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Aaron Parthimos

New KHUX and all up new KH world theory

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So after hearing the news of a new KH world never seen before coming to KHUX, I began to think and came up with a little idea that could relate to both either this new world or worlds in kh3.


You see, the medals in KHUX are the powers of the past and future, and all the medals are Disney characters we have met throughout the KH series and other characters from KH and final fantasy.


Although there are a couple whcich we have not seen in any KH game, Jungle Book medals and Zootopia medals.


What I'm getting at is if the medals we use are powers from the future (in the KH world) then eventually jungle book and Zootopia would have to appear like all the characters from all the other medals which already have.


And after the leaked jungle book worlds in KH3D and BBS it could very well be a world in KHUX or KH3. Or it could very well be Zootopia.


Either way I think these two worlds or characters will be in a KH game in the future



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