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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Re:Coded because it did the command deck the best and it's just a fun game in general.
  2. 1 point
    What is your favorite handheld installment of Kingdom Hearts?
  3. 1 point
    I want everyone reading this to know, I am not questioning yoko's songwriting and the performance of the orchestra. They did a fantastic job. If you have some points that you agree or disagree on, feel free to reply. Wow it's been almost 3 years since I visited this site to write stuff on the forums. Kh3 turned out kinda meh, but still it was a satisfying experience. Hope I get to see In the next installments. Kappa
  4. 1 point

    Kingdom Hearts: A World Without Sky

    Page 34 (artist commissioned: https://www.deviantart.com/ai-nohikari) Kairi's Skills: Fira, Cura, Blizzara, Watera, Thundara, Reflera, Sparkra, Pearl (Music: Who I am – Aladdin & the King of Thieves)
  5. 1 point
    Here's my list of my favorite Kingdom Hearts handheld games. 1.) 358/2 Days - Mainly because of the story and characters developments from Roxas, Xion, and Axel. The relationship between Roxas, Xion, and Axel. And because I got to see the another side of the Organization members. And that's why it got my vote! 2.) Dream Drop Distance - Mainly because it's finally moving the story forward after Kingdom Hearts 2. The music and interesting gameplay, especially the Flowmotion. Riku's character development and his growth as a character. And the introduction of my second favorite villain Young Xehanort. 3.) Birth by Sleep - I love Birth by Sleep because it was such a fun game. The Command Boards and Melding Gameplay were one of the best gameplays in the Kingdom Hearts, in my opinion. I love the new characters Terra, Ventus, and Aqua, especially Aqua. The introduction of my another favorite villain Vantias. However, my problem with Birth by Sleep was that there wasn't enough character moments between Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. Terra, Ventus and Aqua were supposed to be best friends, but the game focus too much on separating Terra, Ventus, and Aqua. If Birth by Sleep show more friendship between Terra, Ventus, and Aqua and show how strong their friendship are than I might've rank it second on my list. 4.) Re:Coded - Re:Coded is not the strongest game in the series, but it has a very fun gameplay. the story was a little weak, but the story did move forward so I respect the game for that. Best part was the second ending and the revelation of Master Xehanort return.
  6. 1 point
    I mean I love each of them for differing reasons. Dream Drop Distance and Birth By Sleep are probably my most favorite, though I gave my vote to Re:Coded because geeeez you people are mean, lol. XD
  7. 1 point
    BBS by far. I mean, I am horribly attached to Days and I have the fondest memories of playing it, but even that can’t get me over the gameplay, sadly... but I swear I’m gonna replay it one of these days! BBS doesn’t have the best gameplay either (I like the ideas they had, but it’s just a bit too cluncky), but it’s still fun most of the time, and the story’s one of my personal favorites in all of KH.
  8. 1 point
    Definitely BBS for me. For me it was mix of fun, emotion, balance, and absolute utter madness all in one place.
  9. 1 point

    PMD Red Rescue Team Remake

    Red and Blue came out 2005/2006, Red on the GameBoy Advance and Blue on the Nintendo DS, so Diamond and Pearl weren't released yet. Weavile, Bonsly, Mime Jr., and Lucario appear as statues, while Munchlax appears as an NCP, as all five had appeared in the anime during the Hoenn and Battle Frontier seasons with Munchlax appearing as early as the movie corresponding to the second of four seasons in that anime series. Munchlax debuted in the Destiny Deoxys film, which is also where it was shown to evolve into Snorlax and May catches one in Advanced Battle. Brock and James obtain Bonsly and Mime Jr. respectively in the Battle Frontier season, while Lucario and the Mystery of Mew has Lucario and Weavile, Weavile also appearing in a Battle Frontier episode. From memory Gen 4 is the generation to have most Pokemon debut before the games that represent it, with a handful of Battle Frontier episodes being filler focusing on specific species like Weavile and Chatot, as well as Gary having Electivire which is where Sinnoh is directly named and what inspires Ash to journey there.
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