faemarch 188 Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) In case anyone's interested, here's a list of all the current Proud Mode quests in KHUx JP. **As NA/International is catching up to JP, this list has been discontinued. The Sleeping Lion Keyblade (mainly upright/speed) is obtained Proud quest no.3, Fantasy Notes (mainly upright/magic) is obtained at Proud quest no.103, Fenrir (mainly upright/power) is obtained after clearing quest no.203. They are upgraded with Electrum. After +25, they are upgraded with Solar Gems. The Darkgnaw Keyblade (mainly reverse/power) is obtained upon clearing quest 328, and is upgraded with Dark Matter instead of Electrum. After +25, Lunar Gems are needed to further upgrade it. The Missing Ache Keyblade (mainly reverse/speed) is obtained upon clearing quest 379, and the Diamond Dust Keyblade (mainly reverse/magic) is obtained upon clearing quest 428. Both are also upgraded with Dark Matter and Lunar Gems. Each quest hands out one Electrum (or Dark Matter, starting from quest 326) for clearing the first challenge objective (defeat all enemies in one turn), the other two objectives (usually defeat X number of heartless, collect at least X Lux, deal at least X damage in one hit, use an ability X number of times, defeat a certain heartless in one turn, pick up all Keyblade materials, equip no more/at least X number of medals in deck, clear within an X amount of time, etc) net you avatar coins and a Duckling, Magic Mirror medal, or another Dark Matter (starting quest 326). **With the addition of a sixth medal slot from the Pet System as of September 21st, 2017, note that "5 Reverse medals equipped" challenge objectives are synonymous with "at least 5 Reverse medals equipped". Quests 1-50: Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability Three Wishes // at least 40% guilt Three Wishes // at least 70% guilt Three Wishes // at least Tier 3 guilt Three Wishes // at least LV100 Three Wishes // Upright medals only Divine Rose // at least LV60 Divine Rose // must have multi-target ability Divine Rose // ability costs at least 3 SP Starlight // at least LV100 Starlight // attack power stat of at least 7500 Starlight // ability strikes no more than 4 times Starlight // ability strikes only 1 time Moogle of Glory // ability costs no more than 2 SP Moogle of Glory // magic medals only Moogle of Glory // attack power stat of at least 7500 Moogle of Glory // at least LV80 Moogle of Glory // at least 5* rarity Treasure Trove // 6* rarity Treasure Trove // at least 3 ability dots Treasure Trove // at least Tier 3 guilt Treasure Trove // must have single-target ability Olympia // ability strikes at least 6 times Olympia // at least Tier 3 guilt Olympia // speed medals only Olympia // Upright medals only Olympia // Reverse medals only Treasure Trove // Upright medals only Treasure Trove // ability costs at least 2 SP Treasure Trove // ability costs at least 3 SP Treasure Trove // ability costs at least 4 SP Lady Luck // 6* rarity Lady Luck // must have single-target ability Lady Luck // ability strikes at least 8 times Lady Luck // attack power stat of at least 8000 Starlight // at least 1% guilt Starlight // Upright medals only Starlight // magic medals only Starlight // ability costs no more than 1 SP Sleeping Lion // 6* rarity Sleeping Lion // must have multi-target ability Sleeping Lion // ability strikes at least 5 times Sleeping Lion // ability strikes at least 8 times Olympia // Upright medals only Olympia // ability costs at least 2 SP Olympia // ability costs at least 3 SP Olympia // ability strikes at least 6 times Moogle of Glory // magic medals only Moogle of Glory // at least 90% guilt Moogle of Glory // Reverse medals only Moogle of Glory // ability costs at least 3 SP Quests 51-100: Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability 51. Treasure Trove // 6* rarity 52. Treasure Trove // at least 1% guilt 53. Treasure Trove // must have multi-target ability 54. Starlight // LV100 only 55. Starlight // ability costs at least 2 SP 56. Starlight // Upright only 57. Lady Luck // at least Tier 3 guilt 58. Lady Luck // 6* rarity 59. Lady Luck // at least 50% guilt 60. Treasure Trove // 6* rarity 61. Treasure Trove // must have single-target ability 62. Treasure Trove // at least 1% guilt 63. Treasure Trove // ability costs no more than 2 SP 64. Moogle of Glory // LV100 only 65. Moogle of Glory // 6* rarity 66. Moogle of Glory // ability strikes at least 3 times 67. Lady Luck // medal attack stat of at least 8000 68. Lady Luck // medal defense stat of at least 8000 69. Lady Luck // LV100 only 70. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 1 SP 71. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 2 SP 72. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 3 SP 73. Divine Rose // 6* rarity 74. Divine Rose // at least 1% guilt 75. Olympia // 6* rarity 76. Olympia // LV100 only 77. Olympia // medal ability strikes at least 11 times 78. Olympia // medal ability strikes no more than 8 times 79. Olympia // medal ability strikes no more than 2 times 80. Treasure Trove // at least Tier 3 guilt 81. Treasure Trove // 6* rarity 82. Treasure Trove // ability costs no more than 2 SP 83. Treasure Trove // ability costs no more than 2 SP 84. Treasure Trove // must have multi-target ability 85. Three Wishes // medal ability strikes no more than 11 times 86. Three Wishes // medal ability strikes no more than 6 times 87. Three Wishes // Reverse only 88. Three Wishes // ability costs no more than 2 SP 89. Three Wishes // medal defense stat of at least 8000 90. Sleeping Lion // 6* rarity 91. Sleeping Lion // at least Tier 3 guilt 92. Sleeping Lion // at least 1% guilt 93. Sleeping Lion // at least 75% guilt 94. Olympia // ability costs at least 2 SP 95. Olympia // ability costs at least 3 SP 96. Olympia // ability strikes no more than 11 times 97. Olympia // ability strikes no more than 3 times 98. Divine Rose // must have multi-target ability 99. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 3 SP 100. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 2 SP Quests 101-150: Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use ability 101. Divine Rose // ability strikes no more than 6 times 102. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 2 SP 103. Sleeping Lion // medal defense stat of at least 8000 104. Sleeping Lion // Tier 3 guilt and under only 105. Sleeping Lion // must have single-target ability 106. Lady Luck // at least 90% guilt 107. Lady Luck // must have multi-target ability 108. Lady Luck // Reverse medals only 109. Olympia // ability costs at least 4 SP 110. Olympia // ability costs exactly 3 SP 111. Olympia // Upright medals only 112. Olympia // ability strikes exactly 3 times 113. Olympia // ability costs no more than 1 SP 114. Olympia // ability strikes at least 6 times 115. Divine Rose // Upright medals only 116. Divine Rose // must have single-target ability 117. Divine Rose // medal attack stat of at least 8200 118. Divine Rose // ability costs exactly 2 SP 119. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 3 SP 120. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 4 SP 121. Lady Luck // ability strikes only once 122. Lady Luck // Reverse medals only 123. Lady Luck // at least 1% guilt 124. Lady Luck // must have single-target ability 125. Moogle of Glory // must have multi-target ability 126. Moogle of Glory // ability costs at least 4 SP 127. Moogle of Glory // ability costs at least 5 SP 128. Moogle of Glory // Upright medals only 129. Three Wishes // Tier 3 guilt and under only 130. Three Wishes // must have single-target ability 131. Three Wishes // ability strikes at least 4 times 132. Three Wishes // ability strikes at least 7 times 133. Sleeping Lion // ability strikes no more than 3 times 134. Sleeping Lion // ability strikes no more than 7 times 135. Divine Rose // Reverse medals only 136. Divine Rose // must have single-target ability 137. Moogle of Glory // ability costs at least 2 SP 138. Moogle of Glory // ability costs at least 3 SP 139. Treasure Trove // must have single-target ability 140. Treasure Trove // Tier 3 guilt only 141. Treasure Trove // ability costs at least 4 SP 142. Starlight // must have multi-target ability 143. Starlight // ability costs no more than 1 SP 144. Fantasy Notes // ability costs at least 2 SP 145. Fantasy Notes // must have multi-target ability 146. Fantasy Notes // ability costs no more than 2 SP 147. Sleeping Lion // medal attack stat of at least 8150 148. Sleeping Lion // medal defense stat of at least 8000 149. Lady Luck // ability strikes no more than 2 times 150. Lady Luck // ability strikes only once Quests 151-200: Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use ability 151. Lady Luck // ability costs no more than 1 SP 152. Treasure Trove // ability strikes only once 153. Treasure Trove // Reverse medals only 154. Moogle of Glory // medal defense stat of at least 8000 155. Moogle of Glory // medal defense stat of at least 8100 156. Moogle of Glory // must have multi-target ability 157. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 3 SP 158. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 4 SP 159. Three Wishes // must have multi-target ability 160. Three Wishes // ability strikes at least 8 times 161. Lady Luck // ability strikes no more than 5 times 162. Lady Luck // ability strikes no more than 3 times 163. Divine Rose // must have multi-target ability 164. Divine Rose // Reverse medals only 165. Divine Rose // ability strikes no more than 5 times 166. Olympia // ability costs no more than 1 SP 167. Olympia // must have single-target ability 168. Olympia // Tier 3 guilt only 169. Treasure Trove // Upright medals only 170. Treasure Trove // Reverse medals only 171. Treasure Trove // ability costs exactly 3 SP 172. Starlight // must have multi-target ability 173. Starlight // medal attack stat of at least 8100 174. Starlight // medal defense stat of at least 8100 175. Starlight // ability strikes no more than 5 times 176. Sleeping Lion // ability strikes no more than 3 times 177. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 2 SP 178. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 1 SP 179. Sleeping Lion // ability strikes at least 6 times 180. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 2 SP 181. Divine Rose // medal attack stat of at least 8150 182. Divine Rose // must have multi-target ability 183. Treasure Trove // ability strikes only once 184. Treasure Trove // must have single-target ability 185. Treasure Trove // at least 80% guilt 186. Olympia // ability costs at least 3 SP 187. Olympia // ability strikes at least 10 times 188. Olympia // ability costs exactly 1 SP 189. Three Wishes // Tier 3 guilt only 190. Three Wishes // Reverse medals only 191. Three Wishes // Upright medals only 192. Fantasy Notes // ability strikes no more than 3 times 193. Fantasy Notes // Upright medals only 194. Fantasy Notes // ability costs no more than 2 SP 195. Lady Luck // Reverse medals only 196. Lady Luck // Tier 3 guilt and under only 197. Lady Luck // must have single-target ability 198. Sleeping Lion // ability costs no more than 1 SP 199. Sleeping Lion // medal attack stat of at least 8100 200. Sleeping Lion // medal attack stat of at least 8200 Quests 201-250: Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use ability 201. Olympia // must have multi-target ability 202. Olympia // ability costs no more than 1 SP 203. Olympia // Upright medals only 204. Starlight // must have single-target ability 205. Starlight // Upright medals only 206. Divine Rose // ability strikes no more than 2 times 207. Divine Rose // medal attack stat of at least 8150 208. Divine Rose // at least 85% guilt 209. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 3 SP 210. Divine Rose // ability strikes at least 5 times 211. Starlight // ability strikes at least 2 times 212. Starlight // ability costs no more than 1 SP 213. Starlight // ability costs no more than 2 SP 214. Starlight // ability costs no more than 3 SP 215. Starlight // Speed medals only 216. Stroke of Midnight // must have single-target ability 217. Stroke of Midnight // ability strikes only once 218. Moogle of Glory // must have single-target ability 219. Moogle of Glory // at least 90% guilt 220. Moogle of Glory // ability costs exactly 2 SP 221. Fantasy Notes // must have multi-target ability 222. Fantasy Notes // ability costs at least 4 SP 223. Fantasy Notes // ability strikes no more than 3 times 224. Fantasy Notes // must have single-target ability 225. Fantasy Notes // ability strikes at least 6 times 226. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 1 SP 227. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 2 SP 228. Sleeping Lion // ability strikes no more than 4 times 229. Lady Luck // must have single-target ability 230. Lady Luck // ability strikes at least 8 times 231. Olympia // must have single-target ability 232. Olympia // ability costs exactly 2 SP 233. Olympia // Upright medals only 234. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs at least 3 SP 235. Stroke of Midnight // ability strikes at least 7 times 236. Stroke of Midnight // must have single-target ability 237. Lady Luck // must have multi-target ability 238. Lady Luck // must have single-target ability 239. Lady Luck // ability costs no more than 2 SP 240. Fenrir // Upright medals only 241. Fenrir // must have multi-target ability 242. Moogle of Glory // Reverse medals only 243. Moogle of Glory // ability costs exactly 3 SP 244. Starlight // ability strikes no more than 3 times 245. Starlight // ability costs at least 3 SP 246. Olympia // ability costs at least 3 SP 247. Olympia // must have single-target ability 248. Olympia // ability costs no more than 1 SP 249. Fenrir // ability strikes at least 2 times 250. Fenrir // ability costs no more than 2 SP Quests 251-300: Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability 251. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs exactly 1 SP 252. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs exactly 3 SP 253. Three Wishes // Reverse medals only 254. Three Wishes // ability strikes no more than 3 times 255. Three Wishes // must have single-target ability 256. Starlight // Upright medals only 257. Starlight // ability strikes at least 2 times 258. Starlight // ability costs no more than 1 SP 259. Olympia // Upright medals only 260. Olympia // medal attack stat of at least 8200 261. Olympia // Power medals only 262. Divine Rose // Magic medals only 263. Divine Rose // ability strikes at least 7 times 264. Divine Rose // ability costs no more than 1 SP 265. Lady Luck // medal defense stat of at least 8100 266. Lady Luck // ability costs at least 0 SP 267. Fenrir // must have multi-target ability 268. Fenrir // ability costs no more than 2 SP 269. Stroke of Midnight // ability strikes only once 270. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs at least 3 SP 271. Stroke of Midnight // medal attack stat of at least 8150 272. Starlight // Upright medals only 273. Starlight // ability strikes at least 7 times 274. Moogle of Glory // must have multi-target ability 275. Moogle of Glory // ability costs no more than 2 SP 276. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 3 SP 277. Three Wishes // ability costs exactly 3 SP 278. Three Wishes // Reverse medals only 279. Fantasy Notes // must have multi-target ability 280. Fantasy Notes // ability costs no more than 1 SP 281. Fantasy Notes // ability strikes at least 2 times 282. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 3 SP 283. Sleeping Lion // Upright medals only 284. Sleeping Lion // ability strikes at least 7 times 285. Moogle of Glory // ability costs no more than 2 SP 286. Moogle of Glory // ability costs no more than 1 SP 287. Treasure Trove // ability costs at least 4 SP 288. Treasure Trove // ability strikes no more than 3 times 289. Treasure Trove // Reverse medals only 290. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs no more than 1 SP 291. Stroke of Midnight // ability strikes at least 5 times 292. Lady Luck // must have multi-target ability 293. Lady Luck // must have single-target ability 294. Lady Luck // medal attack stat of at least 8150 295. Fenrir // ability costs exactly 2 SP 296. Fenrir // ability strikes at least 7 times 297. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 3 SP 298. Three Wishes // must have single-target ability 299. Sleeping Lion // medal attack stat of at least 8150 300. Sleeping Lion // ability costs at least 3 SP Quests 301-325 (rewards Magic Mirrors instead of Electrum): Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability 301. Three Wishes // must have random-target ability 302. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 4 SP 303. Three Wishes // Tier 3 Guilt and under only 304. Three Wishes // ability costs 0 SP 305. Lady Luck // must have single-target ability 306. Lady Luck // Reverse medals only 307. Lady Luck // ability costs exactly 4 SP 308. Treasure Trove // must have single-target ability 309. Treasure Trove // ability costs exactly 1 SP 310. Treasure Trove // must have single-target ability 311. Stroke of Midnight // Magic medals only 312. Stroke of Midnight // Power medals only 313. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs no more than 1 SP 314. Stroke of Midnight // must have single-target ability 315. Sleeping Lion // Reverse medals only 316. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 2 SP 317. Sleeping Lion // medal attack stat of at least 8200 318. Fenrir // must have single-target ability 319. Fenrir // ability costs at least 3 SP 320. Fenrir // ability costs at least 4 SP 321. Fantasy Notes // ability costs no more than 1 SP 322. Fantasy Notes // ability strikes no more than 3 times 323. Fantasy Notes // must have multi-target ability 324. Starlight // Speed medals only 325. Starlight // must have single-target ability Quests 326-350 (rewards Dark Matter materials instead of Electrum, two per quest): Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Dark Matter 326. Divine Rose // ability costs exactly 1 SP // no more than 3 medals equipped in deck 327. Moogle of Glory // must have single-target ability // equip only Power medals in deck 328. Moogle of Glory // Reverse medals only // no more then 2 medals equipped in deck 329. Stroke of Midnight // must have random-target ability // no more than 3 medals equipped in deck 330. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs exactly 3 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 331. Three Wishes // Reverse medals only // deal at least 40,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 332. Three Wishes // ability costs exactly 0 SP // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 333. Fantasy Notes // Reverse medals only // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 334. Fantasy Notes // ability costs at least 4 SP // use a medal's ability at least 7 times 335. Lady Luck // ability strikes at least 10 times // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 336. Lady Luck // ability costs at least 3 SP // clear within 40 seconds 337. Lady Luck // Upright medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 338. Treasure Trove // ability costs exactly 1 SP // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 339. Treasure Trove // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 340. Fenrir // must have multi-target ability // clear within 40 seconds 341. Fenrir // Reverse medals only // use a medal's ability no more than 1 time 342. Starlight // Upright medals only // clear within 20 seconds 343. Starlight // Magic medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 344. Fantasy Notes // ability costs no more than 1 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 345. Fantasy Notes // ability costs exactly 2 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 346. Olympia // ability costs at least 3 SP // deal at least 40,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 347. Olympia // Upright medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 348. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 1 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 349. Sleeping Lion // ability costs at least 4 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 350. Sleeping Lion // Reverse medals only // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck Quests 351-375 (rewards Dark Matter materials instead of Electrum, two per quest): Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Dark Matter 351. Darkgnaw // ability costs at least 2 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 352. Darkgnaw // ability costs no more than 2 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 353. Darkgnaw // must have multi-target ability // use a special ability no more than 3 times 354. Fenrir // ability costs at least 3 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 355. Fenrir // ability strikes at least 9 times // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 356. Fenrir // ability costs no more than 2 SP // use a special ability no more than 5 times 357. Fenrir // must have single-target ability // no more than 3 medals equipped in deck 358. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 3 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 359. Three Wishes // Upright medals only // use a special ability no more than 3 times 360. Three Wishes // must have single-target ability // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 361. Fantasy Notes // ability costs exactly 1 SP // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 362. Fantasy Notes // must have multi-target ability // use a special ability no more than 1 time 363. Fantasy Notes // ability strikes at least 9 times // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 364. Lady Luck // Reverse medals only // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count)365. Lady Luck // ability costs no more than 2 SP // clear within 50 seconds 366. Lady Luck // ability strikes at least 9 times // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 367. Sleeping Lion // must have multi-target ability // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 368. Sleeping Lion // ability costs exactly 2 SP // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 369. Sleeping Lion // ability costs no more than 1 SP // use a special ability no more than 2 times 370. Treasure Trove // Reverse medals only // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 371. Treasure Trove // ability strikes at least 9 times // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 372. Treasure Trove // Upright medals only // clear within 50 seconds 373. Darkgnaw // ability costs at least 2 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 374. Darkgnaw // must have single-target ability // clear within 50 seconds 375. Darkgnaw // ability strikes no more than 6 times // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck Quests 376-400 (rewards Dark Matter materials instead of Electrum, two per quest): Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Dark Matter 376. Olympia // ability costs no more than 1 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 377. Olympia // ability strikes at least 7 times // use a special ability no more than 3 times 378. Sleeping Lion // must have single-target ability // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 379. Sleeping Lion // ability costs no more than 1 SP // use a special ability no more than 3 times 380. Stroke of Midnight // Magic medals only // at least 4 Reverse medals equipped in deck 381. Stroke of Midnight // Upright medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 382. Starlight // must have multi-target ability // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 383. Starlight // ability costs at least 2 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 384. Darkgnaw // ability costs at least 2 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 385. Darkgnaw // must have multi-target ability // at least 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 386. Darkgnaw // ability strikes no more than 8 times // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 387. Moogle of Glory // must have random-target ability // at least 4 Reverse medals equipped in deck 388. Moogle of Glory // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 389. Fantasy Notes // ability costs at least 3 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 390. Fantasy Notes // ability costs exactly 1 SP // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 391. Three Wishes // Upright medals only // clear within 50 seconds 392. Three Wishes // ability costs at least 3 SP // use a special ability no more than 3 times 393. Three Wishes // must have single-target ability // use a special ability no more than 1 time 394. Missing Ache // ability costs at least 2 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 395. Missing Ache // must have multi-target ability // use a special ability no more than 1 time 396. Missing Ache // must have single-target ability // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 397. Missing Ache // Reverse medals only // use a special ability no more than 1 time 398. Missing Ache // ability costs at least 3 SP // deal at least 20,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 399. Fenrir // ability costs exactly 0 SP // clear within 20 seconds 400. Fenrir // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck Quests 401-425 (rewards Dark Matter materials instead of Electrum, two per quest): Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Dark Matter 401. Fenrir // must have single-target ability // at least 4 Reverse medals equipped 402. Fenrir // ability costs at least 3 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 403. Stroke of Midnight // ability costs no more than 1 SP // equip only Magic medals 404. Stroke of Midnight // must have single-target ability // at least 4 Reverse medals equipped 405. Stroke of Midnight // Upright medals only // clear within 30 seconds 406. Moogle of Glory // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped 407. Moogle of Glory // ability costs 0 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped 408. Moogle of Glory // must have random-target ability // no more than 4 medals equipped 409. Sleeping Lion // ability costs at least 2 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped 410. Sleeping Lion // ability hits no more than 4 times // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 411. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 3 SP // use an ability no more than 1 time 412. Divine Rose // ability hits at least 10 times // equip only Magic medals 413. Divine Rose // must have single-target ability // no more than 2 medals equipped 414. Olympia // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped 415. Olympia // ability costs at least 4 SP // use an ability no more than 2 times 416. Darkgnaw // must have multi-target ability // 5 Upright medals equipped 417. Darkgnaw // ability costs at least 3 SP // use an ability no more than 1 time 418. Darkgnaw // ability hits at least 2 times // no more than 2 medals equipped 419. Starlight // ability costs at least 4 SP // use an ability at least 6 times 420. Starlight // must have random-target ability // use an ability no more than 1 time 421. Fantasy Notes // ability costs exactly 3 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped 422. Fantasy Notes // must have multi-target ability // deal at least 50,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 423. Fantasy Notes // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped 424. Missing Ache // ability hits only 1 time // clear within 75 seconds 425. Missing Ache // Upright medals only // use an ability no more than 2 times Quests 426-450 (rewards Dark Matter materials instead of Electrum, two per quest) Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Dark Matter 426. Fenrir // ability costs at least 4 SP // use an ability at least 6 times 427. Fenrir // must have single-target ability // use an ability no more than 2 times 428. Fenrir // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 429. Darkgnaw // ability costs no more than 2 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 430. Darkgnaw // ability hits only once // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 431. Darkgnaw // must have single-target ability // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 432. Fantasy Notes // must have single-target ability // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 433. Fantasy Notes // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 434. Moogle of Glory // ability costs exactly 2 SP // use an ability no more than 1 time 435. Moogle of Glory // Upright medals only // clear within 23 seconds 436. Diamond Dust // ability costs at least 2 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 437. Diamond Dust // must have single-target ability // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 438. Sleeping Lion // ability costs at least 5 SP // use an ability at least 3 times 439. Sleeping Lion // must have single-target ability // at least 4 Reverse medals equipped 440. Sleeping Lion // must have random-target ability // use an ability at least 10 times 441. Missing Ache // must have multi-target ability // at least 4 Upright medals equipped in deck 442. Missing Ache // ability hits no more than 4 times // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 443. Missing Ache // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 444. Fairy Stars // must have multi-target ability // clear within 18 seconds 445. Fairy Stars // ability costs 0 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 446. Fairy Stars // ability costs at least 3 SP // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 447. Darkgnaw // ability costs at least 3 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 448. Darkgnaw // Upright medals only // clear within 15 seconds 449. Darkgnaw // ability hits at least 10 times // use an ability no more than 1 time 450. Diamond Dust // ability costs at least 4 SP // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) Quests 451-475 (rewards Magic Mirrors instead of Dark Matter, two per quest) Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Magic Mirror 451. Fantasy Notes // must have single-target ability // defeat the Hammer Body in one turn 452. Fantasy Notes // ability hits at least 10 times // 5 Reverse medals equipped 453. Fantasy Notes // ability costs at least 4 SP // clear within 25 seconds 454. Fairy Stars // must have multi-target ability // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 455. Fairy Stars // must have single-target ability // clear within 20 seconds 456. Fairy Stars // Speed medals only // defeat the Noisy Wardrobe in one turn 457. Divine Rose // Speed medals only // use an ability no more than 1 time 458. Divine Rose // must have single-target ability // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 459. Moogle of Glory // Power medals only // clear within 20 seconds 460. Moogle of Glory // ability costs at least 4 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 461. Olympia // Power medals only // defeat the Aiming Cannon in one turn 462. Olympia // Upright medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 463. Olympia // ability hits at least 10 times // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 464. Diamond Dust // ability costs at least 2 SP // use an ability at least 5 times 465. Diamond Dust // ability hits no more than 4 times // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 466. Diamond Dust // Reverse medals only // defeat the Hammer Body in one turn 467. Sleeping Lion // ability hits at least 10 times // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 468. Sleeping Lion // ability hits only 1 time // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 469. Missing Ache // ability costs at least 2 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 470. Missing Ache // ability costs at least 4 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 471. Fenrir // Reverse medals only // defeat the Invisible in one turn 472. Fenrir // ability hits at least 10 times // use an ability at least 10 times 473. Darkgnaw // must have single-target ability // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 474. Darkgnaw // Upright medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 475. Diamond Dust // must have single-target ability // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck Quests 476-500 (rewards Dark Matter instead of Electrum, two per quest) Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second Dark Matter 476. Diamond Dust // ability hits at least 5 times // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 477. Diamond Dust // Upright medals only // clear within 25 seconds 478. Darkgnaw // ability costs no more than 1 SP // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 479. Darkgnaw // ability hits at least 5 times // use an ability no more than 3 times 480. Darkgnaw // must have single-target ability // clear within 30 seconds 481. Darkgnaw // ability costs no more than 1 SP // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 482. Missing Ache // ability costs exactly 2 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 483. Missing Ache // must have multi-target ability // clear within 20 seconds 484. Missing Ache // ability costs at least 3 SP // use an ability no more than 1 time 485. Fairy Stars // Power medals only // clear within 17 seconds 486. Fairy Stars // Reverse medals only // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 487. Fairy Stars // must have random-target ability // clear within 15 seconds 488. Divine Rose // Speed medals only // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 489. Divine Rose // must have single-target ability // clear within 60 seconds 490. Divine Rose // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 491. Starlight // ability costs exactly 3 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 492. Starlight // must have random-target ability // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 493. Starlight // ability costs no more than 1 SP // use an ability no more than 1 time 494. Moogle of Glory // Power medals only // 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 495. Moogle of Glory // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 496. Moogle of Glory // must have random-target ability // use an ability no more than 1 time 497. Stroke of Midnight // must have single-target ability // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 498. Stroke of Midnight // Magic medals only // deal at least 80,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 499. Stroke of Midnight // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 500. Olympia // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck Quests 501-525 (rewards Mirrors and Gems--2x Power, 2x Speed, 1 Magic--instead of Dark Matter) Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second reward 501. Olympia // ability costs at least 4 SP // use an ability no more than 2 times 502. Olympia // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 503. Darkgnaw // must have multi-target ability // use an ability no more than 2 times 504. Darkgnaw // Upright medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 505. Sleeping Lion // ability hits at least 10 times // use an ability no more than 1 time 506. Sleeping Lion // ability costs at least 4 SP // use an ability at least 4 times 507. Sleeping Lion // ability hits no more than 4 times // clear within 20 seconds 508. Missing Ache // ability costs at least 3 SP // clear within 16 seconds 509. Missing Ache // Reverse medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 510. Diamond Dust // must have single-target ability // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 511. Diamond Dust // ability costs no more than 1 SP // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 512. Diamond Dust // Reverse medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 513. Stroke of Midnight // must have random-target ability // clear within 15 seconds 514. Stroke of Midnight // Upright medals only // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 515. Fenrir // ability costs at least 3 SP // use an ability at least 8 times 516. Fenrir // Reverse medals only // use an ability no more than 1 time 517. Fairy Stars // Upright medals only // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 518. Fairy Stars // Power medals only // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 519. Fairy Stars // must have random-target ability // use an ability at least 8 times 520. Starlight // ability costs no more than 2 SP // use an ability no more than 1 time 521. Starlight // Speed medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 522. Starlight // ability hits at least 10 times // use an ability at least 10 times 523. Divine Rose // must have multi-target ability // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 524. Divine Rose // must have single-target ability // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 525. Divine Rose // Speed medals only // 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck Quests 526-550 (rewards Mirrors and Gems--2x Power, 2x Magic, 1 Speed--instead of Dark Matter) Quest // Required Keyblade // Medal requirement to use special ability // challenge objective for second reward 526. Darkgnaw // ability costs exactly 2 SP // at least 4 Upright medals equipped in deck 527. Darkgnaw // Upright medals only // use an ability no more than 3 times 528. Darkgnaw // must have single-target ability // at least 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 529. Missing Ache // must have single-target ability // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 530. Missing Ache // ability costs no more than 1 SP // clear within 16 seonds 531. Missing Ache // Upright medals only // clear within 14 seconds 532. Diamond Dust // ability hits no more than 4 times // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 533. Diamond Dust // must have random-target ability // no more than 3 medals equipped in deck 534. Diamond Dust // ability costs at least 3 SP // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck 535. Fenrir // must have multi-target ability // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 536. Fenrir // Reverse medals only // at leasts 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 537. Fenrir // ability hits at least 10 times // use an ability no more than 3 times 538. Sleeping Lion // must have random-target ability // at least 5 Upright medals equipped in deck 539. Sleeping Lion // ability costs at least 4 SP // use an ability at least 6 times 540. Sleeping Lion // Reverse medals only // clear within 45 seconds 541. Fantasy Notes // ability costs no more than 1 SP // no more than 1 medal equipped in deck 542. Fantasy Notes // ability hits no more than 4 times // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 543. Fantasy Notes // Reverse medals only // at least 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 544. Olympia // ability costs at least 3 SP // no more than 3 medals equipped in deck 545. Olympia // ability costs at least 5 SP // use an ability at least 9 times 546. Divine Rose // Upright medals only // no more than 3 medals equipped in deck 547. Divine Rose // Reverse medals only // at least 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 548. Divine Rose // ability hits no more than 4 times // deal at least 100,000 damage in one hit (Burst damage does not count) 549. Divine Rose // ability costs at least 5 SP // at least 5 Reverse medals equipped in deck 550. Moogle of Glory // Upright medals only // no more than 2 medals equipped in deck Quests 551-575 (rewards Mirrors and Gems--1x Power, 2x Magic, 2x Speed--instead of Dark Matter) **Will be updated when possible [9/26/16 JST Update] Proud+ quests have been added to the Power/Speed/Magic challenge event quests. Each one features LV400+ enemies, and the first objective of each Proud+ quest yields one Solar Gem, which is needed to upgrade Sleeping Lion, Fantasy Notes, and Fenrir after +25. Edited June 11, 2018 by faemarch no.129, 300 fixed. 5 Danielquori, ErnestSig, plushbeautyspa and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isamu Kuno 2,512 Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) Fantasy Notes? I havn't heard of that one. You got a pic? Edit: NVM, I just looked it up. I know it as Counterpoint Edited August 28, 2016 by Isamu Kuno Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catmaster0116 2,676 Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) Fantasy Notes? I havn't heard of that one. You got a pic? Its the KHUx equivalent of Counterpoint from KH3D I'm currently making 3D model out of these babies here is the KH3D version Edited August 28, 2016 by catmaster0116 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isamu Kuno 2,512 Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) I wish we got the aura in Ux. I also wish we had upgrades 2 and 4. Edited August 28, 2016 by Isamu Kuno Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ferrox 12 Posted August 28, 2016 (edited) Even though you can figure out most of them by guessing and thinking, thank you so much for this list. I'm stuck at 41.. It sucks lol Edited August 28, 2016 by Ferrox Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sonicshadowsilver2 11 Posted September 3, 2016 So I just got to Proud Quest 129, it uses Three Wishes instead of Moogle of Glory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ajddavid452 310 Posted September 26, 2016 I think Critical is a better name than Proud+ or maybe Critical Mode would be like Lv. 700 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsumigami 47 Posted September 27, 2016 I think Critical is a better name than Proud+ or maybe Critical Mode would be like Lv. 700 it's not hard 1-turning proud+. compared to colloseum 400ish rounds and on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faemarch 188 Posted September 29, 2016 (edited) I've cleared the new Proud quests and updated the list to include quests 151-200, and here's +25 Fantasy Notes' stats: I think Critical is a better name than Proud+ or maybe Critical Mode would be like Lv. 700 It's tough enough defeating the LV400 enemies, I don't think I want to imagine a LV700 enemy, haha. Unless you're using a defensive deck against them, but that's also not very easy to pull off against the LV400s @_@; Edited September 29, 2016 by faemarch Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevin Ngo 0 Posted October 28, 2016 *waits for 200-250 * lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sonicshadowsilver2 11 Posted November 29, 2016 Quest 300's Rule is "ability costs at least 3 SP". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faemarch 188 Posted November 29, 2016 (edited) Quest 300's Rule is "ability costs at least 3 SP". Thank you, fixed it. (Weird, I could've sworn it was single target, I must've been tired... :tongue: ) Edited November 29, 2016 by faemarch Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hikari Sykes 0 Posted July 3, 2017 Thanks you so much for this post. I was able to get to quest 450 thanks to it :biggrin: , you are doing a remarkable work! Looking forward your update for quests 451-475!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites