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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Games/Films/TV Chat

    Platinum #17: Life is Strange: True Colors (PS5). With this... another Life is Strange is completed. Honestly... for me personally... this might be my favorite of the franchise. Mostly because it was the one I had the most fun playing. I don't know why honestly. I just really like the 'mystery' and 'finding the truth' theme I guess (which I guess explains why I like Ace Attorney and Danganronpa so much). I know that was a theme in the very first one... but idk... it felt like a 'side' theme with the 'power' being the main theme? I guess? Overall this is just me personally obviously. It also got me to laugh the hardest I've laughed playing a video game during the LARP part. Legit. I don't remember the last time I've laughed that hard during a video game. So... great experience overall and I got a Plat out of it lol. Is the franchise over? Who knows. I wouldn't mind more games personally, but again, just me. Next up... I'm finally getting around to playing Tales of Arise myself 😮
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