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If a full length Kingdom Hearts film were made, what would you want it to be based on?

If a full length Kingdom Hearts film were made, what would you want it to be based on?  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. If a full length Kingdom Hearts film were made, what would you want it to be based on?

    • Birth by Sleep
    • Kingdom Hearts
    • Chain of Memories
    • 358/2 Days
    • Kingdom Hearts II
    • Coded
    • Dream Drop Distance
    • I'd love to see and original storyline (Tell us your ideas below)

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If a movie adaption of the first Kingdom Hearts game was to happen, I wouldn't want it in CGI, actually.

I'd actually want it to be a collaboration between Studio Ghibli and Disney. Seeing Sora done in that style would be unique and something new, Donald and Goofy would retain that Disney feel about them. 

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To me, there are two logical courses of action here. One would be to go the FF7:AC rout and make an original story with characters we already know. Or, do an adaptation of Kingdom Hearts: BBS, since its a direct precurser to the main storyline for the KH series.

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Something original would be awesome! Like maybe if it's done after KH3, something to set up the next saga, you know? It would probably be the most ambitious collaborative project between Disney and Square Enix, having an actual licensed movie that ties into the games. That would be so epic!

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Personally, a reboot ala Ratchet and Clank would be the best option. Nomura can still keep the same lore without having poor retcon elements associated with it.

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An original aside adventure. It might have or reveal some plot holes or something but I wouldn´t want it to be TOTALLY mixed with the series, meaning, I wouldn´t want it to be essential to the main storyline. Something to give us a WOW experience that stays there so we can rewatch it whenever we want even if someone was not a fan of the series. Nuff said!





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I don't think a single full-length feature is really enough to fit the storyline of any of these games.


Also with all this talk about KH movies i've gotta ask, don't people consider Back cover to be a KH movie? Cause that's definitely the way I've been looking at it based on the trailer

Edited by Mysterious Figure

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Definitely an original story, either focusing more on Eraqus and Xehanort or otherwise following a new cast of characters.

This. If it were to be a Kingdom Hearts based movie, then I would either like to see something fresh, perhaps events with new characters taking place during the aftermath of the Keyblade War. If not that, then a Xehanort and Eraqus movie. Their backstory would make an interesting film, I think.

Edited by Svard

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