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What's Your LEAST Favorite Data Org. XIII Battle?

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So yeah as the title. What Data Org. XIII fight do you hate the most? For me it's definitely Data Larene and Data Vexen. Data Larxene because she can be pretty annoying when she spams her lightning attacks and Data Vexen because, well...Anti-Sora. Seriously, his Anti-Sora ALWAYS screws me over when I'm trying to take out Data Vexen. I hate him!

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Data Luxord and Data Demyx...though Luxord more than Demyx. Why? Because with Demyx there's an actual strategy, you have to do things a particular way and you'll come out just fine. Luxord though, if you mess up on that one last card game even once, you've compromised the whole fight, you may as well have lost at that point. I know you still have to press a button at just the right moment, but that still feels like it relies more on luck than actual skill...fitting considering the boss I guess.

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Vexen took me FOREVER. I was mostly just really bad at paying attention to where his HP was and when he would be doing his super move. Reflex and skill I have, general awareness, not quite as much =P.


And Data Xemnas, not for difficulty, but for just having to repeat the first phase whenever you die. Waste of time.

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Data Vexen and Data Axel has got to be the once I dislike the most. Vexen for similar reasons to you. firetruck Anti-Sora. Vexen hardly needs to target you in order for Anti-Sora to spawn and he's to much annoying. And once Anti-Sora is gone fighting Vexen just ain't all that fun. While Axel is just boring. He has like, what... four attacks? They should have given him more attacks. It's understandable that he has few attacks when you fight him as Roxas because that's quite early in the game, but when you fight his data counterpart they seriously should have considered expanding upon him.

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Data Luxord because of how fast his gambling reaction command rolls,its impossible to time is right without luck and its BS.I hated Vexen too,I never figured a good strategy to beat him,I just got lucky after try 1000.And of course the Xemnas fight suck in the PS3 version because of the broken reaction command and the fact that you have to redo the first form everytime that's not even hard,it just wastes time

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Funnily enough just got my proof of non-existence for this - Luxord is the worst by far, followed by Vexen then Xemnas.


What did I learn from all these fights? Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega Curaga Ether Reflega Reflega Reflega Reflega.

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Either the Final Genie strat or the more recent strats which just loop her with Explosion and then (in both) finishing Larxene with Comet (finisher) + Reflega + Explosion.

AH OK. Like the one I used in my lvl 1 video against Data Larxene? I see.

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I think that my least favorite battle was against Data Vexen! My God, that battle agonized me to no end!  He was always extracting data from me, and using my Anti-Form against me! I hated that so much!  I lost against him a great number of times, and then I just focused on fighting the other Data members, and I think he was one of the last ones I beat, ya know?  But yeah, he was annoying to fight as heck! xD

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@peeps with trouble with Luxord, you can get the RC if you wait for it to cycle a few times (but don't wait too long), and if you mess up the DM, if you don't move at all he literally jumps over you until you revert and he DMs again. There's also the Quick RC Release but that requires either actual luck or RNG manipulation so don't bother lol It's all about tiiiiime


Larxene and Vexen are kinda hard for me but they're gotten more manageable with practice


The ones still I hate are Xiggy and Zebraman, though. They basically do whatever they want and it's annoying :x

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Personally I hated the fight with Saix cause it was just too easy

Here is the tally of the least favourite data org. 13 battles for the chat, so far...


Xemnas - 4

Xigbar - 1

Xaldin - 1

Vexen - 6

Lexaeus - 1

Zexion - 0

Saix - 1

Axel - 3

Demyx - 2

Luxord - 8

Marluxia - 0

Larxene - 2

Roxas - 0

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