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Alright, so you've probably heard theories about Naminé probably being able to wield a Keyblade. If not, the gist of it is that since she's the Nobody of Kairi (a keyblade wielder), by this Nomuralogic she should be able to just like Roxas. I know that Xemnas, the Nobody of Xehanort, wasn't wielding one but Nomura has stated that he might've been intentionally not wielding one. Anyways, if this possibility does come true I'm hoping her outfit will be the one she sported in the late Monty Oum's creation Dead Fantasy as I think it would be a nice tribute to him. :) Plus she looks sooooooo epic and hot! Even though it just looks like she traded her sandals for boots and her sketchbook for a keyblade lol




I take no credit for this. It's just to get my point across.



And I don't give a crap if this has been mentioned before here or even somewhere else on the interwebs. I've never seen anyone mention this idea before so I'm putting it out there.



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she'll probably have some sort of prevalent role in KHIII. Her existence is still a major mystery, and besides that, her whole encounter with the Lingering Will is a pretty big plot point. It'd be weird if they didn't address it in III in some way or form. 

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Alright, so you've probably heard theories about Naminé probably being able to wield a Keyblade. If not, the gist of it is that since she's the Nobody of Kairi (a keyblade wielder), by this Nomuralogic she should be able to just like Roxas. I know that Xemnas, the Nobody of Xehanort, wasn't wielding one but Nomura has stated that he might've been intentionally not wielding one. Anyways, if this possibility does come true I'm hoping her outfit will be the one she sported in the late Monty Oum's creation Dead Fantasy as I think it would be a nice tribute to him. :) Plus she looks sooooooo epic and hot! Even though it just looks like she traded her sandals for boots and her sketchbook for a keyblade lol




I take no credit for this. It's just to get my point across.



And I don't give a crap if this has been mentioned before here or even somewhere else on the interwebs. I've never seen anyone mention this idea before so I'm putting it out there.



yes wish we can see this in the game. i love how namine control those keyblades(?) in mounty oum's dead fantasy. similar to ventus's wingblade. 

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yes wish we can see this in the game. i love how namine control those keyblades(?) in mounty oum's dead fantasy. similar to ventus's wingblade. 


Now that you mention it, yeah it is a lot like Wingblade xD I think Naminé's (and Roxas') blonde hair does come from Ventus so it even furthers that parallel.



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Yeah, that would be pretty cool if she did end up wielding a Keyblade!  And good God, if her skills would be anything like the Dead Fantasy rendition of her, then holy dang, Namine would be a force to be reckoned with! :D


In the end, well, who knows?  We'll just have to wait and see! :3

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