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Aaron Parthimos


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So we all know that when there isn't half AP available some of the higher missions can drain quite a lot but the worst thing is when you spend AP to start a mission and die from a stupid death but know you could just do it again with the same deck and beat it.


I don't recommend doing this as it may ruin the fun of the game but it's not that bad.


Okay so when you die instead of leaving the battle and using more AP to re start the quest, once you die you double tap your home button and exit the app then go back in to it and you will be at the begginging of the quest without having to use additional AP


Cool trick if your in some trouble but use at your own will :)

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Oh, people don't know this? Yeah, if you close the app, you'll restart at the beginning of a level. They do this mostly to prevent unfair AP loss when the app crashes, which happens on occasion, but it's exploitable for such a purpose.


I do it from time to time when what I'm doing requires all my skills to trigger. If you plan on doing it on the Coliseum or the High Score Challenges, be quick about it, since those don't give you an option to spend jewels to recover, and boot you right out once you die.

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