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So I Recently Finished FF7...

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And I must say, the game was great! I really liked the storyline, characters, gameplay, and the areas you were able to explore (Cpsmo Canyon is officially my favorite place in the entire game.) I now fully see why everyone who's played FF7 hates Hojo so much. He's pretty much been the cause of everything, including why Sephiroth turned evil. But man, after beating the original game I fully understand why everyone's excited for the PS4 remake of the game. And playing the game for myself has actually gotten me A LOT more excited and interested in the PS4 remake. I can't wait to see how all the scenes will  look on the new engine. I just hope that they are at least able to keep all of the humor that the original game had. Because the plot didn't fully take itself very seriously. Which isn't a bad thing, really. It was a good mix of seriousness with some comedic moments, haha. But yeah, playing FF7 was a great experience for a decade old game. I hope that they add a bit more back story for all the party members in the FF7 remake.



But yeah, now I'm playing FF10 and so far I'm liking it (though the puzzles annoy me a bit lol).

FF7 is an astonishing game, beyond that. When I played it for the first time all the way through I didn't like it that much, but a second playthrough helped me see how wonderful this game is.


The game has a huge sense of escalation, to quote gameranx (paraphrase even)


"FF games up to that point told tales of knights and evil kings. But FF7 makes you realise that the biggest threats aren't evil jokers or such, but rather the companies that run the modern world."


Each character has something they are fighting for, something that Sephiroth or Shinra took away. They all have tragic pasts but their pasts shaped them as people, they feel despair, they cry, they laugh and they joke around. Despite being a diverse cast they put their differences aside and unite to save their planet. You can tell that each character cares about the planet and people in it. Everyone has a motivation that's really unique and realistic. They feel like real human beings.


This game changed the way I look at the planet and had a huge eco friendly activist feel to it. It makes me consider the possiblity of the planet being sentient which I never thought of before (with Aeris being able to hear the cries of the planet).


Sephiroth, an iconic villain that makes you hate him and feel sorry for him. He inflicts a lot of pain upon the heroes and especially Cloud, but for Cloud he represents how your idols can become your enemies. The strongest of people have the most tragic pasts. At the end of the day, Sephiroth's mental breakdown



, Sephiroth's mental breakdown at the old reactor after discovering his true nature is similar to Cloud's breakdowns. Neither can cope with the mental stress of facing their true selves, Cloud puts on a fake persona and Sephiroth goes crazy. For the most adamant of men, he's truly the man with the weakest will.




Everytime you hear his name you get scared, eerie music plays and you feel fear. He's truly evil, but misunderstood.


Cloud is one of those guys who can't escape his past and eventually he has to accept it and man up for the sake of everyone. He realises that he's well a big  (Spoiler tag contains spoilers but a cool analysis on Cloud)




fraud. His life was kind of a lie, he was never a first class soldier like Zack and failed at achieving his dreams. But after being freed from the Mako poison he leaves his own interests aside and does what's best for others, goes to face Sephiroth.


Sephiroth is quite symbolic for Cloud. He symbolises Cloud's past and the greatness that Cloud wanted to become. Through defeating Sephiroth, Cloud overcomes his own past and puts it behind him. Cloud finds strength in his true self, not the fake identity he created due to Mako poisoning.


Cloud couldn't talk to girls or make friends as he grew up, he's surprisingly human.


Heck his last name is STRIFE, which means to conflict or to argue or to have trouble. His life is full of hardships.

Cloud is someone we should all look up to. He truly goes on one hell of a journey




The soundtrack is some of Nobuo's best work and captures every city, town and scenario to the finest detail. Aeris' theme especially xD


The core gameplay is a fun and addictive ATB system. The battles are fluid and fast paced despite being labelled as turn based (Mainly by those who haven't played it). But the game just kept me wanting more, I loved collecting and finding materia and basically customising my characters in any way I want to. The game rewards exploration and there's so much extra content and replay value.


I hate Cloud's portrayal in Kingdom Hearts and in Advent Children, he's passed off as some angsty dimwit but he's WAY beyond that.


Truly a masterpiece, so much epic symbolism and storytelling. Cloud's journey is a magnificent tale of redemption and becoming a better person, facing the true you and putting others before yourself.


This game came out 2 years before I was born, now age at 16 living in the world of triple A games and huge open worlds with gorgeous graphics, I'd rather play this than anything that has come out in the past 4-5 years.

Edited by Barry Bacon Allen

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And I must say, the game was great! I really liked the storyline, characters, gameplay, and the areas you were able to explore (Cpsmo Canyon is officially my favorite place in the entire game.) I now fully see why everyone who's played FF7 hates Hojo so much. He's pretty much been the cause of everything, including why Sephiroth turned evil. But man, after beating the original game I fully understand why everyone's excited for the PS4 remake of the game. And playing the game for myself has actually gotten me A LOT more excited and interested in the PS4 remake. I can't wait to see how all the scenes will  look on the new engine. I just hope that they are at least able to keep all of the humor that the original game had. Because the plot didn't fully take itself very seriously. Which isn't a bad thing, really. It was a good mix of seriousness with some comedic moments, haha. But yeah, playing FF7 was a great experience for a decade old game. I hope that they add a bit more back story for all the party members in the FF7 remake.



But yeah, now I'm playing FF10 and so far I'm liking it (though the puzzles annoy me a bit lol).

now you know that you shouldn't level up aerith when FF7 remake released. 

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And I must say, the game was great! I really liked the storyline, characters, gameplay, and the areas you were able to explore (Cpsmo Canyon is officially my favorite place in the entire game.) I now fully see why everyone who's played FF7 hates Hojo so much. He's pretty much been the cause of everything, including why Sephiroth turned evil. But man, after beating the original game I fully understand why everyone's excited for the PS4 remake of the game. And playing the game for myself has actually gotten me A LOT more excited and interested in the PS4 remake. I can't wait to see how all the scenes will  look on the new engine. I just hope that they are at least able to keep all of the humor that the original game had. Because the plot didn't fully take itself very seriously. Which isn't a bad thing, really. It was a good mix of seriousness with some comedic moments, haha. But yeah, playing FF7 was a great experience for a decade old game. I hope that they add a bit more back story for all the party members in the FF7 remake.



But yeah, now I'm playing FF10 and so far I'm liking it (though the puzzles annoy me a bit lol).

Glad you enjoyed playing FFVII! It's amazing how people say it's so overrated and yet everyone still seems to love it. It was so fun for me the first time I played it! ^.^ Can't wait for the remake though!!!!

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He's pretty tough. I'm leveling all my characters to the max lvl and gonna get Knights of the Round before taking him on again.


Ruby weapon is annoying mainly because it has so much HP and so much defense. Its more of a test of endurance xD.

Good luck with your rematch :D

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Ah, so you've played VII, eh?  I've been considering playing it, but I want to wait until the Remake!  But at the same time, I want to play the original!  Gahhh, it's just tough for me to decide! xD

Play the original man, it's super cheap on steam! The remake will end up taking some things out xD It's worth it.

Edited by Barry Bacon Allen

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Play the original man, it's super cheap on steam! The remake will end up taking some things out xD It's worth it.


Well, I've seen members like you and a few others praising this game to death, so I figure I should play it...and it is available on the Playstation Store for PS3...gahhh, I'm tempted now!  But I can't play it now, cuz there's too many games I'm playing at the moment! xD

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