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an idea to replace Drive Forms in KH3

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I'd rather just have Drive Forms back but maybe with a green form and a two more Limit Form like forms based on his KH2 and 3D outfits.. Donald and Goofy are with him and you can bet his new clothes are from Yen Sid so there's no reason they cant.
But I do kida like this idea, but maybe he should have one for each GoL and then Final
Sora was never poseessed by Xehanort in 3D, Lea deflected it with hsi chakrams. The darkness Sora was swallowed by was born from him and the pain of all those he's connected to.

Edited by Isamu Kuno

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Sora was never poseessed by Xehanort in 3D, Lea deflected it with hsi chakrams. The darkness Sora was swallowed by was born from him and the pain of all those he's connected to.

Yeah I know Lea managed to ruin Xehanort's plan, I was actually referring to that scene after the Xemnas fight, I think the darkness that pours out from Sora is not just his own but also some darkness summoned by Xehanort to put Sora asleep

Edited by MasterLorX

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Yeah I know Lea managed to ruin Xehanort's plan, I was actually referring to that scene after the Xemnas fight, I think the darkness that pours out from Sora is not just his own but also some darkness summoned by Xehanort to put Sora asleep

I don't think so. I think in order for Xehanort to sucessfully posess a vessell, he has the draw out their own darkness until it's about to completly consume them. That's how it worked with Riku and Terra, though in Riku's case it was Maleficent drawing out hsi darkness. 

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I'd rather just have Drive Forms back but maybe with a green form and a two more Limit Form like forms based on his KH2 and 3D outfits.. Donald and Goofy are with him and you can bet his new clothes are from Yen Sid so there's no reason they cant.

like I said in KH3 Sora will not have Ventus' heart inside him so he won't be able to summon a second Keyblade usign drive forms

I don't think so. I think in order for Xehanort to sucessfully posess a vessell, he has the draw out their own darkness until it's about to completly consume them. That's how it worked with Riku and Terra, though in Riku's case it was Maleficent drawing out hsi darkness.

it might be, but how did Xehanort manage to draw out Sora's darkness? 

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like I said in KH3 Sora will not have Ventus' heart inside him so he won't be able to summon a second Keyblade usign drive forms

it might be, but how did Xehanort manage to draw out Sora's darkness? 

By manipulating him into feelig the pain of the people he's connected to. There are hints as far back as KH2 that Xigbar is somehow aware the Ven's heart rests within Sora, so chances are Xehanort and Xemnas do too. Knowing the pain Xehanort caused Ven Teraa and Aqua, he probably figured that if he could get Sora to connect with those memories, the pain would overwhelm him and cause his own darkness to swallow him, just like Data-Roxas warned Dara-Sora about in Re:coded.

Edited by Isamu Kuno

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By manipulating him into feelig the pain of the people he's connected to. There are hints as far back as KH2 that Xigbar is somehow aware the Ven's heart rests within Sora, so chances are Xehanort and Xemnas do too. Knowing the pain Xehanort caused Ven Teraa and Aqua, he probably figured that if he could get Sora to connect with those memories, the pain would overwhelm him and cause his own darkness to swallow him, just like Data-Roxas warned Dara-Sora about in Re:coded.

okay now I get it thanks :) after all sadness and pain can lead to darkness, Ava also says it in KHX

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okay now I get it thanks :) after all sadness and pain can lead to darkness, Ava also says it in KHX

Exactly, but there is someone Sora is, or rather, was, connected to that could be the source of Anti-Link. Vanitas. Sora was connected to him through Ven.

Edited by Isamu Kuno

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Hi guys,
I've been thinking about this idea for a while and I'd like to know what you think about it :D
So basically this alternative to drive forms is called Heart-Link (H-Link for short) and allows Sora to dual wield. Now you're probably thinking: that's not possible, in KH3 Sora's going to give Ventus his heart back thus loosing the ability to use a second Keyblade.
Yes that's true and this is actually why I chose with the name Heart-Link, in fact we all know Sora is a special guy who "touches so many hearts" and is capable of creating strong connections with other people and this special "ability" of his is what is actually behind Heart-Links
When Sora uses an H-Link he connects his heart with the hearts of his friends (Riku for example) and borrows some of the friends' power so he becomes stronger and temporary gains the ability of using a second Keyblade.
Okay this was just the theory behind it now let's see what the H-Links really are (just to let you know I imagined them in parallel with drive forms and since I'm lazy :P I'll use for them the same name of drive forms), let's start:
Valor Link: Sora connects his heart with Ventus', the main colors of Sora's clothes now are grey and yellow, this Link focuses on speed and Keyblade attacks, while using it Sora wields the second Keyblade with the reverse grip like Ventus
Wisdom Link: Sora connects his heart with Kairi's, the main colors of Sora's clothes now are red and white, this Link is basically a dual wielding version of the wisdom form from KH2, so magic is boosted but now with two Keyblades Sora can fire many more light projectiles
Limit Link: using this particular Link Sora's clothes change color so they look like his old KH2 outfit and he only uses one Keyblade, Sora fights using a more powerful version of the KH2 combos and he can also use the 4 limits from KH1
Master Link: Sora connects his heart with Riku's, the main colors of Sora's clothes now are blue and grey, this Link both focuses on magic and keyblade power, Sora's fight style becomes a combination of his own and Riku's
Final Link: the strongest Link, Sora connects his heart with all the other 6 Guardians of Light (whoever they will be), the main colors of Sora's clothes now are gold and white, using this Link he wields two Keyblades and both of them are sorrounded by a light shaped like a sword (like Blade Charge but shorter) and he also has 5 more blades of light floating around him (like Wingblade)
and now the last but not the least the Anti Link: this Link triggers randomly when you use H-Links, the idea behind it is that Sora was once possessed by Xehanort's darkness in DDD and because of this sometimes the darkness in his heart takes temporary control over him when using the H-Link, under the effects of Anti Link Sora's clothes becomes black and his head is covered by the hood (so that his outfit looks like Xehanort's black coat), instead of the Keyblade the Anti Link weapon is a black darkness sword that Sora uses to perform fast but low damaging slashes. Obviously Anti Link doesn't disappear until the H-Link gauge is empty
That's it guys this is my idea to replace drive forms in KH3, let me know if you like it and if you'd like something like this to be in KH3 :D


This actually a really cool idea! I'd love this xD


About the anti link, Xehanort never possessed Sora so it would probably be Sora's own darkness.


I think there should be 2 more.


A fire type of link that gives Sora powers like Lea/Axel has and his clothes turn bright red and have flame symbols on them.


Also one for Roxas where Sora gains Roxas' abilities (The ones he had in the KH2FM boss fight)

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Hi guys,
I've been thinking about this idea for a while and I'd like to know what you think about it :D
So basically this alternative to drive forms is called Heart-Link (H-Link for short) and allows Sora to dual wield. Now you're probably thinking: that's not possible, in KH3 Sora's going to give Ventus his heart back thus loosing the ability to use a second Keyblade.
Yes that's true and this is actually why I chose with the name Heart-Link, in fact we all know Sora is a special guy who "touches so many hearts" and is capable of creating strong connections with other people and this special "ability" of his is what is actually behind Heart-Links
When Sora uses an H-Link he connects his heart with the hearts of his friends (Riku for example) and borrows some of the friends' power so he becomes stronger and temporary gains the ability of using a second Keyblade.
Okay this was just the theory behind it now let's see what the H-Links really are (just to let you know I imagined them in parallel with drive forms and since I'm lazy :P I'll use for them the same name of drive forms), let's start:
Valor Link: Sora connects his heart with Ventus', the main colors of Sora's clothes now are grey and yellow, this Link focuses on speed and Keyblade attacks, while using it Sora wields the second Keyblade with the reverse grip like Ventus
Wisdom Link: Sora connects his heart with Kairi's, the main colors of Sora's clothes now are red and white, this Link is basically a dual wielding version of the wisdom form from KH2, so magic is boosted but now with two Keyblades Sora can fire many more light projectiles
Limit Link: using this particular Link Sora's clothes change color so they look like his old KH2 outfit and he only uses one Keyblade, Sora fights using a more powerful version of the KH2 combos and he can also use the 4 limits from KH1
Master Link: Sora connects his heart with Riku's, the main colors of Sora's clothes now are blue and grey, this Link both focuses on magic and keyblade power, Sora's fight style becomes a combination of his own and Riku's
Final Link: the strongest Link, Sora connects his heart with all the other 6 Guardians of Light (whoever they will be), the main colors of Sora's clothes now are gold and white, using this Link he wields two Keyblades and both of them are sorrounded by a light shaped like a sword (like Blade Charge but shorter) and he also has 5 more blades of light floating around him (like Wingblade)
and now the last but not the least the Anti Link: this Link triggers randomly when you use H-Links, the idea behind it is that Sora was overwhelmed by his own darkness in DDD and because of this sometimes the darkness in his heart takes temporary control over him when using the H-Link, under the effects of Anti Link Sora's clothes becomes black and his head is covered by the hood (so that his outfit looks like Xehanort's black coat), instead of the Keyblade the Anti Link weapon is a black darkness sword that Sora uses to perform fast but low damaging slashes. Obviously Anti Link doesn't disappear until the H-Link gauge is empty
That's it guys this is my idea to replace drive forms in KH3, let me know if you like it and if you'd like something like this to be in KH3 :D
sora is never really able to use 2 keyblades they just added these forms into the game and they wont do it again i think but its a nice idea.
in the manga sora never really learned the drive forms its just a thing to boost the player's strength or he would die anyway.
i dont think they will add this idea again in KH3 but nice one


Edited by Mahdi Albasri

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This is similar to D-Links, and at the same time, it borrows well from Command Styles and Drive Forms!  This could be a very awesome way to incorporate Drive Forms in Kingdom Hearts III!  I like it!  This was well thought out of you, Master Lorx! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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Hi guys,
I've been thinking about this idea for a while and I'd like to know what you think about it :D
So basically this alternative to drive forms is called Heart-Link (H-Link for short) and allows Sora to dual wield. Now you're probably thinking: that's not possible, in KH3 Sora's going to give Ventus his heart back thus loosing the ability to use a second Keyblade.
Yes that's true and this is actually why I chose with the name Heart-Link, in fact we all know Sora is a special guy who "touches so many hearts" and is capable of creating strong connections with other people and this special "ability" of his is what is actually behind Heart-Links
When Sora uses an H-Link he connects his heart with the hearts of his friends (Riku for example) and borrows some of the friends' power so he becomes stronger and temporary gains the ability of using a second Keyblade.
Okay this was just the theory behind it now let's see what the H-Links really are (just to let you know I imagined them in parallel with drive forms and since I'm lazy :P I'll use for them the same name of drive forms), let's start:
Valor Link: Sora connects his heart with Ventus', the main colors of Sora's clothes now are grey and yellow, this Link focuses on speed and Keyblade attacks, while using it Sora wields the second Keyblade with the reverse grip like Ventus
Wisdom Link: Sora connects his heart with Kairi's, the main colors of Sora's clothes now are red and white, this Link is basically a dual wielding version of the wisdom form from KH2, so magic is boosted but now with two Keyblades Sora can fire many more light projectiles
Limit Link: using this particular Link Sora's clothes change color so they look like his old KH2 outfit and he only uses one Keyblade, Sora fights using a more powerful version of the KH2 combos and he can also use the 4 limits from KH1
Master Link: Sora connects his heart with Riku's, the main colors of Sora's clothes now are blue and grey, this Link both focuses on magic and keyblade power, Sora's fight style becomes a combination of his own and Riku's
Final Link: the strongest Link, Sora connects his heart with all the other 6 Guardians of Light (whoever they will be), the main colors of Sora's clothes now are gold and white, using this Link he wields two Keyblades and both of them are sorrounded by a light shaped like a sword (like Blade Charge but shorter) and he also has 5 more blades of light floating around him (like Wingblade)
and now the last but not the least the Anti Link: this Link triggers randomly when you use H-Links, the idea behind it is that Sora was overwhelmed by his own darkness in DDD and because of this sometimes the darkness in his heart takes temporary control over him when using the H-Link, under the effects of Anti Link Sora's clothes becomes black and his head is covered by the hood (so that his outfit looks like Xehanort's black coat), instead of the Keyblade the Anti Link weapon is a black darkness sword that Sora uses to perform fast but low damaging slashes. Obviously Anti Link doesn't disappear until the H-Link gauge is empty
That's it guys this is my idea to replace drive forms in KH3, let me know if you like it and if you'd like something like this to be in KH3 :D



That actually sounds amazing. Very good theory. Cant see this working with keyblade transformations tho. I think they scrapped the concept of drive forms. Hope you can somehow dual wield though, its too damn badass to not be in the final game.



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That actually sounds amazing. Very good theory. Cant see this working with keyblade transformations tho. I think they scrapped the concept of drive forms. Hope you can somehow dual wield though, its too damn badass to not be in the final game.


Yeah I agree, dual wielding MUST be a thing in KH3 with or without drive forms

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