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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I thought I had posted in this topic but it seems not. Quite possibly the best thing about KH3D is the opening. Some of the indivdual Disney worlds were nice and I did like the expanded Traverse Town, but practically everything else is a dumpster fire. I played the game last year just before KH3 released as I had never fully experienced DDD before, I only knew the main story beats from cutscenes and interviews and the like, and I played it on beginner because I wanted to rush through the story. Oboy. The gameplay is awful for one. You can get hitstun out of any commands that you used even before the animation is done. Abilities being tied behind dream eaters is somehow far worse than BBS tying them to command melding. At least that required some knowhow. Here I was forced to play nintendogs just to unlock some useful commands (balloonga). Abiliities should never be tied to anything that doesn't require combat to achieve. I haven't even talked about the stagger yet, or the drop system which is infuriating. The story also took a complete nosedive, and for the worst in my opinion. Not only did KH3D make a ton of retcons, it ruined some characters (Xemnas, for one) by completely changing their motivations. KH3 at least did a little course-correcting here, but I won't get into that. The whole "13 v 7" and time-travelling was such a crock of shit but hey ho. I also just remembered thw frankly terrible voice acting by HJO, that was a bit of a hot topic, as well as Sora's complete flanderisation.
  2. 1 point

    Namine or Xion?

    I pretty much agree with everything Stellar Mage said. It gets really annoying when people think that Roxas and Namine should be together because Sora and Kairi are 'together' (do people realize that Sora and Kairi aren't even a couple yet?) Even if Sora and Kairi get together, that doesn't mean their Nobodies should. This is like saying a guy and a girl get together, and it just so happens they both have identical twins. Well, since they're together, then their twins should get together too. That's just really stupid, and it treats the twins like they're the same person. Just as identical twins are still two separate people with their own personalities, Sora and Roxas are different from one another, and so are Kairi and Namine. Not only that, but Roxas and Xion spent almost a whole year getting to know each other and became friends, while Roxas and Namine only spent maybe an hour total talking to one another. Sorry, but Roxas x Xion all the way!
  3. 1 point
    Stellar Mage

    Namine or Xion?

    I say XionxRoxas all the way! I hate it when people say namine just cuz they would look cute together! Just cuz thier somebodies are soon-to-be. I also hate it when people say that it's like he is dating himself. Once they were the same being but once they separated from Sora they were different people. It's like saying they were never they're own person. They had thier own feelings, thoughts, and personalities too! Namine and Roxas? I have nothing against namine but her with roxas? They barely knew each other! And they probably wouldnt have met if not for Xion. Xion and Roxas makes more sense. they instantly were interested in each other.(not tht way. they just were but im not sure in what way) . They were best friends. Xion gave her existance away and everyone forgot about her. Roxas tried to hold on. But (thxs to riku) he forgot in the end. and she knew it would happen but she did it cuz she thought it was for the good of everyone. Namine only met Roxas briefly and automatically people thought they should get together because of kairi and sora, So my answer to this question must be Xion.
  4. 1 point

    Namine or Xion?

    I honestly can't stand video game pairings, but if I had to chose I'd say Xion. Seriously, Namine and Roxas hardly knew each other but they act like a couple at the end of KHII -_- Xion on the other hand, was with Roxas a lot and she was even the reason that he left the Organization(kinda) and they did seem veeeeeeery close *wink wink nudge nudge* And what's this about Roxas being an annoying whiny Xion fanboy? Roxas is still totally badass in Days.
  5. 1 point

    Namine or Xion?

    To me, if ignore how all three came into existence, I would choose Xion. Roxas ultimately spent the longest time with Xion, caring for her well being and so forth, and even going so far as to defend her when Saix called Xion an it. Namine spent little time with Roxas, though mostly like somewhat of a mentor to help him reuse the keyblade. I would have a hard time believing that Roxas would fall for someone he just met so quickly, but oh well. Roxas did shed a tear when Xion disappeared from the aftermath of their battle. And even going after Xemnas in order to see, and maybe be with, Xion again.
  6. 1 point

    Namine or Xion?

    I would have to say Xion and Roxas. They had all the "lovey" (thats not even a word is it?) moments. Yeah, it would be weird, but they are a much better couple than Roxas and Namine.
  7. 1 point

    Namine or Xion?

    Xion would make more sense since the two actually had character development with each other, but it is selfcest. Namine makes no sense to me. One minute she tells him he's not supposed to exist, a girl he's never even met, and the next they're all lovey-dovey and instantly an implied couple. You can also consider it incest since they technically are twins, born at the exact same time from the same person. I like Namine more than Xion, but her relationship with Roxas, especially the implied romantic one in the game, has no real support other than "oh our Somebodies love each other, so we should do." That aside, I'd choose the RokuShi pairing.
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