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The Transcendent Key

Regarding Sora And The Heartless...

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Hey there everyone, how's it going!?  So then, I thought about this just now, so please forgive me if this post isn't well thought out! It's been a hell of a while since I posted a theory, and as I just said, I came up with this one just know, though bits and pieces were coming together the past few days, ya know?  Okay, so here goes nothing!


We know that in the Keyblade War, the true Kingdom Hearts was swallowed by the darkness, never to be seen again!  And in said Keyblade War, thousands upon thousands, if not millions of Keyblade Wielders ended up dying, their hearts flowing upward to the sky as their Keyblades rained down below, marking their graves!  Okay, so Kingdom Hearts gets swallowed up, and all these hearts are unleashed...since all these Keyblade Wielders succumbed to the darkness and despair of war, what if they all ended up in the Realm Of Darkness, as Heartless...?


I'm not fully caught up to X, because I want to avoid as many spoilers as possible, and well, I wanna experience everything in Unchained X as freshly as possible, so I may be wrong with what I'm about to mention!  You see, sometime ago, I had read that Keyblade Wielders in X that were too close to the darkness ended up becoming Heartless like these, am I right? 




Okay, so if they end up like this, who's to say they can't transform into other types of Heartless, ya know?  So think about this, and think that all these Heartless that were once Keyblade Wielders roamed the Realm Of Darkness.  Now, come Kingdom Hearts I, and they appear all over the worlds, and Sora obviously kills them!  So in essence, for each Pureblood Heartless that Sora has slain, do you think he's actually killed a once alive Keyblade Wielder?  That'd be pretty sad! (I say Purebloods because Emblem Heartless were artificially created, therefore, there's no way the Keyblade Wielders from X can be Emblem Heartless, ya know?)  And if you think about it, maybe that's a reason for the "SOS" we see the Devil's Wave of Shadows form in the reveal trailer for Kingdom Hearts III!  Somewhere deep inside the mindless minds of these Heartless, there's probably still a very small sliver of light left, a Keyblade Wielder from the Age Of Fairy Tales, pleading for someone to bring them their final rest, so that their ages long agony can end...and Sora's just the chap to do so!  So in essence, it'd be like Sora's their savior, and he probably doesn't even know it!


Like I said, this theory was thought up just now, so I realize it's probably not all that good.  But what do you think? :O

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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with the curreny information we have what you're saying is not possible: dying and becoming a heartless are two completely different things in KH

Keyblade wielders from KHX died in the Keyblade War and even if I'm not sure about where their hearts went (probably in the true Kingdom Hearts), I'm sure they didn't become heartless because their hearts weren't swallowed by the darkness

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I've been saying for a while now that the Realm of Darkness is the remains of when the world was devoured by darkness, and the pureblood Heartless that inhabit the RoD, are the Keyblade wielders who lost their lives.


Dude, this would definitely be awesome!  If this were the case, then that makes things all the more sad, because then the Purebloods would actually be Keyblade Wielders that were alive before, now reduced to nothing more than primal beings of darkness!  It's a tragic tale, and it's only fitting Sora puts them out of their misery! :O


with the curreny information we have what you're saying is not possible: dying and becoming a heartless are two completely different things in KH

Keyblade wielders from KHX died in the Keyblade War and even if I'm not sure about where their hearts went (probably in the true Kingdom Hearts), I'm sure they didn't become heartless because their hearts weren't swallowed by the darkness


Hmm, well, you may have a point on that.  We'll just have to see the story developments of X Back Cover and Unchained X Season 2 to find out more, ya know? Maybe we get to find out what happened to all those Keyblade Wielders that lost their lives in the war! :O

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