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Video Just A Dream (Kingdom Hearts GMV)

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I love this! I love how it tells so many different stories in one! The way the clips are synchronized have such emotional impact with the song... the Xion parts actually had me close to tears.


Also I LOVE that you used the version of this song with Christina! <3 <3 May that beautiful voice rest in peace!

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I love this! I love how it tells so many different stories in one! The way the clips are synchronized have such emotional impact with the song... the Xion parts actually had me close to tears.


Also I LOVE that you used the version of this song with Christina! <3 <3 May that beautiful voice rest in peace!

Aww thanks a bunch! So happy to read that comment :D

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What program did you use? It looks really good.

And is that the Sam Tsui cover? I thought that got taken down due to the...what happened.


Thanks man! :D I used Sony Vegas Pro 12, that's really good.

And yes it is, but I don't know if it was taken down at one point or not, it's still on youtube.

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Thanks man! :D I used Sony Vegas Pro 12, that's really good.

And yes it is, but I don't know if it was taken down at one point or not, it's still on youtube.

Sony Vegas is great..wish I had it. 


I THOUGHT it was, out of respect, but fans reuploaded it. 

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Dude, you make some really awesome GMV's, I gotta give you kudos for this!  This was excellently well done, and I think that the part that gave me the most goosebumps was at the very beginning, when the characters voices were echoing, and their faces filled with sorrow were presented on screen!  Well done, man! :D

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Dude, you make some really awesome GMV's, I gotta give you kudos for this!  This was excellently well done, and I think that the part that gave me the most goosebumps was at the very beginning, when the characters voices were echoing, and their faces filled with sorrow were presented on screen!  Well done, man! :D

Thanks a bunch man! I really appreciate it :D And agreed, the beginning is my favorite part too xD Since the instrumental beginning of the song is so long I thought some voice clips would fit there :)

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Thanks a bunch man! I really appreciate it :D And agreed, the beginning is my favorite part too xD Since the instrumental beginning of the song is so long I thought some voice clips would fit there :)


You're welcome!  Good work needs to be complimented! :D  But yeah, you fit that instrumental part well with the voice clips!  Excellent work, man! :D

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