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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Lose and win on remind is talking about when Sora and the guardians lose vs dark tower on the keyblade graveyard, the scene when we can read, darkness prevail and light expire..... Remin win, is the rewriting of that lose. I will attach a new more clarifying scheme/diagram, what fits better into.. Quadratum is a fictional world, we dont even know where it is located, or in what reality is located. that is one of the main reasons to make that diagram. Before thinking about it, i think (NOT SURE) it can be coded into the BoP or may be into the Black Box, but i think its inside the BoP because MoM scene drawing a heart in the moon. Whats the point of Quadratum and Yozora if they have no connection with MoM? And, what does MoM do into Quadratum if he have not connection with this world or with Yozora?
  2. 1 point
    This is just a thought I had. I have seen many people unhappy with the twists/retcons of Dream Drop Distance about Xemnas, Ansem and Xehanort, so I was thinking, would it help if Xemnas and Ansem were planning to betray Xehanort, or would it have been seen as just another annoying retcon? I know the Xehanort saga is over, but I'm just curious. I feel like it would have at least make sense for them to want to betray Xehanort, since they are portrayed as their own beings similar to Roxas and Sora, and they are part Xehanort, who is a massive backstabber (just ask Eraqus, Terra and Ansem the wise), and part Terra, who utterly despises Xehanort, probably more so than any other Guardian(I think Ansem, seeker of darkness is part Terra mostly because he looks a lot younger than Xehanort, and I know he only took that form because he took Riku's body, but Riku looked a lot younger than that Ansem looks, but I could be wrong). Alse, the secret report from Xemnas in 358/2 days did state that Xemnas was planning to absorb the artificial Kingdom Hearts for himself instead of using it to help Xehanorts plan to use it as a means to get the original Kingdom Hearts. It doesn't have to be that they were planning to betray Xehanort since they were born, because than why would Ansem go back in time to get Young Xehanort, but just as they grew into their own beings separate from Xehanor over time, they didn't desire any longer to follow Xehanorts plans, but just their own. Does anyone who dislike the retcon of DDD think it would at least partly salvage the whole thing, or would it just make things worse?
  3. 1 point
    I feel like it definitely would help a lot. Ansem SoS and Xemnas were up to that point the greatest villains they had ever faced, reducing them to lackeys to this old guy the gang has only heard stories about and ultimately has a very weak motivation wasn't a great call. Master Xehanort is a very weak villain (not as in power- but his entire persona); he's literally "I'm evil and darkness rules" the entire time up until the final battle in KH3 where he's like "I'm actually good though, I want to rid the world of darkness". In BBS, every time you see him all you can think about is "how are these characters so stupid, can't they see this guy is 1000% evil?" And you'd be right. And when he shows up in DDD he talks about a great prophecy that he already knows everything about. Stories that haphazardly introduce time travel to explain a prophecy are ultimately very predictable; they will go through the exact events described in the prophecy until eventually they find some sort of loophole and win anyway. (I think they wrote themselves into a corner with that 13vs7 premise in DDD, but I digress.) Let's talk about both of them, Ansem Seeker of Darkness first. The scientist guy obsessed with darkness, that drowned worlds in darkness and took over Riku's body to find Kingdom Hearts, to gain the ultimate power of darkness... was utterly proven wrong when Sora beat him and the door bathed him in pure light. The guy whose darkness haunted Riku during Chain of Memories- trying to take him over once more- ultimately failed again. He was bested because Riku chose a road that neither of light nor darkness. His scientific nature wouldn't just let that all go. he was wrong about KH being darkness and he was wrong about darkness being the ultimate power. He could be intrigued by Riuku's strength, the path he chose, the power he achieved to conquer the darkness in his heart. I believe there is definitely something you can do with that- especially when Master Xehanort was "darkness this, darkness that", when Ansem knew that was wrong from his own experiences. Xemnas is a different type of villain altogether; I believe the correct term for him is villainous virtuous. Xemnas's plan was to complete a man-made Kingdom Hearts so the organization could become whole again (This was before Nobodies grew hearts or a person could be reborn if both Nobody and Heartless were destroyed). He and the organization would do this by similarly to Ansem SoD, mess with the other worlds and bathe them in darkness, so their keyblade wielder could slay the heartless needed to complete it. I'm not completely sure if he was serious about that goal- or used it to manipulate the other members. Either would be interesting, but I personally lean towards the first, that makes a more interesting villain in my opinion. If Nobodies can grow hearts now, after that revelation in DDD; then Xemnas could be /feeling/ regret for his oranization's members. If Master Xehanort brought them back to serve as his heart's vessles, that could make him change his mind. His organization's goal was to make themselves whole again, give them their hearts back. And instead their heart gets replaced with Xehanort's. That seems like a good reason for treason! I know it all gets muddy with other details introduced in later games, Xigbar's/Braig's behind the scenes involvement, the recompleting the original perrson, etc. But what I know is that they were not utilized to their full potential in KH3, and it was disappointing to me at least. I'm interested in reading what you all think too, is my analysis any good? Do you have other suggestions on how to handle Ansem SoD and Xemnas?
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