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What if the Final Fantasy XV delay is the PS Pro?

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Like the title said, im really starting to think that could a reason. Its possible it really was in truth to avoid making a online patch but I believe that a contributing factor was to make a pro version as well.

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Im thinking the PS4 Pro was part of the delay yes. They just couldn't say anything about it since there was probably an NDA they signed. I hope the devs utilize the Pro's upgraded specs to maybe hit a 1080p 60FPS target in-game   

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Not a chance, the ps4/Xbox versions have serious issues PS4 pro won't fix that.


That's a base reason for the delays. Often, there's a bunch of Non-disclosure agreement reasons as to why Final Fantasy XV is getting the delay. The PS4 Pro is clearly a contributing factor if Square Enix was expected to create a 4K Aliasing version of an already HD game.

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Optimization was the biggest issue. They knew they could run FFXV on at least 30 FPS on PS4, just had to really optimize hard. The PS4 Pro is probably not part of the issue - Japan isn't into console gaming as much as it used to be. But I highly doubt we'll see 4K resolutions which has some high-end PCs for over $1000 struggling with, and very likely not 60 FPS.


I doubt they'd get a stable 1440p @30 off of the Pro.

Edited by Clouded Sun

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