KH13 Media
Anything to do with KH13, the website – official meet-ups, website screenshots, competition images, etc.
KH13 Meet Up for New York Concerts Updated
Album for the #KH13MeetUp at the New York concert on June 24, 2017
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KH13 Meetup for Los Angeles concert Updated
Album for the KH13 Meet Up at the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- concerts on June 10th and June 11th, 2017.
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KH13 Logo Collection (Redbubble) Updated
With the fast approach of the Kingdom Hearts Concert -World Tour-, many fans around the world will be attending the various concerts everywhere. Keeping that in mind, we’d like to announce something new for you all: Official merchandise! That’s right, we now have our own merchandise for all of you wonderful fans to purchase, all designed by KH13 staff member Andrew Hankinson!
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Organization KH13 Updated
With the fast approach of the Kingdom Hearts Concert -World Tour-, many fans around the world will be attending the various concerts everywhere. Keeping that in mind, we’d like to announce something new for you all: Official merchandise! That’s right, we now have our own merchandise for all of you wonderful fans to purchase, all designed by KH13 staff member Andrew Hankinson!
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Gallery Statistics