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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account tweeted two photos showcasing Sora in a brand new form called 'Double Form'. This form has Sora dual wielding both the Oathkeeper and Oblivion keyblades which are set to release alongside the upcoming Re Mind DLC in update 1.07! Additionally, the Japanese portal site for Re Mind has received a massive update with the 'Data Greeting', 'Slideshow Function' and 'Premium Menu' sections finally being filled in. The 'Data Greeting' menu has been revealed, with it showing off character avatars at the bottom of the screen. There are also what looks like backdrops you can choose from on the left. The 'Slideshow Function' shows off several photos that are able to be taken in the upcoming photo mode being added into Re Mind. Dream Eaters, Kairi, Aqua and other characters are all making appearances in this preview shot! The 'Premium Menu' has also received an informative screenshot that we are working on translating as soon as we can! We can certainly conclude that there certainly are many options to configure and choose from however. You can view all of these photos in the gallery above. Additionally, there is also a new screenshot of Sora performing an updated version of the 'Magic Flash' finisher ability. There are a variety of screenshots to translate and we will update this article when we have completed it all. Are you more excited for Re Mind now with these screenshots and if so, what additions in particular are you excited to try out? Let us know in the comments below! UPDATE: We have now translated the Re Mind portal site! The very top of the page reads "Another story which Sora did not know of. Reunite with friends met in the past and many more new features." Afterwards, we are greeted by the various sections all detailing specific additions in Re Mind! Firstly, the 'Additional Scenarios' section reads "This is the story behind the scenes during the climax. Sora, who traveled back in time before the final fight at the Keyblade Graveyard, follows the hearts of the Seven Guardians of Light and experiences what each guardian fought against." The 'Limit Cut Episode & Boss' section reads "You will be able to battle 13 bosses - Organization XIII members - in challenging fights. Use your guard to find openings for attacks to fight the toughest bosses." The 'Playable Character' section reads "It will now be possible to change to characters such as Riku, Aqua, Roxas and Kairi. In certain battles you will be able to perform attacks with your teammates." The 'Data Greeting' section reads "Choose characters and locations to take a photo of your liking. It will be possible to change expressions and poses for characters, allowing you to adjust anything." From top to bottom, this screenshot says -"Destiny Islands, Location 01" - "Main Characters " - "Please select a location for the photo." This second screenshot for 'Data Greeting' says "Dream Eaters" at the top of the menu. The bottom of the screenshot says "Please select an object to place". At the right of the screenshot, where we can see numbers, there appear to be certain limitations towards what you can place. You seem to able to place a total of 25 characters, 25 objects and 3 effects at any given time. Additionally, there is an option to use filters. This screenshot has them set to 'OFF'. The 'Slide Show' section reads "Photos can be played back as a slideshow along with music." The first screenshot above is in 'Edit' mode. The top right says "Select/deselect photos to use". The text at the bottom of the screenshot says "Please select a photo to change". This second screenshot of the 'Slide Show' section is in 'Preview' mode. The very top right of the screenshot says "Shuffle, Help, Change frame". The list on the left side of the screen from top to bottom says -"Play" -??? (We were not able to identify the text here) -"Change photos" -"Choose BGM" -"Save" -"Load" -"Exit" The 'Premium Menu' section reads "Many restrictions can be combined in Black Code for more enjoyment in battles. Score points can be obtained from defeating certain bosses. Your rank will increase depending on the points accumulated." From top to bottom, the list on the left of the screenshot says -"Default status" -"Zero Defense" -"HP slip" -"MP slip" -"No Shotlocks allowed" -"No cure" which is also highlighted on this screenshot, has text at the bottom saying "All forms of Cure can not be used by any team member." -"No battle items can be used" -"No links" -"No form changes/grand magics" [The game will not even prompt you to use those if this option is set to ON.] -"No attraction flow" -"No team attacks" It is worth noting here that these options can be turned 'ON' and 'OFF' at any given time. However, as Nomura said in his recent Famitsu interview, it will not be possible to access the Premium Menu at any given time. Additionally, there was no information on 'Fast Pass' shown in any of these screenshots. The achievements on the right side of the screenshot say -"Lump of Horror 1000P" -"Grim Guardianess 1000P" -"Chaos Carriage 5000P" -"King of Toys 1000P" No images were provided for the 'Secret Episode & Boss' section. There is only a statement reiterating that a secret episode and secret boss exist. Additionally, there are no screenshots for the 'English Voice Mode' section. This is an option exclusive to the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind where Japanese players get the option to switch to English voices. No word on a 'Japanese' Voice Mode' for the global audience has been made. The bottom of the portal site summarizes the January updates releasing for Kingdom Hearts III. From top to bottom, this listed summary reads -"Free update version 1.07:" -"Update on main story" -"New abilities" -"Keyblades Oathkeeper and Oblivion + new forms (keyblades have requirements to obtain them)" -"Restrictions have been lifted for the Share function" Finally, the bottom of the page briefly details the Japanese exclusive custom theme that comes from pre-ordering Re Mind by February 24th JST. New information on this theme has been revealed today as well. Update 1.07 for Kingdom Hearts III can drop literally any time now and with Re Mind waiting in the wings, a plethora of Kingdom Hearts III content is about to unfold! What are you looking forward to the most in Re Mind? Let us know in the comments below! Credit to our team's Ryuji and Solis for their incredible translations! UPDATE (1/20/20): The official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account has recently released official English versions of the images on the Re Mind portal site, which are also now in much higher quality! You can view these images below. View full article
  2. 1 point
    I love that new artwork of Sora and Kairi with all my heart.
  3. 1 point
    Icecl Keyheart

    *Spoilers* KH3 Chat

    Was that soras96 wife?
  4. 1 point
    wow america general public have awful taste in games, just football shooting and movies
  5. 1 point
    None of the final boss or even boss tracks were composed by Yoko Shimomura, she only composed the music for the early worlds and Final world + Scala area theme, it was disappointing I agree. I hope she makes some new songs for re:mind also the music was too quiet in my opinion
  6. 1 point

    The Secret boss of ReMind

    I think it would be cool if Yozora wasn’t the final boss. I do think however that we will play as Sora. The secret boss of a game is supposed to be where you use all of the skills and techniques to their max. Since we barely play as the other characters and their load out is prefixed I don’t think we’d be able to have a good secret boss. It would have to be nerfed from something Sora could take on. Just my 2 cents ?‍♂️ It would be cool if they could make it work though, don’t get me wrong!
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