending the event and thankfully has been able to cover it for us! You can read about all of the exciting announcements at E3 below, thanks to her, or follow her Twitter for live updates and exclusive photos. We'll keep you posted!
Kingdom Hearts news
- When the PlayStation Vita was announced (more below), Sony provided a list of developers that will be developing for this platform, and Square Enix appears on the list. Kingdom Hearts maybe? Always the possibility.
Other news
- The PlayStation Vita, the successor to the PlayStation portable, was officially announced with more details surrounding it. It was revealed that they are aiming for a release "this holiday season", at a price of US$250 for the WiFi only version, and $300 for the WiFi+3G version.
- The successor to the Wii, previously known as "Project Café", is now official known as Wii U which stands for "Wii Universal". It features controllers with screens on it that allow the console to be played without the television. The new device is meant to be a component to the Wii rather than an all new device.
- Various games including Final Fantasy XIII-2 were shown, with new trailers for many. These can all be seen below under "videos".
- Prepping for E3 2011
- FFXIII-2 Trailers Short & Extended
- E3 2011 FFXIII-2 Demo Report
- E3 2011 Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
- E3 2011 Other 3DS Demos
- E3 2011 Zelda HD
- E3 2011 Disney Universe
- E3 2011 Disneyland Interactive
- You can see photos of the event at sqexgal's yfrog account.
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer
- Mass Effect 3 trailer
- Star Wars: Old Republic trailer
- Halo trailer
- Assassin's Creed Revelations trailer
- Mario Kart 3D trailer
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 gameplay
- Super Mario Bros 3DS trailer
- Kid Icarus 2011 trailer
- Paper Mario 3DS trailer
- New Sonic Generations trailer
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time trailer
- Luigi's Mansion 2 trailer
- Tomb Raider trailer
- Wii U demo gameplay
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